August 10th, 2010

[info]the_heads in [info]indarkness_net

Video Fun for Everyone

[The video is posted to the network, viewable once on each device before it self-deletes from that device. So they can see it on their computers and again on their network phone devices (BBs, iPhones, whichever they have). EVERYONE can see this. It was posted anonymously, but it's pretty easy to guess who did it. :) None of the captors are visible, though just for fun there is a very, very brief reflection of Dr. Sam after the camera shows the sign, but it's fuzzy and just a second on screen. And yes, this was an idea submitted in an application, kind of. ;)]

Warning: very slightly graphic mention of brains. And heads in jars. Because ... he's a sadist. And he's having way way way too much fun with the reactions to last week's videos/dreams. XD

The Video ... in words )

[info]shinytomato in [info]indarkness_net

*Voice thanks to Parker hitting the voice button mid reaction*

*The sound of vomiting could be heard as Parker was getting sick. First her brother and now this, basically she was a wreck all over again. Especially given that she swore she saw kids in the video.*

First the dream, now this...

[info]radicalhacker in [info]indarkness_net

Some people are just as cruel as some vintage bounty heads.....

People ok otherwise?

*Encrypted to Spike, complete with smiley faces to prove its her*

Tried to hack into the video feed when I stumbled into it and got nothing. You ok otherwise?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

[info]ex_manyskill100 in [info]indarkness_net

oh, gods.

[info]finder in [info]indarkness_net


So, if you guys haven't watched the latest and greatest from our darling captors, don't. There's nothing worthwhile on the video. Just ... a bunch of fake trauma. So hit play, close your eyes, and then it's gone.

No one needs to see that shit.