Oct. 31st, 2010


Private to John

Oh my god my niece just showed up here! Al's daughter. It's ... so creepy. What if I have kids that show up here?

Where are you and why aren't you upstairs?

Oct. 17th, 2010


Private to John

My recently displaced cousin has informed me we're sharing a room in the new place.

I'm also very bored down in the rec area. Come entertain me.

Oct. 15th, 2010


Public Service Announcement

I would just like to inform everyone that contrary to what you might hear otherwise, I did not spend the majority of the week huddled in the corner of my closet.

I've been out and around. Just ask anyone who saw me.

Oct. 13th, 2010


Voice Post

[Spike didn't bother to make this private to Dora. That's so very much not a mistake, because apparently he feels like being a jerk and implying a relationship exists in public. Also, it's likely that he sounds a bit tired.]

Hey, Dora. Your bed's cold and I don't like hide-and-seek.

Are you seeing someone else behind my back?

Oct. 9th, 2010


Okay, I'm curious about something and wondering if others would like this as well. But what would people's thoughts be about a.. pool party? Could be fun. If enough people might like that, maybe we could have one of those sometime. Might be best to not jump in right after eating though. Cramps aren't good.

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Who wants to guess what's in store for next week?

Lily will bake cookies for whoever comes closest.

This is not morbid. i'm bored and my arm hurts

Sep. 25th, 2010



[posted just after midnight]


Once again, you've exceeded our expectations. On Monday, we'll have something to help cheer the place up.

-- Matt

Sep. 23rd, 2010


[Left public by accident. Meant to be private to Jaime. Doubt he'll think to change it]

Darlin', can I... stop by? I just need t'be with somebody righ' now.


Private to LilyLu

You find someone else to keep you company last night?

I saw someone was

Did something

Are you okay

You're okay, right?

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Private to John

Leave your door unlocked tonight? I don't want to be alone.

Sep. 20th, 2010


Private to Lily Luna

So it sounds like there's nothing I can do about these dementoid things.

I can't just set the fuckers on fire?

Sep. 12th, 2010


This is... wow. I mean, really?

I only have one question; Where can I go to make a milkshake here?

Sep. 4th, 2010


one is one and all


and ever more

shall be so

spike? my head hurts.

i don't know this place.

why wasn't i warned? who muted the moon?


Sep. 3rd, 2010



So ... in case people were wondering.

Someone crossed where the line used to be earlier, and ... nothing happened.



[long, shrill shriek, the sort only teenage girls and Ned Flanders can produce]

They took my wand, the bloody buggering bastards!!

Where do I go to get it back?

Sep. 2nd, 2010


This is bullshit.

November 2010



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