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Posts Tagged: 'character:+ludo+bagman'

Oct. 11th, 2023





Oct. 9th, 2023





Oct. 5th, 2023




Friendly neighborhood pub buddy, at your service.

Need a drink? An ear? A shoulder? A different appendage? Just Ask Aisla (that's me). I'm here for any and all scenarios and needs! Well, not any and all, there are limits, thank you very much, but you catch my drift.

Also, the pub can be my apartment because it's safer.

Currently spinning Pink Moon by Nick Drake, but we can change up the vibes.


Sep. 30th, 2023




Attendees of the Merlin Awards! Please remember Madame Malkin’s is open late (ish) on Saturdays so we can see to any of your dress robe emergencies! Need a new fit? A bit of pizazz on an old set? We’ve got them! We’re here!

We’re also playing exclusively ABBA until closing.

This has been a PSA. Ta.

Wear blue tonight! It brings out your eyes!

Sep. 26th, 2023



If you placed your bets well this past weekend, you're bloody welcome. If you did so poorly, I hope you've learnt your lesson. To Pam Goyle go the spoils. Remember that one, I thought it up while I was visiting McCormack's hoops.

Good game, mates.

Warded to Bella I can't be trusted to throw a bachelorette party devoid of debauchery, can I? This needs to be a you and me plan. Or a you plan because as a fair honest to Merlin warning, right now I'm thinking this should be something like a regular tea, sandwiches and all, but instead of tea, wine and champagne and little glittery dickies scattered about. Already thinking, too, we should have them dancing a wee bit. Dunno if the glittery's gonna be enough to class it up but it feels wrong to have no little willies at all. It's a bachelorette party, innit?

Are we meant to be inviting his mum? If so, perhaps no willies is for the best, after all. Not that I'm not reasonably sure she's encountered one a time or two before, just thinking Fanny might die on the spot and I might rather she didn't.
Warded to Jamie Did you threaten the nice girls snoredinary pee shop? Or was it one of the boys? Was this before or after the shit with Fanny? I don't mind my hot goss getting reheated, it's just as yummy.




Having another whole week off is rough on keeping the temptation at bay for falling too far off the wagon food wise. I guess I'll just have to go extra hard in practice to make up for it. Maybe some extra sessions will do it. Have the Merlin's coming up, have to stay in good form for presenting, don't I?

[Private to Meaghan]
First loss is the toughest. Wanna catch a pint to blow off steam?

[Private to Mundungus]
Falcons win means a win for me! I think I'll let it ride on Puddlemere. Have a good feeling, and betting against the Canons is usually a solid move.

[Weasley bros, Ted, Jackson, Baz, anyone who he would consider a bro, count yourself in]
Right, who is up for a pre-Merlins drink or 8? With or without the Mrs.es, if you please.

Sep. 25th, 2023




I'm sure Robbie is much better at this than I am. Robbie Robs Robert h

The Ordinary is so humbled to be nominated amongst our peers. We love that we are able to bridge two worlds and still have a place where wizards can explore the curiosities of the muggle world while still being in a place that's comforting and safe for them. We are proud that we've not had one accidental magic exposure and thank our patrons for understanding why our tea room is so important.

And we're very sorry about the cancellation of the poker games.

All my best,
xx Tills

Sep. 24th, 2023




'excellence in sports', christ. s'pose that'll look spiffing up on the mantle. i'll bookend it with a couple empty firewhiskey bottles. which one of you did it, eh?

warded to weasley boys )

Sep. 21st, 2023




Oh ho ho ho! Looks like my ballot stuffing getting Mr. Weasley on the ballot for the Golden Quill has been successful. Hush your handsome face, Phin!

Second, I would never dream of trying to convince others to vote for me over the other deserving nominees.

On an entirely unrelated note, here's a recent photo in case you have forgotten who I am:

Sep. 19th, 2023



Wise Advice: If you happen to win and you wish you hadn't, get up there and flash your tits or show us a full moon. Bet you won't see another nomination. You're welcome!

Sep. 15th, 2023




Just a friendly reminder to all that a 5% cap on wage increases is a shite solution to inflation. Pay your workers or else they'll stop working.

Going with a classic today. Shag, marry, push off a cliff. Raise your hand for names or give me three.

Sep. 14th, 2023





Band Poster Spellotaped Horribly )

These Are The Droids You're Looking For will be at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday. Ticket and merch proceeds will be going to this lovely little charity, United for Unicorns. Dora chose it and apparently now we're making and selling unicorn memorabilia in honor of our hunted equine friends. STOP HUNTING THEM YOU STUPID BASTARDS

Sorry. Damn quill. Horns and glittery t-shirts will be available at the door. Also, don't stint your servers or I'll come hunt you down with the bloody glitter.

Sep. 12th, 2023




I was always rubbish at Divination, but surely the Cannons being second in the league has to be a sign of something. An omen, but Merlin knows of what. At this point I'm almost a little wary of finding out.

[ Warded to Friends and Short Shorts Party Goers ]

How was the bash at Chez Higgs? Did any of you bother to save a poor, hardworking, hungry journo some candy?

Sep. 8th, 2023




After getting three kids through infancy, I feel I am a good authority on this matter.

But these twins are up to things and communicate in their own way. Even as infants I swear they attempting to pull fast ones on me. I got my hands full with these two once they start crawling, let alone when they walk and talk. I get the hint they will skip walking and head straight to running.

Anyway, who else is eager for the fall? I sure am. The flavours are some of my favourites. I will miss out on the fresh vegetables from the garden as we head into more root vegetables I will be harvesting and storing. I have knitting to complete too, the shifting weather is a reminder of that.




I love quidditch season, but the Wasps trainer has us on such a strict diet and I'm going absolutely mental. I might actually murder a puppy for something fried and greasy. There's only so much grilled chicken a bloke can take.

Do y'think there's a spell to make healthy food taste less like eating a bowl of grass? I feel like I might as well just mow the lawn with my mouth. I'm a growing boy! I can't eat like a bloody rabbit!

[Private to Weasleys]
Molls, don't suppose I could get a cheat meal out of you? I'll bring wine! And plenty of distracting toys for the boys! And I come with hugs!




It's always interesting to look at the things that people leave behind at the tea room. We often get things like wellies or umbrellas, but sometimes there's a gem that you just can't look past.

Have you ever found something that wasn't yours, network? If so, what was it - and did you keep it?

I think I found something of yours last night. Someone left it under a pint, almost like they wanted me to find it. Surely that wouldn't be the case, now would it?

Sep. 6th, 2023




BREAK OUT YOUR BANNERS mates coz it's SATURDAY as you bloody well know. PRIDE v WANDERERS, Portree and Wigtown and why the hell's the stadium gotta be so far south I'll never know.

Point is come an watch the bloodbath coz Loughty or Kerr or whichever we got seeking's gonna be more then enough for MacPherson no matter how well I know you you Puffy bastard, and Blair you better be ready to never make a goal for hours an end.

[78ers, no attempt to differentiate]
You're coming right?? We're gonna make it Higgs for afters, he ain't getting out of me eating all his shit THAT easy.

Aug. 21st, 2023





Read more... )

Aug. 15th, 2023




Made the mistake of ducking into my mum's pub for a pint whilst wearing my quidditch robes. You'd think I was wearing a ball gown the way that people were going on. Muggles are not very forgiving when it comes to fashion, I suppose. Which is odd, since there was an awful lot of velour bellbottoms being sported.

Ahh, was worth it. The jukebox (muggle record machine, pretty brilliant, I have to say) had quite the selection of rock and I just played as much Rolling Stones as I could afford. Once you have a few pints, all is forgiven. Alcohol and Mick Jagger are universal languages.

Plus, can't fault my moves:

Aug. 11th, 2023




Photo shoots are bloody weird. Folks tellin you how to stand and where your hands are and look different no not over there look at me only feel different doing it. Gonna end up all fake looking I bet. Helluva lot more fun when it's all taking photos of each other and you're doing shite you wanna remember.

BUT I reckon that's last of it at least or damn well better be. All those bastards at my hair urgh