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April 14th, 2014

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_rpg

Activity Check

Time for the bi-monthly Activity Check! In case anyone's forgotten, the activity requirements can be found here in the FAQ.

Please comment here and provide the necessary info - we won't ask for specific formatting, just go with whatever's easiest for you. As long as we can see you've fulfilled the minimum requirements, it's all good.

The post will be open until the 21st! You have until then to gather any missing comments. Any posts or threads played after this post goes up can be counted for the following AC - you simply can't have a thread count for two different periods.

The AC periods are as follows:

- December 15th to Februrary 15th
- February 15th to April 15th
- April 15th to June 15th
- June 15th to August 15th
- August 15th to October 15th
- October 15th to December 15th

Every round, posts to put up activity open on the 15th and close on the 21st.

- The following characters didn't pass last time:
- Aqua ([info]humility)

This post is now CLOSED.

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_rpg

Activity Requirements adjustment

As requested, we've adjusted the Activity Check requirements.

They're the following:

"In order to fulfill the game's activity requirements and have your character considered as "active", every two months you have a few options:

a) Play out threads with your character:

They can be either:
- Two threads of fifteen comments
- Three of twelve comments, or
- Four of ten comments.

This is just a minimum, and only your own comments count for each thread (so one of ten comments would normally have twenty, total, counting the other player's/character's).

You should have threads with at least two other separate characters, doesn't matter which ones (self-threading doesn't count, though).


b) Make at least one open journal entry with your character:
The content doesn't matter, but it should be an open entry, meaning something several characters can reply to. Entries filtered to just one character count as just one thread and not as an entry. While there's no minimum of characters replying to it required, we do ask that at least half the threads in the post reach a minimum of 7 comments (from each chara). If this doesn't happen, then the entry does not qualify and separate threads should be presented as proof of activity instead."

The same can be found in our FAQ.

Please remember this only counts for this next AC round onwards. The current AC post that's open follows the old rules, meaning it's either one post, or two threads of 15 comments each.