Oct. 21st, 2010


Visible to old!island

Good news -

The new island has been cleaned up and repairs made. We'll be relocating you tonight, so please don't go to bed naked.

Having any luck with the bears?

To the werewolves: we did recover 7 vials of Wolfsbane potion in Mr. Snape's former quarters. You're encouraged to find it before dark.

- Dr. Sam

Oct. 15th, 2010


Lottery Results

This week's lottery numbers are:

50 47 25 35

Congratulations to our winners. The instructions to claim your prize are on the back of your ticket.

[Instead of room 1006, the instructions now say to meet in room 715 Saturday at noon, and only on the 4 winning tickets]

Sep. 17th, 2010


Winning Numbers

Good morning, everyone.

Today's winning lottery numbers are:

46 91 66 90

Each of you should have a ticket on your nightstand with instructions on how to proceed if you've won.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Good News

Hello -

I thought you might appreciate an update on the return situation. We have worked out the procedure and protocol for the returns. On Monday night, we will be returning those of you who were brought here by mistake to your homes, and the registry in the lobby will be updated by Tuesday morning.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Once the errors have been rectified, we'll be back to business as usual.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-- Sam

Aug. 31st, 2010



We have replaced the television in the lobby.

Please be more careful with this one.
Tags: ,

Aug. 29th, 2010


Posted Anonymously // Voice Post

for length )

Aug. 25th, 2010


Posted Anonymously // Voice Post

[Lily sounds like Lily. Severus' voice is probably not familiar, as this was when he was 16. The other two voices wouldn't be recognizable to most people, but I would hope Reg recognizes his brother's voice. XD]
for length )

Aug. 15th, 2010



[A recording of several different types of guns firing is heard; those with keen ears may recognize the sounds of their own guns being fired - or guns the same make and model as theirs (if the heads couldn't get clips of their captive's actual guns). There are also sounds of grenades being launched.

There is a five second silence before Sam's voice is heard]

Ready or not ...

Aug. 14th, 2010


Clothing Found

We found several piles of clothing, including shoes.

We'll leave it on the couch in the lobby tonight.

Dr. Sam

Aug. 13th, 2010


Winning Lottery Numbers

All of you should have a lottery ticket. The winning numbers this week are:

59 11 20 55

Those of you who won, please follow the instructions on the back of your ticket. To everyone else, better luck next time.

Jul. 18th, 2010


Escaped Wolves

Hello, and good evening everyone.

As of 6:34 PM this evening, we have lost three of our direwolves. While we will do our best to locate and capture them, we do recommend caution when traveling outside of the hotel until we announce their recapture.

Thank you.

Dr. Sam

Jul. 2nd, 2010


Lucky Numbers

Today's winning numbers are:

1 5 21 40

Everyone please check your tickets. If you won, please follow the instructions on the back.

November 2010



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