Jul. 10th, 2010


Ok, this has to be a result of a few too many beers. Because I remember falling asleep on the office sofa after calling Rhys and not dosing off in a hotel room for one thing (and well only 2 people will get this: missing squaking).



So what is going on here?

Jun. 29th, 2010



((OOC: Back dated to the morning of June 27th))

Ianto's Journal Entry #2 )

Jun. 25th, 2010


Ianto's Journal Entry #1 )


Appears this is the only way.

Alright. Hello everyone who is reading this. My name is Ianto Jones and so far I have been here a number of days and yet still have had no contact with anyone outside. I suppose I would give the exact, but then passing out tends to be happening a lo I was given this device I assume to be used; however if I'm to be studied I'm not going to be following through willingly. The only person I have an interest to talk to is the one running this place, wherever it might be and possibly some answers as to what this is about. I understand this is an experiment, however have noted no real pattern so far in prisoners...

If any one has also seen a man named Jack Harkness or a woman, Gwen Cooper, it would be a relief to hear from them as well. You must understand those like myself here I have nothing against and I'm sure we'll work this out eventually. Sorry for what's happened, but thank you for any additional information all the same.

Ianto Jones