Oct. 28th, 2010


So, about Halloween...

[ Only visible to Dora, River, Simon, Jaime, Mal, Lily, Jayne, Dug, and Faye. ]

Yeah. Happy (early) Halloween. Or something like that.

If you see any yellow butterflies floating around - especially the kind you can't actually touch - it'd be a good idea to let me know. Or let Faye know. Would also be a great time to develop a blood fetish and play vampire.

Or you could always just die a slow and painful death. Your choice.

No need to tell anyone else about this. It doesn't apply.

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Oy sniffed out some bullets in one of the shops. Tucked underneath one of the display cases.

They don't fit my gun though. .45s fit mine, and these are a little smaller. If you think they fit yours, stop by. I'm in 301.

The box wasn't labeled or anything, and they might be duds. Only one way to find out though.

Oct. 20th, 2010


Visible to Algul Siento

Wow. Sweet video this morning. Glad it wasn't us on that island.

Oct. 18th, 2010


Private to Spike

Well, it looks like I was right.

We have armor. We don't have bears yet, but I imagine when we do, they'll be quite displeased.

Oct. 16th, 2010


Ice Bears and You

Given that the clues of the lottery seem to point toward the panserbjorne of Svalbard, I will tell you what I know of them.

The two riddles seemed to imply "ice" and "bear". The map was fairly self-explanatory; it had Svalbard circled. I'm not certain what the alethiometer is meant to represent in the theme present. The bears don't use them. The prophecy child, Lyra, had one, and she did trick the bear-king into agreeing to engage in single combat with a challenger. Perhaps we're meant to trick the bears, but I won't speculate on that.

Alethiometer are used to detect the truth in things. The explanation is lengthy and I believe pointless in context, but perhaps someone else may be able to work out the relevance of one in the theme of clues. I'd be willing to go into what I know of them if anyone believes it would be helpful.

The panserbjorne are generally solitary creatures, though their kingdom is in the far north, centered near Svalbard. They have a monarchy, though the king can be displaced by losing a challenge of single combat to another bear. The bear king when I was taken was Iorek Byrnison, who was a friend to the prophecy child. There may be some connection there, but again, I won't offer any speculation.

The bears are known as armor-bears because of their skills as metal smiths and their ability to form intricate armor from a substance they call 'sky-iron', or metal obtained from meteorites. Their armor is to them what dæmon are to us. They pour themselves into their armor; it is their protection from other bears and it may bear some symbolism, but any other superstition attached to the armor remains a secret from me.

It did once reach my ear that Iorek's armor was stolen from him and the men who took it did not live to tell of it, but that is third or fourth hand knowledge and I don't know how reliable it is.

I don't know if any of this is helpful, and I'd be willing to expand upon any points anyone thinks may be relevant.

- Isadora



So, it's not enough to take him away; they have to taunt me by leaving his gun in my room?

Fuck you, you sadistic assholes.



So, we think that's it? After that last one, we're done with th'gorram quakes? Th'week's up.

Oct. 15th, 2010



Days have gone missing.

Oct. 13th, 2010


Voice Post

[Spike didn't bother to make this private to Dora. That's so very much not a mistake, because apparently he feels like being a jerk and implying a relationship exists in public. Also, it's likely that he sounds a bit tired.]

Hey, Dora. Your bed's cold and I don't like hide-and-seek.

Are you seeing someone else behind my back?



So ... I guess by now everyone's noticed there's something going on.

What I got from Lily is that a group of people have been moved to a new location, and both directories reflect everyone.

So if everyone could just sign in and say which place you're at, so we have some idea without having to go door to door. Or if ... someone wants to sign in for you. I know the following:


Jaime Davies
Tyler Simms
Ariana Dumbledore
Remus Lupin
Trini Kwan
Katrina van Tassel
Simon Tam
Tristan Moore
Roland Fisher
Corrine Fisher
Swan Prescott
Lily L Potter
Jake Chambers
Isadora Raleigh
Lucky Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Mercedes King
John Allerdyce
Rock Lee
Dave Stutler
Harry Potter
Salem Saberhagen
Luke Skywalker
Vance Astrovik
Lilly Rush
Reid Garwin

Lily Evans
Ichabod Crane
Chase Collins
Hugo Weasley
Sir Didymus (and Ambrosius)
Severus Snape
Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine
Matt Prept
David Banner

So if everyone not on the list could ... let us know where you are.


Oct. 11th, 2010



Posted around 6 am


Both River and Kaylee appear to have gone missing, as of sometime this morning. Has anyone seen them since ... ten or so last night?

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Who wants to guess what's in store for next week?

Lily will bake cookies for whoever comes closest.

This is not morbid. i'm bored and my arm hurts

Oct. 1st, 2010


Movie Night

So hey, now that we can hear ourselves again, we thought we'd watch some movies in the lobby tonight if anyone wanted to join in.

Someone has to bring the snacks though since I made the announcement. We all know I did the hard part.


Posted at Noon

Oops. Sorry guys, we didn't realize the music was stuck like that.

You should speak up next time!

We have also been instructed to inform you that we've discovered the island is on an active faultline. In the event it becomes a danger to keep you here, we do have a few other islands to move you to.

Just for kicks, anyone want to share a room? There are double rooms and suites.

Go ahead and sign up if you think that's something you'd be interested in.

Dr. Matt

Sep. 23rd, 2010


Cannot determine if awake or sleep is better.

Cold. So... cold. Torrential downpour with inadequate clothing; so unprepared for the storm.

Can't tell the difference anymore. Can't... remember...

Please keep fighting, please. Should you stop I won't be able to continue.

Sep. 21st, 2010


Private to Spike

Dreamed a dream where the worlds were spinning and colliding. Flashes and lightshows and falls neverending. Souls were lost, tumbling over the edge to never return again.

Happened once. Couldn't... While continual is not necessary, require proof right now of continued presence, four day venture into the black notwithstanding.

Am sorry to wake you, if I did. See the others more frequently and dreams are easily identified from the what-could-be's and what-were's. Can't... didn't... don't... want to be a bother.

November 2010



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