March 2014



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March 14th, 2013

[info]all_the_puns in [info]mandalus


[The soothing harmonies of two musically inclined automatons was drifting through the city's park, accompanied only with the practiced strumming of a guitar, something sweet and pleasant to be heard by any people strolling on by after the alarming events of the last few weeks. As difficult as it was after such attacks, things had shifted towards a return to normal again, which meant the robots were back to their day job, collecting tips while busking in the park.

Not the most profitable of careers, but it was all that the Victorian era automatons knew to do.

When the song came to it's end, the shorter of the pair, the copper 'bot with the lopsided, enthused grin, was taking center stage, playfully bumping his brother aside with a hip before turning his bi-colored, glowing optics to the small crowd that had gathered around them.]

S-s-say! Everyone's gathered 'round so nicely, so how 'bout a story? Well, we n-need a little context for said tale, so let's ask th' audience for a bit o' inspiration. Miss, w-wh-what-what's yer favorite flavor o' chocolate milkshake?

[info]likestowearred in [info]mandalus

Waxing Crescent ☽ Accidental Video

[The was the sound of gasps and surprised screams in the station as the video feed switched on. People hurried to and fro, mothers grabbing hold of their childrens hands as they hurried out into the street. The owner of the phone managed to get to a higher area, standing on a table, to see the big, black-furred wolf padding anxiously into the station. It didn't appear feral or rabid, it almost appeared aware of its surroundings, and didn't want to scare the pedestrians further. The wolf studied its surroundings and noticed the person aiming their cell phone at them.

The wolf padded over, looking intently at the phone. The owner made a sound of fear and dropped the phone, sending it clattering to the floor. As they ran off, the wolf made its way over to the phone, sniffing at the plastic. The wolf let off a low whine, then a soft bark. It wasn't an angry bark, it was simply the only way that Ruby could talk while in this form. For some reason, when she returned to Mandalus, she was in her wolf form. When she checked the date on a newspaper, it wasn't the date of her wolfs time. And it was day. Ruby sat on her rump beside that phone, thinking it over. The last thing she remembered of Mandalus was going for a jog then the explosion.... And then nothing. It was safe to say that she'd died somehow. Perhaps it was like when Sam and Dean died. Sam was mute, and Dean was everything but. Maybe this was her punishment for dying. Being the wolf, all the time.

Ruby let off another little whine, kneading her paws on the ground anxiously as she contemplated searching for someone, or waiting for someone to come get her from the deserted station.]

[info]daddysknife in [info]mandalus

Sixth Cut | Video / Action if wanted?

[The video begins with Jo standing beneath the old clock that hung in the Roadhouse, the frame carefully adjusted so the time, three o'clock, can be seen.]

Are you tired of me yet? Well, don't be. [As she speaks she leaves the clock, moving to unlock the door.] The Roadhouse is back to normal hours again. Tell your friends.

And since it's almost Saint Patrick's Day, this weekend if you show up with green on, you get a free beer. Two if you can tell me how Saint Patrick's Day ended up being such a huge party occasion. Or three. [...She has always wondered.] We'll figure that out.

While I've got your attention, I'm lookin' for someone to help bus tables and flip burgers in the evenings. I won't demand any experience, just the will to work and some personal pride.

Have a good Thursday. [She gives the camera an enthusiastic thumbs up and ends the video post.]

Private Text to Gene Hunt
I assume you'll be here soon for your free drink?

Private Text to Dean Winchester
Are we gonna talk about those voice mails or should I pretend I didn't hear them until it all comes up naturally?

Private Text to Sam Winchester
Is Ruby back? Are you doing okay?

[info]striveahead in [info]mandalus


I would like to thank our hosts for being so gracious as to bringing a bit of home here. It was a pleasant surprise to see that my apartment truly is my apartment.

TEXT TO MADOKA KANAME: I will be out tonight to go hunting. My Soul Gem seems to be picking up a faint trace of a witch or, given how weak the response is, more than likely a familiar.

[ ooc: Shiny apartment is shiny! ]