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February 18th, 2013

[info]milesawayfrom in [info]mandalus

11_| video+action;

Hey, guys. Long time no see. [ Desmond nods to the screen, raising his bandaged hand and waving it a bit. ] It took longer than I thought to bounce back from my time back home. Then you know, Mandalus' usual brand of crazy decided to rear it's ugly head.

Things are kind of sane again--as sane as it gets around here--so I figured now is the best time to go ahead and announce it. That night club-bar I was talking about opening? It'll be open in the next week. The Aquilla is going to be open from 7:00pm to 4:00AM. If anyone is still looking for a job? I need at least one more bartender, some security and a DJ.

Or if you've got some musical talent we can schedule you some days to perform. [ He shrugs a bit. It's meant to be pretty casual. ] It's in the Business District. Anyone who is interested send me a message and I'll give you the address. Consider it a low key job interview.

Anyways, thanks for any offers you guys might be sending. If you need my help with anything? Don't hesitate to ask.

[ ACTION 1; Desmond can be found at the aforementioned place, getting final details ready.

ACTION 2; For the Brotherhood and rag-tag kid CR, Desmond can be found outside the Villa Auditore. He's in the ring outside, standing around with a few recruits. He twirls a rubber tomahawk in his left hand, running them through a few fights to show them how to use it. Then he pulls out a rope dart, demonstrating how it works against a dummy. Yes, it is early morning. It seems like Desmond has finally gotten used to the crack of drawn wake up calls. ]