October 2009



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May. 31st, 2008


WHO: Ashley and Roger Jr.
WHAT: Having a brother and Sister moment
WHERE: Ravenclaw Common Room.
WHEN: After dinner
WHY: Because Ashley and Roger need to spend some time together.
RATING: PG, possibly PG-13
STATUS: In progess. Closed to just them.

Being sad and depressed is never fun. )

May. 30th, 2008


Package for Callidora Nott )

May. 27th, 2008


Who: Tyler Boot and WHOEVER!
What: Talk, bicker, kiss, discuss Quidditch, plot about possible pranks...it all depends on who shows up.
When: Late Tuesday night
Where: Room of Requirements
Why: Cuz everybody's gotta love Tyler
Rating: TBD
Status: OPEN and in progress

Yawning, Tyler got up off of his bed. As he did so a blanket of chocolate frog boxes and other assorted candy wrappers fell into the floor. There was a stack of books and parchment with the beginning sentences sloppily written at the top on his nightstand. He had no intention of touching them tonight. Refusing to surrender to sleep, he crept out of his dorm, through the quiet Ravenclaw Common Room, and into the hall.

His bare feet silently stepped across the cold floor. He snuck into the Room of Requirements, knowing there had to be someone inside. He hoped at least. But the room was empty. There was a fireplace and a long black couch. Beside the couch was a pile of candy along with a plate. On the plate was a large hamburger and a huge pile of fries. A smile wiped across his smooth face. He knew the room knew what he wanted, but it never failed to surprise him. Even though he had spent all night eating loads of chocolate, his stomach still rumbled at the sight of the delicious food. He plopped down on the couch and tried to dig in as slowly as possible. A growing boy could really put massive amounts of junk food away. Occasionally he glanced at the door, hoping someone would join him and end his loneliness.

May. 26th, 2008


WHO: Cam and Fred
WHAT: Pudding Raid!
WHERE: Gryffindor Tower to the Kitchens
WHEN: Sometime after Dinner
WHY: Boredom mostly
RATING: Probably PG, but TBD
STATUS: Incomplete and Closed

Cravings for Pudding and Hopefully not Toast )

May. 25th, 2008


Owl to Westly Nott )


Owl to Westly Nott )


Owl for Ione )


Package left for Westly Nott )


Package for Ione Finch-Fletchley )

May. 24th, 2008


backdated for gianna's birthday

present for gianna pritchard )

May. 21st, 2008


WHO; Ashley Davies and Dustin Towler
WHERE; Hogwarts grounds
WHEN; Wednesday, September 21st, afternoon.
WHAT; Random meeting on the schoolground/talking/catching up.
STATUS; In progress

Curly Sue and Dustbunny meet again.... )

May. 18th, 2008


Who: Shane and Rosalie
What: The shy boy finds it impossible to stay away from the beautiful girl
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Outside
Why: Because because because because BECAUSE they are awesome!
Rating: PG
Status: Closed to all but those two and in progress

Penny for your thoughts?  )

May. 15th, 2008


Who: Ryleigh and Tyler
What: Run into eachother in the Library
When: After classes on Thursday
Where: Library
Why: Cuz they are adorable
Rating: PG
Status: Closed and In progress

Don't drop your arms, I've got your heart, with quiet words I'll lead you in. )

May. 12th, 2008


WHO zachary and Raleigh
WHERE raleighs room
WHAT best friends hanging out
WHEN night time


Zachary rubbed the side of his face as he left his room, his bag slung over his shoulder as he walked down to the common room and out, heading towards where he had been told the Head Boy room was. He ran a hand through his still damp hair, pushing it of off his forehead as he began to climb the stairs that led towards the room and raised a hand knocking on the door. “It’s me open up,” he said before stepping back. He was interested to see what his friend had gotten up to over the weekend in order to need such a visit. He doubted it was anything but his usual antics, but it would still be interesting to see what had happened.


WHO: Phoenix Malfoy and Kairi Towler (Open to prefects or Head Boy or Girl eventually)
WHAT: Late night sneaks to the kitchens
WHERE: The kitchens.
WHEN: Late night / past curfew
RATING: G for now
STATUS: In progress

there were just some people he couldn't lie to, and he hadn't figured out yet if she were one them )


WHO: Cormac McLaggen and Kendra Urquhart
WHAT: Talking and enjoying a peaceful day.
WHERE: By the lake.
WHEN: Afternoon sometime
STATUS: In progress/Closed

Kendra was excited to be able to talk to Cormac without the rustle and bustle of class. )

May. 11th, 2008


Who: Olie Wood & Ashley Davies
What: Remembering the good ol' day.
When: Sunday Evening [September 11]
Where: The Seventh Year Boys Dorms; Ravenclaw
Rating: PG 13
Status: Closed to those in the dorm / Incomplete

Looking back, they had had some pretty good times, that was for sure. )

May. 10th, 2008


Who: Piper and Olie Wood
What: Being siblings. Piper sees Olie walking down the hall.
Where: Random Hallway near the Great hall.
When: Saturday Afternoon
Rating: G/PG most likely.
Status: Ongoing

A Big Brother! )


Who: Raleigh Weasley & Darcy Warrington
What: snogging
When: late Saturday afternoon
Where: meeting at the Entrance Hall
Rating: PG 13ish
Status: open

If someone, other than Darcy, should show up he could merely say that he was doing impromptu rounds and definitely not planning to sneak into the Astronomy Tower in a few minutes. )


Who: Raleigh Weasley & Saxen Krum
What: a picnic lunch
When: Saturday around noon
Where: by the lake
Rating: mild so far
Status: open

Raleigh was more than happy to set aside the time to spend an afternoon having lunch with her. )

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