Oct. 20th, 2010


Visible on AS

So much loss of life. So little reason.

May the Gods and all the Sources of Light carry them home. They will be missed.

Oct. 13th, 2010



So ... I guess by now everyone's noticed there's something going on.

What I got from Lily is that a group of people have been moved to a new location, and both directories reflect everyone.

So if everyone could just sign in and say which place you're at, so we have some idea without having to go door to door. Or if ... someone wants to sign in for you. I know the following:


Jaime Davies
Tyler Simms
Ariana Dumbledore
Remus Lupin
Trini Kwan
Katrina van Tassel
Simon Tam
Tristan Moore
Roland Fisher
Corrine Fisher
Swan Prescott
Lily L Potter
Jake Chambers
Isadora Raleigh
Lucky Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Mercedes King
John Allerdyce
Rock Lee
Dave Stutler
Harry Potter
Salem Saberhagen
Luke Skywalker
Vance Astrovik
Lilly Rush
Reid Garwin

Lily Evans
Ichabod Crane
Chase Collins
Hugo Weasley
Sir Didymus (and Ambrosius)
Severus Snape
Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine
Matt Prept
David Banner

So if everyone not on the list could ... let us know where you are.


Oct. 6th, 2010


Filtered to Magius

When you have a moment, I need your help with something.

Sep. 24th, 2010



Number of Dementors doubled. Patrols outside no longer feasible. Help needed to ward all exits as soon as possible.

[OOC: Backdated to early this morning. ;-)]

Sep. 18th, 2010


So, hello.

For those I haven't actually spoken with yet, yes I am ... back. Though I don't recall leaving.

At any rate, if you haven't already seen, or guessed, there was a report from the lottery team and if this lottery is like the last one, there is evidence enough to believe we're about to be invaded by dementors.

I'd like all of the magic users who can cast a patronus, or who can maintain a cast one, to message back if you're willing to help out. For those who can't cast one, please talk to me anyway and we'll see if we can teach you at least the basic shielding bit of it, if we can't create a full corporeal patronus.

Again, we may be preparing for an invasion of nothing at all, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

If anyone has any questions regarding dementors, please seek out one of the Hogwarts wizards or witches. Any of them can at least give you an idea of what to expect if we are invaded.



Posted around 7:30 am Saturday morning

Lily's back. Some of the others probably are too. If not all of them. I haven't made it to the registry yet to check. But we're down in the kitchen.

Sep. 14th, 2010


Missing People

So ... Lily, Tyler, and I made copies of the directory yesterday so we'd know for sure if ... who got sent home. The following people aren't in the registry in the lobby anymore, so ... we assume ... they went home. Yeah, right

Dana Scully
Sir Didymus
Harry Potter
Spike Spiegel
Remus Lupin
Lily Evans
Ariana Dumbledore

So if you're ... looking for any of those people. They aren't here anymore.

Sep. 9th, 2010



Hi, my name's Roland and I'm new. I'll skip all the what am I doing here, I hate this place questions/statements. Not that I'm thrilled to be here, but it seems were all mostly in the same boat as far as information goes.

Anyway, yeah. I just wanted to introduce myself since I'm now stuck here with you all.

Sep. 5th, 2010


It's the oddest thing, you know. Losing my powers has almost enhanced my desire for activity. Working with my hands in the garden, and now, I am thinking of working on a room, maybe shielding it as may be done physically, so that magic can be done inside without harming others.

An interesting project, no?

And perhaps making such a thing for physical fighting as well?

Sep. 2nd, 2010


This is--- I-- I have not felt so powerless in many a year.


Voice Post

Greetings und hello.

My name is Josef, and I am coming here to inform you that ve haff made a grave mistake. Some people were brought who should not haff been, and ve haff only recently noticed this oversight. Given that ve haff much preparations to make to resolve this issue, it vill be some time. Perhaps as much as two veeks, but perhaps as few as one.

In the meanvhile, ve vill be removing the line and the traps. Ve vill no longer be conducting experiments until such time as those who vere brought by mistake haff been returned home. The televisions haff been returned to their usual scheduled programming and the offensive material has been removed.

Unfortunately, to ensure those who are here by mistake are not harmed further, ve vill be negating all powers, mutations, magics, and abilities beyond those of normal human capacity. Ve vill also be confiscating all weapons. They vill be returned to you once we haff safely returned our mistakes home.

Ve regret this inconvenience to you.

Thank you, und good night.

Aug. 29th, 2010


filtered to adults

May I suggest that we collect the condoms from the children and the adults that aren't sexually active and keep them in the infirmary? That seems the most appropriate place for them.


Ok, condoms?

Aug. 23rd, 2010


Filtered to Magic users

Good afternoon.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together some time this week, as a group, to discuss our different sorts of magic, and maybe determine how they work together?

It would be helpful to know if our magic tangles with other sorts, or enhances it. In the event we're ever attacked like that again, it would be something worth knowing.

- Lily

Aug. 22nd, 2010



They tore apart my garden.

Private to Magius

Would you like to help me rebuild it?

Jul. 22nd, 2010


Wow. Uh. Okay.

I think I finally figured this thing out.

Can people read this?

Jul. 10th, 2010



So, Jaime and Tyler have accosted me and decided I should be the one to make the announcement.

Apparently we want to have a party this evening? Something for everyone to get to know each other. So if you want to come meet your fellow captives, head down to the lobby area around six or so tonight and ... we'll see what we can do about providing food and drinks.

Maybe we'll try to turn it into a question and answer meeting and we can share what we've learned. All the better to form a plan of escape, right?

November 2010



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