October 2009



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Jun. 30th, 2008



Who: Everyone
What: The Ball
Where: The Great Hall, outside the Great Hall and so on.
When: Halloween 2022
Rating: Nothing above R here, if you want something above that please make your own thread for it!
Status: On going.

And the Ball Starts )

Jun. 26th, 2008


who: Gwen McLaggen and OPEN
when; Thursday afternoon, after class
where; Hogwarts grounds
what; Gwen is looking through some magazines and wouldn't mind some company
rating; TBA
status; Open

it's not like having the daete was the most important thing of the ball )

Jun. 25th, 2008


Who: Ana and Dante
What: Chat and such
When: She meets him after Ravenclaw Quidditch practice
Where: Quidditch field and then walking around the grounds
Why: Because they are adorable
Rating: Pg to Pg-13??
Status: in progress and closededed

Somebody wake me cuz I, I must be sleeping. )


WHO: Emily Creevey & James Potter.
WHAT: Planning for the dance ;] And probably other things.
WHERE: Outside by the lake.
WHEN: Wednesday, around 3, after 3rd block, when Emily has Herbology.
WHY: Because they're awesome and sexy.
RATING: TBD but I'm gonna assume more than R ;]
STATUS: In progress and closed to only these two!

Emily could hardly think throughout the entirety of her Herbology class.  )


Owl to Roger Davies Jr.

Wrapped up Parcel with Letter )


Who: Shane and OPEN!
What: Shane is attempting to study but gets interupted and possibly talks about the Ball.
When: Monday evening
Where: Library
Why: Cuz he's been anti-social
Rating: PG
Status: In progress and OPEN!

For once he didn't feel like standing on the sidelines of life... )


Who: Ryleigh Sloper and Tyler Boot
What: Reconnect
When: Wednesday night
Where: Ravenclaw commonroom
Why: Because he misses her
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress and closed to all but TY and RY

Can she tame him? )

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Bryn Abercrombie and James Potter

Who: Bryn Abercrombie and James Potter
What: Running // company
where: By the Lake
When: Afternoon on October 23rd 2022
Why: Bryn needs her first thread!
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

A girl has to stay in shape! )


Guinness St. James and Sage Goyle

Who: Guinness St. James and Sage Goyle
What: Getting stuck.
where: By the Great Hall
When: After dinner; October 23rd 2022
Why: Because Guinness needs some interaction!
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Uh Oh! )


Saxen Krum and Dustin Towler.

Who: Saxen Krum and Dustin Towler
What: Chatting.
where: Ravenclaw Common Area
When: After Classes before Dinner; Monday October 23rd 2022
Why: Because.
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Studying like a good Ravenclaw )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Who Westly and open
What Who knows :)
Where Outside
Rating TBD

yay for fall )

Jun. 21st, 2008


who; tristan carter && mandy jennings
what; possible date?
when; now.
where; black lake
why; cause tristan needs a date, and these two are going to be cute!
rating; PG?


He was a little nervous, which Tristan never was. )


who: Sebastian & Samantha.
what: Sharing books & general conversation.
where: The library.
when: A little after dinner.
why: Because she shares interest in the novels he likes.
rating: Probably along the lines of a Disney movie.
status: Incomplete/in progress.

Read more... )

Jun. 20th, 2008


WHO; Izzy Hannover and Albus Potter
WHAT; Chatting of course because Izzy never shuts up
WHERE; Courtyard
WHEN; Friday Evening
WHY; Izzy needed fresh air
STATUS; Incomplete

Honestly..who does that? )


Note for Miklos Krum

Note slipped to Miklos Krum while passing him the the hall. )

Jun. 19th, 2008


WHO: Peyton and Jamison
WHAT: Talking, stressing, comforting
WHERE: Somewhere hidden in the castle
WHEN: Late Thursday Night
WHY: Peyton's in a bad place because she had a really bad vision.
STATUS: Complete

Owl to Jamison )

Darkness closes in and I have no desire to find the light )

Jun. 18th, 2008


Who: Hales and Ashley
What: Ice cream and girl talk.
Where: Girls dorms, Ashley's bed really.
When: After supper.
Why: Because she misses Ashley.
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

The rain keeps falling down shelter me I'm wet, sacred heart is burning there's a princess in my arms I don't want to waste away tonight a starlight face a party, like some time to figure out a link to your eyes and to your mind )

Jun. 13th, 2008


Who: Elena and OPEN
What: Elena is embarrassed.
Where: Just outside the library
When: Afternoon
Why: Because the library wants revenge.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

You can't fight the tears that ain't coming, or the moment of truth in your lies )


owl to ana whitby

owl to ana whitby )

Jun. 9th, 2008


WHO: Peyton and Jasper
WHAT: Whatever...
WHERE: Outside on the grounds
WHEN: 4th block - free period after Transfiguration
WHY: Peyton's bored and needs something to do
RATING: PG-PG13 tops
STATUS: Complete

A Summer's Disregard // A Broken Bottle Top // And A One (Wo)man's Soul // They Follow Each Other On The Wind Ya' Know // 'Cause They Got Nowhere To Go )

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