October 2009



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Mar. 28th, 2009


Who: Mika & Dante
What: Getting the hell out of the Homecoming crap.
Where: Great Hall & TBA
Rating: TBA
Status: Ongoing

Thought so. )

Nov. 16th, 2008


Who; Dante and Ana
What; He kidnaps her
When; After classes
Where; Room of Requirements
Why; Because they are amazing
Rating; TBD
Status; In progress

!!!!!!!! )

Sep. 25th, 2008


who; Dante and Ana
what; Meet, talk, and stuff
when; Thursday evening
where; empty classroom
why; because they are adorable
rating; TBD
status; in progress


Aug. 28th, 2008


Who; Dante and Ana
What; She runs away to his house
When; The 28th
Where; Dante's house
Why; Cuz her parents are fighting again

Be my shoulder to cry on? )

Aug. 10th, 2008


who; Dante and Ana
what; Celebrate Dante's B-day
when; BACKDATED to the 8th after dinner
where; suprise suprise
why; cuz it's Dante's B-day
rating; TBD
status; in progress

Oh, Oh, be my baby. I'll look after you. )


Happy Birthday!

Dante - Sent on the 8th )

Jul. 18th, 2008


owl to ana whitby )

Jul. 17th, 2008


WHO; Ana and Dante
WHAT; Look for her missing Potions book
WHEN; BACKDATED to after Ana's last journal
WHERE; Starting in Potions and then searching through the castle
WHY; Because they are adorable and haven't talked in a while
RATING; Not sure yet
STATUS; In progress

I wanna hold your hand )

Jun. 30th, 2008



Who: Everyone
What: The Ball
Where: The Great Hall, outside the Great Hall and so on.
When: Halloween 2022
Rating: Nothing above R here, if you want something above that please make your own thread for it!
Status: On going.

And the Ball Starts )

Jun. 25th, 2008


Who: Ana and Dante
What: Chat and such
When: She meets him after Ravenclaw Quidditch practice
Where: Quidditch field and then walking around the grounds
Why: Because they are adorable
Rating: Pg to Pg-13??
Status: in progress and closededed

Somebody wake me cuz I, I must be sleeping. )

Jun. 13th, 2008


owl to ana whitby

owl to ana whitby )

Jun. 9th, 2008


Notes Left for: Raleigh Weasley; Saxen Krum; Annalisese Pucey; Zara Flint; Westly Nott; Dante MacMillan; Samantha Ackerly; Marcus Flint Jr.;; Izzy Hannover; Lily Potter )


Who: Ana and Dante
What: Hogsmeade trip together
When: Day of Hosmeade trip
Where: Hogsmeade
Why: Because he asked her so sweetly and she has a huge crush
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress and closed to all but those two.

OUUUH! I feel good!Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh And I knew that I would, Cuz I got you! )