Oct. 23rd, 2010


I'm glad everyone is okay now. I'm okay too. That video wasn't nice, making us believe they were mauled So.. new place. Looks good! Can't wait to explore it. I was really interested to see their pool, though. It looks great up there. Tyler, you here too? I'm roomed on third floor now. I'm thinking I might go out again and see what else this new hotel has, if anyone wants to come with me to check it out.

Oct. 13th, 2010



So ... I guess by now everyone's noticed there's something going on.

What I got from Lily is that a group of people have been moved to a new location, and both directories reflect everyone.

So if everyone could just sign in and say which place you're at, so we have some idea without having to go door to door. Or if ... someone wants to sign in for you. I know the following:


Jaime Davies
Tyler Simms
Ariana Dumbledore
Remus Lupin
Trini Kwan
Katrina van Tassel
Simon Tam
Tristan Moore
Roland Fisher
Corrine Fisher
Swan Prescott
Lily L Potter
Jake Chambers
Isadora Raleigh
Lucky Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Mercedes King
John Allerdyce
Rock Lee
Dave Stutler
Harry Potter
Salem Saberhagen
Luke Skywalker
Vance Astrovik
Lilly Rush
Reid Garwin

Lily Evans
Ichabod Crane
Chase Collins
Hugo Weasley
Sir Didymus (and Ambrosius)
Severus Snape
Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine
Matt Prept
David Banner

So if everyone not on the list could ... let us know where you are.


Sep. 22nd, 2010


Group Activities

So, in light of recent events, we're having group activities down in the lobby every night after dinner.

Things like board games and charades and coloring and telling stories.

Just come down whenever.

Sep. 9th, 2010



Hi, my name's Roland and I'm new. I'll skip all the what am I doing here, I hate this place questions/statements. Not that I'm thrilled to be here, but it seems were all mostly in the same boat as far as information goes.

Anyway, yeah. I just wanted to introduce myself since I'm now stuck here with you all.

Sep. 4th, 2010


one is one and all


and ever more

shall be so

spike? my head hurts.

i don't know this place.

why wasn't i warned? who muted the moon?


Aug. 30th, 2010



So ... who killed the TV in the lobby?

Aug. 29th, 2010


Now, it's not like I'm not flattered by the effort, but really. Abduction has been done before, and it's been done better.

I do have a society to rebuild and a race to save, so if you don't mind, I'd like directions to the exit, please.

Aug. 14th, 2010


[ooc: backdated to yesterday]

Seriously? Are you fucking kidding m Really? You got to be kidding me. I can't find any of my clothes! No way in hell am I wearing that. I guess I might have to, there's nothing else, unless I parade around in the boxers I slept in. But this.. this.. costume. I've heard of experimenting and being a bit adventurous. But come on.

I can't see myself wearing that outfit. It's for ladies! And I'm not a lady. I mean, obviously. But this is the only thing here. That, and what I wore to bed. This must be someone's idea of a joke.. were it anyone else, I'd laugh. It's something I would do. But not to myself. Hey Tyler? Did you get one of these too, are any of your clothes also missing?


I didn't win. Obviously they don't know that Black's get the best and that means winning.


Alright Willow, Dawnie. Xander. This stopped being funny the moment I woke up with a headache. Where are you guys, and where are the mini-me's?

Jul. 24th, 2010


Board Games

Lily, Jaime, and I are setting up some board games down in the lobby.

What else do you do on rainy days, right?

There's popcorn and Cokes, too, if anyone wants to come down. RISK, Monopoly, Life, Sorry, and Scrabble, I think are the ones we found.

Jul. 15th, 2010


Ohh.. wow. Never thought I'd see this again. Found something in my room that I've been missing for a while. Of all the things.. wow. It's amazing. Hey Tyler, could you come see me for a bit? There's something private I need to talk to you about. And important too.

Jul. 8th, 2010


Is not drunk

I would like to point out one


three things to you all right now.

One, there is alcohol. Several many bottles of it. Tyler and I did not get into it however and we ar enot durnk downstairs giggling like idiouts.

two, the keyes on this are very very tingy.

three, i can give killer massages. and I found some oils in th emall, if anyone wanted to


to have a massage.


Can't say anyone has pulled a prank on me this big before, dragging me to some place I never saw before. I guess if there was a way out, someone would know.. damn. And what's up with the smell in my room? It.. it's.. fish? Like, fish being fried. But I haven't been able to find out exactly where it comes from. And I've looked everywhere. Heh, reminds of the prank I almost thought of doing with putting rotten eggs in vents.

Also... hi. My name is Reid. I'm single I heard there's a pool and hot tub in this building. On the roof, actually. I've been thinking about checking that out now. I was pretty good at swimming back in Ipswich. Still am, of course. Hopefully the weird scent won't follow me there, but it seems confined to my room far as I know.

Jun. 30th, 2010


Anyone up for doing something tonight? Not in the mood to sleep.

Jun. 19th, 2010


Oh joy! Not again....

Count Olaf has to be behind this and my name is Violet Baudelaire. I am in 201 and I am going to locate a means of supplies, I am an inventor and I can not locate my kit of supplies.

I have to build something to make the room safe from Olaf and start piecing together what looks to be bigger series of unfortunate events to borrow from the recent past. Since it is on my mind, has anyone seen Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire or any of the Quagmire triplets?

Jun. 17th, 2010


Pissed Off!

What the Hell! I'm gonna kick someone's ass for this.

And strongly advise my ass! That's usually short for you might die but that's the way home so i'm taking it

November 2010



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