October 22nd, 2010

[info]not_an_orphan in [info]indarkness_net

So Dug, going to run through the jungle with the big wolves tonight?

[info]not_an_alien in [info]indarkness_net


The numbers bear significance. The same set of numbers in the same colors and some on the same medium appear here as they appeared on our former residence.

I don't know what significance, but would appreciate suggestions.

[info]emerald_eyes in [info]indarkness_net

Private to the Wizards/Magic Users

Image )

Tyler found a ... patch, I suppose? Of moonstone while he was out walking earlier today. He said it looked out of place. Do any of you know a way to test them to see if they've been tampered with? I've put in a picture and I have some in my room.

But do you think we get to play hide-and-seek with potion ingredients now?

I heard Swan went missing at some point in the chaos, so we won't have her to build a garden for us.

[info]emerald_eyes in [info]indarkness_net

Welcome Back

I would first like to apologize for the ... lateness of this, but I spent a great deal of today catching up with everything.

For those who haven't had a chance to speak with anyone (or who simply aren't aware of what's going on), our captors somehow created or forged videos of devastation on each island, leading everyone to believe the others on the opposite island had been killed.

This is not the case. Everyone is alive and well -- as well as can be expected, given the circumstances.

I imagine we'll at least have the weekend to settle in, and then Monday may well be back to business as usual ... so take advantage of the time while you have it.

Breakfast will be served as usual, and of course, Lucky will be tending to the evening meal.