October 2009



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Dec. 1st, 2008


Who: Braden, Shane, and Samantha
Where: Gryffindor common room
What: Bonding!
When: Today
Rating: TBD

At least he wasn't bursting into song anymore. )

Oct. 27th, 2008


Backdated - Sam wants to kiss Shane!

WHO: Samantha Ackerly and Shane Capper
WHAT: Sam wants to snog the heck out of Shane!
WHEN: After she drinks the potion
STATUS: In progress

Where was the beautiful boy? )

Oct. 14th, 2008


Backdated to a few days before the ball

Package and note for Samantha Ackerly, left on her bed in the dorm )

Sep. 19th, 2008


WHO; Shane and Samantha
WHAT; Do what couples do
WHEN; After rounds
WHERE; Gryffindor Common Room
WHY; Because they miss each other
STATUS; In Progress

Cuz a girl like you is impossible to find, impossible to find. )

Aug. 14th, 2008


Who: Samantha and Shane
Where: Common Room
When: Evening
Why: They need to spend time together
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

It had been a while since they hung out.. )

Aug. 1st, 2008


Who; Samantha and Shane
What; Hang out
When; Friday afternoon
Where; The Astronomy Tower
Why; Because he wants to make it up to her
Rating; Not sure, probably not really high
Status; In progress

Rain, Rain, Go Away. Come Again Another Day. All The World Is Waiting For the Sun. )

Jul. 6th, 2008


Who: Samantha Ackerly and Shane Capper
What: Sam goes to visit Shane
Where: Hospital Wing
When: November 6th
Rating: G or PG
Status: In progress

She wanted to see how he was doing.. )

Jun. 30th, 2008



Who: Everyone
What: The Ball
Where: The Great Hall, outside the Great Hall and so on.
When: Halloween 2022
Rating: Nothing above R here, if you want something above that please make your own thread for it!
Status: On going.

And the Ball Starts )

Jun. 21st, 2008


who: Sebastian & Samantha.
what: Sharing books & general conversation.
where: The library.
when: A little after dinner.
why: Because she shares interest in the novels he likes.
rating: Probably along the lines of a Disney movie.
status: Incomplete/in progress.

Read more... )

Jun. 9th, 2008


Notes Left for: Raleigh Weasley; Saxen Krum; Annalisese Pucey; Zara Flint; Westly Nott; Dante MacMillan; Samantha Ackerly; Marcus Flint Jr.;; Izzy Hannover; Lily Potter )


BACKDATED because I'm an idiot!

Who: Shane and Sam
What: Go to Hogsmeade together
When: The day of the Hogsmeade trip
Where: Meeting Sam in the courtyard and then going to Hogsmeade
Why: Cuz SHE asked him cuz he couldn't find the words to ask her.
Rating: TBD
Status: BACKDATED, in progress, and closed to all but those two.

Through the awkward silences I hope she see's that I'm searching for the perfect words, but no words are good enough. )

May. 24th, 2008


backdated for gianna's birthday

present for gianna pritchard )

May. 20th, 2008


package to aaron warrington

Small package with a box of sweets and two books with scary stories.


Happy birthday! The sweets are amazing! I hope you like them. As for the books, hope you like them!
