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February 3rd, 2013

[info]makingitupasigo in [info]mandalus

[Six - Steps towards redemption]

[The video turns on to a blood smear, and a soldier wearing the Serpent's uniform looking panicked. He is running, and around him are other foosteps, fellow soldiers who are fleeing as quicly as he is. From around him, are frightened whispers.]

Where the hell is it?

How should I know? Just keep fucking running!

Did you see what it did to the lieutenant? It burned his eyes out! Burned them clear out of his skull!

Shut up - shut up all of you - do you want to end up like the poor bastards behind -

[The soldier abruptly stops - as do all of them, as sudden yells and moans of terror can be heard. The camera swings upwards to show Castiel.

... A Castiel without a trenchcoat, once more. A Castiel whose white's shirt is soaked through with blood, and whose eyes blaze blue fire. A Castiel who thunders.]

There will be none left behind. [And the angel moves forward - faster than anyone would think is possible - and the soldier drops the camera and screams. The camera falls to the ground as the soldiers begin to fly in and out of view, dozens of feet above the ground, and there is flashes of bright blue light. More screams, then silence.]

[Just the sound of footsteps, moving through the carnage. Until they stop. A bloody hand reaches down, and pulls the camera up. Castiel looks into the video, sorrow and wrath mixing together in his face.]

Dean Winchester is dead. He was killed by the Serpent's Army. So I am returning the favor - and killing every last one of them. [He looks around, and then looks back at the camera.] So my advice to you - O'Serpents Army, and all their ... sympathizers - is just this.

Run, Little Bitches. Run For Your Lives.

[And the feed abruptly turns off.]