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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+dedalus+diggle'

Jul. 18th, 2023




I wonder if everyone would realize how much less terrible you'd feel if you gave up on your sexual hang ups.

So much angst for no real purpose.

Jul. 15th, 2023




The Book of Diggle: Chapter 3, Verse 12 )

Jun. 5th, 2023




Alright, who else lost money on quidditch this weekend?

Anyone betting against the Falcons was a fool, but I admit, I didn't see the Bats loss coming. Out more than I like.




The chocolate hidden behind the sunflower tea that nobody has touched in the last six years in the DMLE break room was not a surprise stash for somebody to raid.

I suggest whoever helped themselves to the peppermint toads and sea-salted honeycomb replace them ASAP. Otherwise I may be forced to hunt you down and extract them from you piece by piece.

May. 22nd, 2023




I can barely believe it has been three weeks since it all happened, it feels like only yesterday it all happened. It still doesn't feel quite real, as much as I think about it all.

This reminds me, if you were part of the effort to protect the town, there is a drink with your name on it at the bar, on me.

May. 19th, 2023




For anyone taking their tests soon, Just a few warnings from the unknown.

If your favorite color is any shade of blue, purple, or pink, make sure to bring two extra quills and an extra ink well.

For anyone else? You'll be needing three quills, but your inkwell should be fine.

If you wear orange socks, stay away from liquids between your third and fourth tests.

Otherwise, good luck! And don't forget to have a celebratory drink with us once you get off the train after graduation. I can't promise good luck, but something good will happen after.




The Book of Diggle: Chapter 3, Verse 1 )

May. 14th, 2023




Right, so here's the thing - is it bad of me that I haven't any allegiance to a specific Quidditch team?

Before everyone leaps on me, I know, I know. The lot of you who are Quidditch fans likely are mad about a specific team and can't understand how someone who likes Quidditch might not have a preference. I understand. And YET -

Apr. 28th, 2023




The Book of Diggle: Ch. 2, Vs. 13 )

Apr. 10th, 2023




How is it that with all of our healing advancements, no one has made a nicely flavoured Skele-gro yet? Considering my own R&D on milk chocolate, pumpkin spice and strawberry flavoured Skele-gro so maybe there won't be a disaster each time a child (or a man child) has to drink it in the ward.

Which flavour would you like to see in Skele-gro?

Apr. 7th, 2023




You know, life comes at you fast. One day you're sitting at the Leaky after a shift, having a wallop and laughs with some mates. The next day, you wake up in a field with a goat chewing on your trousers and a summons in your pocket for attempting to punch a police horse.

In any event: Where are we going this weekend, and when does happy hour begin?

Apr. 5th, 2023




I know it is still freezing outside at the moment, my god, it is nice to finally see a little bit of blue sky. It feels as though this winter has gone on for absolutely bloody years.

Oh, and before I forget, to whoever left the lovely jewel blue robe last Friday night, it's still here and waiting for you to collect at the pub.