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May 29th, 2013

[info]foretelltheend in [info]mandalus

mass video broadcast | change of reality

[All across the city, no matter whether the phones are powered on or not, all the devices come alive to the sight of the hooded seer, seated against the glass wall on the inside of the Central Building. His hood isn't concealing his face as much as he would like and the obvious pain on his face is something quite unsettling, given the dead-eye stare.]

The walls come falling around us, 'tis unstoppable, and the universe shall come spilling through. Naught can be done, naught can stop what will pass. Thine world will crash down upon Mandalus, let it crumble, let it be consumed by all other worlds.

[A gasp of pain comes and that manic laughter he is common of when his visions hurt this much.] Did all of you hear that? The worlds are coming and we cannot stop them.

[He covers his face with his hand, letting out a painful sound.] The Serpent is winning. There is nothing we can do, it seems. The end, it comes. [A defeated sigh follows before the feed ends.]

((OOC: Please bear with me, tags will be steady but slow, due to physical injury.))

[info]curo in [info]mandalus

003 DREAM; ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴀᴄʜɪɴɢ sᴏᴜʟ

[The video starts up, and the song is present before Deliria speaks.

She is not quite herself however, she's sitting on the bed -- a different bed again. For once she's left the Winchesters alone, and she is not completely herself. Usually she made the effort to be solid for them, to be something real they can touch. But she seems incapable to hold so now. The edges of her body seem to turn to the white mist she used to slip into people's dreams.

Ethereal, quite probably, but also exhausted. She's not her cheerful self, not in the least. In fact she appeared to be crying. Tears rolling down her face, though her inability to hold true form meant they just fell and disappeared back into the mist.

Forgive me, forgive me. I have taken them from you too late. I could not -- there was just too many -- [her breath hitched and the tears did not stop.] But I have them all, inside of me. Dream, please, untroubled now. Please, I need so to feel whole once more, I need more than this black.

[Her head turned to the bed, and a man sleeping in bed was no other than Captain James Kirk. Tousled hair and apparently sleeping peacefully and deep enough. Just as she wanted then. Carefully moving her skirts, she sunk down beside him, her hand sliding to his neck, cupping his jaw to turn his head -- then she kissed him. Crawling over him more to do so properly, she kissed him like she had loved him her whole life. Which, truly, she loved them all in such a way. Desperation and longing, her tears did not stop, the trickles of mist falling upon his cheeks and fading as they slid down and away. Eventually though, she stopped, and laid down beside him, curling an arm across his chest and her face in the back of his neck. More comfortable to her and to the Captain's taste, her clothes shifted to something from his dreams.]

So that is what it feels like... [but her exhaustion took the better of her, and her eyes closed as she slipped inside of the dreams of the city, peaceful as she could make them.]

[ooc: all characters will have the feeling that someone had kissed them and tucked them tightly in there beds. They are welcome to wake up with her curled up in bed with her beside them. She's done her best to make them comfortable and loved as she can without interfering. Feel free to thread jack each other's posts. Any other replies will come after Kirk is finished freaking out at her. ]