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January 17th, 2013

[info]makingitupasigo in [info]mandalus

[Five - Steps Towards Redemption] [Video]

[When the camera clicks on, it is obvious that the view is from someone else's phone. A young man's face, covered with early acne appeared, and his eyes gleamed black before he grinned at the camera in an ugly way.] Now we're gonna have some fun -- you two got him?

[The camera swerves as two young man drag a dirty figure up and pin him against the wall. Dressed in the tattered remains of a trenchcoat, and hospital pajamas. The young men's eyes flash black before turning to normal, as they turn towards their friend. One of them speaks, nervously.] Hurry up man, before it wakes up!

Fffft, easy Sebastian. The angel's out for the count. [The one with the camera lifted up the dirty man's head, gripping him by his dark hair. The dirty man's features, even coated with grime and blood, are utterly familiar. Yes, it is Castiel.] So we're gonna cut him open like a melon, and see what angel tastes like.

[The other two demons laughed, and Sebastian hissed at the camera.] Hey, you see this, hunters? We're gonna have your angel raw. And there ain't nothing you Winchester c-

[At the name, the angel's eyes popped open. Blue eyes that were momentarily confused narrowed in absolutely rage as he took in his attackers. A voice that rumbled like rocks down a mountain emerged from inbetween his cracked lips] You dare? You dare!

[The camera started to veer backwards - but not before the angel braced his body against the wall and using the two demons holding him for leverage, kicked the demon holding the camera across the alley. There was a crunch of bone and brick, as the camera slid down in the demon's grip. The view was now askew, as the angel threw one demon into another, and then stepped up to them with a warrior's ferocity - throwing one up the alley and twisting around to burn out Sebastian.]

[He glowered down the alleyway, the shadows of his wings flaring across the brick wall. He disappeared, and a scream of 'No, no, Nooooooooooo!' followed with another sound of 'whoooooosh' as the demon left it's host body off screen.]

[The camera slid further, just enough to see the fear on its owner's face as the angel strode over to him and slammed his hand into the creature's forehead. The demon's skull lit up as if Castiel had put a firecracker into his brain.]

[The angel stood up straight, the wings starting to fade, as he looked back and forth down the alleyway. He frowned for a moment, tilting his head as he whispered.] ... Mandalus?

[Something in his expression shifts from faint disbelief to hope, before he made a quiet noise, and clutched his chest. He breathed out, as he fell to his knees.] ... Ah. I seem to have over-exerted myself...

[And that is when the feed times out.]