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Posts Tagged: 'character:+molly+weasley'

Nov. 1st, 2023




A relatively tame Halloween. Thank Merlin. From what I've heard, it can be a proper nightmare. I will say, you do not need to call on the DMLE if your head is stuck in a jack-o-lantern. That's what Mungo's is for. Also, if your self transfiguration goes wrong, seek Mungo's. There's a fair bit of crossover in some instances, but in these particular ones - Mungo's.

I don't think everyone got my Bertie Bott's costume. Does no one look at chocolate frog cards anymore? He was a very distinguished man. I should've grown a beard for it, I suppose. Maybe next year. I might look quite dashing with a beard.


Oct. 15th, 2023




Kids really do say the darnedest things. Charlie kindly told me this morning that he loved me but he disagreed with my opinion. The opinion being that he should go to bed.

Meanwhile Bill was trying to bargain for more time to play and Percy wanted me to read him the paper.

The twins were suspiciously quiet and I am still not sure what those babies managed to accomplish...

How is everyone fairing. Lots of stuff going on the Ministry and I wanted the check in.



Warded to friends of Tess

I think, we can all agree the last few weeks have been about as shit as can be. I was thinking of hosting a party for Tess' Birthday on the 28th. Who's in?

Oct. 9th, 2023





Sep. 30th, 2023




Attendees of the Merlin Awards! Please remember Madame Malkinโ€™s is open late (ish) on Saturdays so we can see to any of your dress robe emergencies! Need a new fit? A bit of pizazz on an old set? Weโ€™ve got them! Weโ€™re here!

Weโ€™re also playing exclusively ABBA until closing.

This has been a PSA. Ta.

Wear blue tonight! It brings out your eyes!

Sep. 24th, 2023




'excellence in sports', christ. s'pose that'll look spiffing up on the mantle. i'll bookend it with a couple empty firewhiskey bottles. which one of you did it, eh?

warded to weasley boys )

Sep. 12th, 2023




I was always rubbish at Divination, but surely the Cannons being second in the league has to be a sign of something. An omen, but Merlin knows of what. At this point I'm almost a little wary of finding out.

[ Warded to Friends and Short Shorts Party Goers ]

How was the bash at Chez Higgs? Did any of you bother to save a poor, hardworking, hungry journo some candy?

Sep. 8th, 2023




After getting three kids through infancy, I feel I am a good authority on this matter.

But these twins are up to things and communicate in their own way. Even as infants I swear they attempting to pull fast ones on me. I got my hands full with these two once they start crawling, let alone when they walk and talk. I get the hint they will skip walking and head straight to running.

Anyway, who else is eager for the fall? I sure am. The flavours are some of my favourites. I will miss out on the fresh vegetables from the garden as we head into more root vegetables I will be harvesting and storing. I have knitting to complete too, the shifting weather is a reminder of that.




I love quidditch season, but the Wasps trainer has us on such a strict diet and I'm going absolutely mental. I might actually murder a puppy for something fried and greasy. There's only so much grilled chicken a bloke can take.

Do y'think there's a spell to make healthy food taste less like eating a bowl of grass? I feel like I might as well just mow the lawn with my mouth. I'm a growing boy! I can't eat like a bloody rabbit!

[Private to Weasleys]
Molls, don't suppose I could get a cheat meal out of you? I'll bring wine! And plenty of distracting toys for the boys! And I come with hugs!

Sep. 7th, 2023




I tried up think sticky! Is anyone?? Please help! Anyone?? Drat! Lily?? Please help! Lily?? Hes? Head any sense! Oliverythis potion I walking is purple any of the Hogs Head at made and sticky! Geraldine knew it I that the Magic Neep anyone is working, I couldnโ€™t go to made anyone is purple anyone?? Please help! I was rushink straight. I can barely even this?? Is any of this, I am noth! Dirk? I am no good at the Magic Neep any sense?? I am no, I can into made anyone know to fix this