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Oct. 22nd, 2010


Private to the Wizards/Magic Users

Image )

Tyler found a ... patch, I suppose? Of moonstone while he was out walking earlier today. He said it looked out of place. Do any of you know a way to test them to see if they've been tampered with? I've put in a picture and I have some in my room.

But do you think we get to play hide-and-seek with potion ingredients now?

I heard Swan went missing at some point in the chaos, so we won't have her to build a garden for us.

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Private to Jayne

I don't need to start planning that funeral, do I?

Oct. 22nd, 2010



The numbers bear significance. The same set of numbers in the same colors and some on the same medium appear here as they appeared on our former residence.

I don't know what significance, but would appreciate suggestions.


So Dug, going to run through the jungle with the big wolves tonight?

Oct. 21st, 2010


Well, then, I guess it's time for the stylish member of this little group to arrive.

Whatever have the rest of you done without us?

posted at 11 am, 10-22


It's about time. We're reunited. It's hard to believe, but we're alive, and together again. Hot Merlin!

posted at 11:15 am, 10-22



Everyone! Everyone! Everyone was tricked! The bears say they did not hurt anyone and I believe them! This means that you are wrong and Miss Lily and the others are still all right, we just cannot see or smell them! That is what it means!

The bears were tricked too, by the people who took their armour. I am very sad for them. I am very sad for all of us.


Visible to old!island

Good news -

The new island has been cleaned up and repairs made. We'll be relocating you tonight, so please don't go to bed naked.

Having any luck with the bears?

To the werewolves: we did recover 7 vials of Wolfsbane potion in Mr. Snape's former quarters. You're encouraged to find it before dark.

- Dr. Sam


Private to Balthazar

Hey, how are you doing?

I know this is probably an awkward offer -- it is for me -- but if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you.


Visible to AS

I cannot believe it. Nothing they have said has been truth, why would they begin now?

Oct. 20th, 2010


Visible to Old!island

So how sure are we that what we saw is real? I mean, they can do amazing things with special effects in movies, so ... I mean, I haven't been here very long, but it's possible that was faked, isn't it? Do they do things like that, or am I just grasping at straws here?


Private to Chase

I want you to kill them.

I know you can. You're like, the strongest person on the island.

Do you need help? I can make people help you. I will make them kill themselves helping you.

Just kill those fuckers in charge of this stupid thing already.


Visible to old!island

I really don't want to add to the horrific that is today, but ... Well, the only person who could make the potion that keeps me from going savage is dead.

So, we need a plan, and working with the assumption we're stuck here through the moon ... It should be a plan we can act on quickly.

I suggest some wizards warding off a couple of rooms for me and Remus so we stay safely locked up Friday night, but I'm open to suggestions.


Visible to Old Island

I'm new here, but I'm sure that those people meant something to all of you. If anyone needs anything, let me know. I'll take care of anything you need.


Visible to the Old Island Net

I don't believe it.


Visible to the Old Island Net

How-- just like that?

I thought I'd seen evil.

I was wrong.


Visible on AS

So much loss of life. So little reason.

May the Gods and all the Sources of Light carry them home. They will be missed.


Visible to Algul Siento

Wow. Sweet video this morning. Glad it wasn't us on that island.


Visible to Algul Siento

Oops. Guess they had 'til Tuesday night.

[inserted is a video. On the video is the following:

The back of the hotel is shown in close up before the camera pans out to include the garden. It sweeps over to show the small graveyard before moving around to the front of the hotel. Just then, there is a rumbling sound as the hotel begins to shake and tremble. Windows pop out and shatter. A crack appears running up from the south-east corner, and it is joined by several others.

Pieces of the front start to fall, and then the building tips to the side as the left side of the foundation either cracks or sinks. Things start to slide out of the windows as the building lists forward.

The waves come then, washing up over the white line, larger waves creeping closer until a wall of water crashes into the building, shoving boards and plaster and concrete forward. The wave retreats, showing a crippled building as well as a couple of bodies. The camera focuses on the broken body of a golden retriever laying in a sinkhole before a second, larger wave collides with what's left of the building.

The screen then goes black.]


Visible to old!island

[Matt is seated in the hospital/lab area. Behind him are an array of exam tables, each with a body covered with a sheet.]

So, oops. Man, we've really got to stop making these mistakes. See, we meant to send the bears to you guys, but accidentally sent them to Algul Siento. Well, the armor wasn't there, obviously, because hey -- you guys have it -- and before we could get the bears back, they ... well, they went on a rampage.

We recovered the bodies and cleaned up some of them.

[He moved away from the camera, and it pans to the first covered body. He draws the sheet back revealing "Lily" in torn, bloody clothing that clearly displays her torn-open throat and a series of six criss-crossing slashes on her middle.

The next body displayed is that of Severus in a similar state, though his middle is significantly more savaged.

Last, but not least, he pulls the sheet away from the shortest body, revealing Lizzy, recognizable only by her face as the rest of her is composed of so many scratches and nearly detached limbs.

The camera then pans over the rest of the bodies; faces and hair are exposed to imply the remainder of the population is gone as well, though no one else gets a close-up.]

Sorry. Such a shame; these were some of our best subjects. Anyway, we're working on getting the island cleaned up and ... we'll move you guys there this weekend. We'll try not to put you in any of the rooms that have blood in them, all right?

Excellent. See you soon.

[He reaches forward and turns off the camera]

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November 2010



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