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June 6th, 2013

[info]peggy_carter in [info]mandalus

[Action] Checking up on Stark Tower (Backdated to the day after Tony/Pepper left)

Peggy wasn't willing to let things fall into disrepair and there was more than a little curiosity about her adopted nephew and his lady friend. She had only just begun to get to know them and now they were gone. The Stark Tower they left behind was part of them and for her that meant a connection to them.

She arrived and it was without doubt an impressive edifice, she had to smirk as it was just so..Stark. She paused a moment at the doors, wondering if she would even be able to get inside. No on way to know until she tried, so she stepped up to the doors and pulled.

[info]ironmanic in [info]mandalus

013; video

[Tony is back and he is angry. It's been a terrible last couple of days at home and now, when it's finally all over, he's back in Mandalus, tired and hurt and most importantly, without Pepper. When he can't find her anywhere in the address book on his phone (this damn crappy phone again), he doesn't hesitate to start up a video feed to give the System a piece of his mind. His face is bleeding and his hoodie's all torn up and he's positively furious right now.]

Okay, you little shits, listen up. Entity or Praenuntius or whoever's not dead since I was last here. This is probably all a big joke to you, haha real funny, I know. I don't even care that I'm back, because honestly, I'm surprised I even got out in the first place. But not now, Jesus, not right now, I need to go back and -

[He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, and it obviously doesn't work.] Just send me back long enough to fix Pepper and we'll be good, I'll owe you a solid or whatever. I'll fight in your stupid war without complaining. [Any more than he usually does.

Another inhale as he rubs a hand over his face and accidentally smears blood along his forehead.]
I know you can hear me, you bastards, so just - just do it, okay. You know where to find me.

(ooc; Tony's been canon updated to the end of IM3 and boy is he unhappy. Let me know if you want me to avoid major spoilers in our threads.)