October 2009



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Oct. 11th, 2009


WHO. Dominique and You! (OPEN)
WHAT. Honestly, she's up for anything.
WHERE. Starting at her favorite tree by the lake.
WHEN. Mid-afternoon
STATUS. Open/Incomplete

Oh, bugger all! )

Oct. 26th, 2008


who; Dominique Weasley and Phoenix Malfoy
when; Valentine's Day; About halfway through the Ball
where; Abandoned classroom in the upper floors
what; A private celebration
rating; TBA
status; Closed/In Progress.
note; We accidentally posted it on Phoenix's journal and we didn't realize until now.

happy (secret) valentine's day )

Oct. 16th, 2008


Sent to Dominique Weasley on Valentine's Day )

Sep. 16th, 2008


WHO: Phoenix Abraxas Malfoy and Dominique Weasley
WHAT: He wishes to see her, but what he'll see will surprise him.
WHERE: An abandoned classroom
WHEN: Late afternoon
WHY: Because we like conflicts.
STATUS: Closed/In progress

Now we've got a big, big mess in our hands... )

Sep. 7th, 2008


Who: Scorpius Malfoy and Dominique Weasley
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: 8 PM tomorrow (post-dated)
What: Scorpius is tired of playing nice
Rating: High PG-13
Status: Complete

I've drawn regret from the truth of a thousand lies. )

Aug. 16th, 2008


who; Dominique Weasley and Phoenix Malfoy
when; Friday morning, after breakfast
where; Great Hall and the the dungeons
what; Phoenix asks Dominique to the Ball
rating; PG
status; Complete

i'd love to go with you )

Aug. 9th, 2008


who; Phoenix Malfoy & Dominique Weasley
when; December 7th, after classes (backdated)
where; Corridor
what; She left her scarf, the silly thing.
rating; TBA
status; In progress

witty text here )

Jul. 17th, 2008


who; Dominique Weasley and Jasper Finnigan
when; Thursday 17th, Breakfast time
where; Great Hall
what; Love potion chaos!
rating; PG
status; In progress

love at first sight )

Jun. 30th, 2008



Who: Everyone
What: The Ball
Where: The Great Hall, outside the Great Hall and so on.
When: Halloween 2022
Rating: Nothing above R here, if you want something above that please make your own thread for it!
Status: On going.

And the Ball Starts )

Jun. 7th, 2008


Who: RJ Davies and Dominique Weasley
What: Hogsmeade Date
Where: Outside the Great hall and Hogsmeade
When: 10 a.m.
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Roger had never been so amused while waiting for a date )