Jul. 23rd, 2010


Wolf Capture

We would like to report that the wolves have been successfully recaptured.

Thank you,
Dr. Matt


I need some help... and it would really be nice to have it soon.

Jul. 22nd, 2010


Wow. Uh. Okay.

I think I finally figured this thing out.

Can people read this?

Jul. 18th, 2010



I've been elected spokesperson. Hooray me.

We think that, until they get the wolves "captured" (and come on, who thinks that's a load of shit and they set the wolves loose on us deliberately?) we should all kind of stay inside. So, we're going to make one run to the food store, and one to the mall - if we absolutely have to.

So what we're going to do is give everyone 'til tomorrow afternoon to give us a list of things you need/want that can be found in the stores, and ... we'll get a group together to go.

People with abilities to subdue wolves are encouraged to volunteer. Fragile people who might DIE are not encouraged to volunteer for the run itself.

Lily and Tyler will be making calls on who gets to go with the group and who doesn't.

Obviously, we can't stop you from going out on your own, but ... c'mon. Jayne saw one of them and he said they're huge. Probably fast. And weigh more than you.

Filtered from Dug

Also, anyone who wants to sit with Dug during the run, please offer? I'm afraid he'll try to follow us and try to "make friends" with the wolves. I really don't want to see him get eaten.

Jul. 12th, 2010


Something is very fishy...

I don't remember my harness falling apart to explain a concussion so this has to be a prank a la the boys so fess up Alec and Eliot! You two just giving me a hard time or what?

Jul. 10th, 2010


Text to Chase

Sorry about today. I got distracted with party prospect.

I will definitely do it in the morning though. Meet me in the lobby if you still want to come. k?



So, Jaime and Tyler have accosted me and decided I should be the one to make the announcement.

Apparently we want to have a party this evening? Something for everyone to get to know each other. So if you want to come meet your fellow captives, head down to the lobby area around six or so tonight and ... we'll see what we can do about providing food and drinks.

Maybe we'll try to turn it into a question and answer meeting and we can share what we've learned. All the better to form a plan of escape, right?


Ok, this has to be a result of a few too many beers. Because I remember falling asleep on the office sofa after calling Rhys and not dosing off in a hotel room for one thing (and well only 2 people will get this: missing squaking).



So what is going on here?

Jul. 8th, 2010


Is not drunk

I would like to point out one


three things to you all right now.

One, there is alcohol. Several many bottles of it. Tyler and I did not get into it however and we ar enot durnk downstairs giggling like idiouts.

two, the keyes on this are very very tingy.

three, i can give killer massages. and I found some oils in th emall, if anyone wanted to


to have a massage.


Filtered away from Barret

Alright, why the freak is my friend acting high? Is someone pumping gas in his room or something? Because that is totally not cool.


Can't say anyone has pulled a prank on me this big before, dragging me to some place I never saw before. I guess if there was a way out, someone would know.. damn. And what's up with the smell in my room? It.. it's.. fish? Like, fish being fried. But I haven't been able to find out exactly where it comes from. And I've looked everywhere. Heh, reminds of the prank I almost thought of doing with putting rotten eggs in vents.

Also... hi. My name is Reid. I'm single I heard there's a pool and hot tub in this building. On the roof, actually. I've been thinking about checking that out now. I was pretty good at swimming back in Ipswich. Still am, of course. Hopefully the weird scent won't follow me there, but it seems confined to my room far as I know.

Jul. 7th, 2010


There's a really strange smell. It's really nice.

I like my room.

Jun. 30th, 2010


Anyone up for doing something tonight? Not in the mood to sleep.


Name Signs

So, I found some art supplies - markers and water colors and different sorts of paper - in the mall.

Does anyone want name signs for their doors? A touch of personality ... as long as we're stuck here indefinitely.

If anyone with actual artistic skills wants to help, you're more than welcome to join me in the lobby area.

Jun. 29th, 2010



Does it make anyone else horribly, horribly concerned when nothing really out of the ordinary's happened for more than twenty-four hours?

It just seems like ever since we've been here, there's always been ... something.

Unless Dug's spastic nightmares are a "something". Let me tell you, there is nothing like waking up with a shaking Golden Retriever wrapped around your head.

Anyone want to volunteer for the experience?

Jun. 25th, 2010


Alright, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say my sister has nothing to do with this.

Something just tells me that, no matter how bad she wants me to go back, she wouldn't kidnap me and leave a creepy note next to me.

So why am I here... no I think I know that where am I?


Voice Post

Mistress Jaime! Mistress Jaime! Can you help me find my ball? I have misplaced it and do not know where it is right now. It is not in Master Kirk's room we searched it. Do you know where it is?

November 2010



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