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Posts Tagged: 'character:+matilda+dukelow'

Oct. 25th, 2023




My sweet, angelic, gentle brother is back stateside.

Have I missed anything? Is there something interesting going on?

Oct. 14th, 2023




I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.

Saturday, October 28th. Enthusiasts of muggle cinema and all things fabulous only. Popcorn not provided. Costumes encouraged. Currently going as Columbia ( I look amazing in a bustier and sequined top hat ).

Taking any and all inquiries here.

Currently spinning The Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack, obviously.

Thanks again for coming and making it such a wonderful night! You’re all brilliant! I will be cocooned in a fluffy blanket for the rest of the weekend. If anyone needs a couch buddy, the door is open and you are welcome.

Also considering making Jack-o-Lanterns? Anyone game?

Oct. 10th, 2023




Here comes some anger about a list of brilliant books from people who don’t even know how to access a muggle bookshop.

If you want them, I’ll get them for you. Free of charge, delivered by public owl. Or by the post, if you really want to be authentic about it.

Three cheers for The Sex Pistols, muggles and the fact that without them, you wouldn’t have me. xx

Make sure you're taking care of each other. Things are getting crazy.

All my love,

Oct. 8th, 2023




Poem cut for length )

It feels weak and petty to mind, all things considered. But as reassuring as it is to be deemed Essential (for any number of reasons) and as good as it is to have something to do... the office has not been a pleasant place this week.




I note there's still not much of an official word from the Ministry on what exactly they're doing to catch the person or persons responsible or what they'll be doing to prevent it from happening again in the future. Or not much of an official word on just what exactly did happen that night in the first place. How reassuring.

To have one senior government member murdered, Mr Minchum, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness.

[Private to Jamie]

Are you ready to talk yet?

Sep. 28th, 2023




[Marlene, Lily, Hestia, Greta, Matty, Marcus, Steve - girl mates PLUS]
Snagged a Bag, well worth the hype. Good in the sack an not bad in the kitchen neither.

Sorry to break up your happy home Macmillan, you'd of too with all that in front a you.

Sep. 25th, 2023




I'm sure Robbie is much better at this than I am. Robbie Robs Robert h

The Ordinary is so humbled to be nominated amongst our peers. We love that we are able to bridge two worlds and still have a place where wizards can explore the curiosities of the muggle world while still being in a place that's comforting and safe for them. We are proud that we've not had one accidental magic exposure and thank our patrons for understanding why our tea room is so important.

And we're very sorry about the cancellation of the poker games.

All my best,
xx Tills

Sep. 24th, 2023




'excellence in sports', christ. s'pose that'll look spiffing up on the mantle. i'll bookend it with a couple empty firewhiskey bottles. which one of you did it, eh?

warded to weasley boys )

Sep. 20th, 2023




Turns out they were gonna make the whole team go anyways so least we gotta reason to care now. And Warbeck will be too so mum's for sure coming then, and so much for tits.

Anyroad, vote McCormack! Or wait till we crush Falcons this weekend then vote McCormack, no rush no fuss.




Hmm, seems to me there is a distinct lack of quality in this year's Merlin awards. They just let anyone be nominated, do they?

And sometimes multiple times. Can't say it speaks very highly of them.

At least Borgin & Burke's received a nod.




I'm sorry...what?

[Warded to Friends, not very good as she was distracted, feel free to be able to see]

Is this a joke? Who would put my name in and WHY WOULD I GET PICKED??

Meaghan, Hes, Oliver, Dirk...Sirius, Marcus...DEFINITELY Ted. These all make sense.


Sep. 15th, 2023




Just a friendly reminder to all that a 5% cap on wage increases is a shite solution to inflation. Pay your workers or else they'll stop working.

Going with a classic today. Shag, marry, push off a cliff. Raise your hand for names or give me three.

Sep. 14th, 2023





Band Poster Spellotaped Horribly )

These Are The Droids You're Looking For will be at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday. Ticket and merch proceeds will be going to this lovely little charity, United for Unicorns. Dora chose it and apparently now we're making and selling unicorn memorabilia in honor of our hunted equine friends. STOP HUNTING THEM YOU STUPID BASTARDS

Sorry. Damn quill. Horns and glittery t-shirts will be available at the door. Also, don't stint your servers or I'll come hunt you down with the bloody glitter.

Sep. 12th, 2023



Love me a good first. Last night, a bloke took me back to his and his mum fucking loved me. Bet she would've eaten that beef wellington straight from the palm of my hand. Course the bloke's already marrying my sister. I'm only fucking gettin with men whose mums are Falcons fans from now on.

Sep. 10th, 2023




I went to Hogsmeade today for the figure-drawing session, I suppose you'd call it. It's always interesting to see artists at their work, the different ways they see the world and interpret a subject, whatever the medium, but it may be a bit easier to spot the differences in art. Unfortunately that also means it's easier to see when someone is lacking. That someone being me -- apparently after 30 minutes observation, it's nigh impossible to resist giving it a try.

I'm no artist, of course, but I think I started to get the hang of it eventually, though the posture might still be a bit stiff. What do you think?

Cut for size, nudity )




Take away recommendations? I'm shit at cooking apparently and I'm starting to wear out my favorite places near my flat.

Warded to Friends* )

Warded to Aisling )


Sep. 8th, 2023




Does anyone have any idea what in Merlin this could possibly be? I was walking in London heading to Diagon and some teenager pushed it in my hands before laughing and running off?

I...am perplexed?

[Goyle Family]

My parents would like me to extend an invitation for all of you to dine at the manor this Monday for dinner. I do hope it isn't too short of notice, and that beef wellington would suit.


Do you think your parents would mind very much if my mother took completely over the rehearsal dinner. She insists its tradition for the grooms family to do, but I confess I've never paid attention to such things. She wants to hold it at the vineyard.




It's always interesting to look at the things that people leave behind at the tea room. We often get things like wellies or umbrellas, but sometimes there's a gem that you just can't look past.

Have you ever found something that wasn't yours, network? If so, what was it - and did you keep it?

I think I found something of yours last night. Someone left it under a pint, almost like they wanted me to find it. Surely that wouldn't be the case, now would it?

Sep. 7th, 2023




I tried up think sticky! Is anyone?? Please help! Anyone?? Drat! Lily?? Please help! Lily?? Hes? Head any sense! Oliverythis potion I walking is purple any of the Hogs Head at made and sticky! Geraldine knew it I that the Magic Neep anyone is working, I couldn’t go to made anyone is purple anyone?? Please help! I was rushink straight. I can barely even this?? Is any of this, I am noth! Dirk? I am no good at the Magic Neep any sense?? I am no, I can into made anyone know to fix this

Aug. 27th, 2023




I can't believe August is almost through! And the weekend as well, of course -- it's all a whirl these days, with work throughout the week and then, on to wedding planning. And the plans are coming along, so those of you who RSVPed, don't worry, the date won't be changing and we've a wonderful new location. I'm dying for you to see it once we're done with it! Thankfully the wait won't be too long.

But in the meantime, while I'm not quite as eager to dive back into work as some people, I do have a few designs I'm very excited about.

Cut for size )

If you're interested in seeing any of these pieces in person, or the rest of our selection, feel free to stop by Praelucere.