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January 15th, 2013

[info]railtracing in [info]mandalus

train ride one → video

Huh, well what do we have here? Looks awfully small to be a telephone, and it isn't connected to anything, but I'm willing to believe those folks back there even if they were pretty rude about it. Ah, that's better.

[The communicator flickers back and forth from audio to video several times as its owner presses buttons while he talks, until finally the feed settles on video, a shock of bright red hair and part of someone's hand the only things visible. He lowers the phone, looking at the screen with wide-eyed interest.]

Right, now I've got two questions for whoever's listening. One, anybody know how to get this contraption off? [He holds up his other arm, displaying the bangle around his wrist.] I already tried it myself, but it's not exactly cooperating. Gave me a nasty shock and I'm not too happy about that, you know?

[He clears his throat and closes his eyes for a moment before focusing back on the device. His expression, previously pleasant enough, has turned much more serious.] Two, where's Chane? She better be all right, because if anyone hurt her, they'll have to answer to me.

[He grins, just a hint of ‘cross me and I’ll cut you’ plain in his eyes for a moment before it disappears and he’s smiling cheerfully again.]

[info]mischiefshakes in [info]mandalus

Sixth Trick [Accidental Video]

[The feed starts when the device falls out of the little god's pocket as he's playing around outside. In a park. Making snow.

Yes. Making snow. He's worked on his manipulation of the air around him and might just be taking advantage of his Frost Giant heritage as well...

There's already a pile around him about two inches and he shows no sign of stopping what he's doing any time soon. After Loki's made more snow, running around in it at the same time, a green glow at his fingertips, the white stuff covers up the device on the ground and times out after too long, killing the feed.]

[info]oftenimpaled in [info]mandalus

[Video]-Guess who's back, back again

[Don't mind the man in red, laying on the rooftop in the Venetian District, lounging out on the top of the building like he owns it. The phone is balanced precariously, but the view is stable enough for conversation and a good look at him if nothing else.]

Hello, Mandalus. I'd say it's good to be back, but we all know better. Kinda like saying it's good to be back to a doctor. Or a funeral. [He stretches out, and kicks the roof with one foot, and rather hard. The poor and already rather abused device is knocked into the air, before it's caught in one hand, and balanced again on something else that's just not able to be seen. Better view now, better angle, but the shift in position was more about dramatics more than anything else. And Dante does love showing off.]

So tell me, what did I miss? It's been a while since I was dragged out here to play soldier boy. Never was the military sort, never was good about following orders. [He laughs.] Guess I need to get better at draft dodging.

[OOC: Hey, player is not feeling so well, so tags will be super slow. Sorry for the inconvenience!]