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Posts Tagged: 'character:+algernon+parkinson'

Sep. 24th, 2023




Here it is, nearly time for the Merlin's! I hope everyone is as excited as I am, especially since I'm delighted to be your emcee, and of course I'll be hoping for a win myself, even if I have exceptional competition. I do enjoy seeing all the wizarding world has to celebrate.

And merely weeks away from going from afianced to wedded! I am quite excited to see friends and family alike in Australia. If only everyone could be as happy as I am.

With the nuptials and all, don't be surprised by Leopold's arc on the show. No spoilers, but trust in the turners!

[Private to Fanny]

I know you won't mind too terribly much, but I have asked Emmeline to do the guestbook table. I wanted her to have some part, since she's family, and figured it would be inconspicuous. Just wanted to let you know.




Wonderful win yesterday, Falmouth! I do enjoy seeing the Snitch come into play. Anything could happen, even in a match that's not so neck-and-neck!

And I meant to say it sooner, but I'm so proud of all my friends and family (and future family!) nominated for the Merlins. And for such a range of work! I'm looking forward to celebrating you all next weekend - which I can hardly believe will be next weekend. The days are just flying by lately, but I suppose that will happen with the wedding coming up so soon too, in just two weeks!

I'm taking the rest of this time off of work, at my lovely boss's suggestion... she remembers her own wedding and how much there was to do, and insisted that I focus my attention there. And she's right, of course. I've been feeling rather run down lately and could use the break.

[Private to Jamie, Melly, Bella, Cynthia]
Thank God his mother is handling the rehearsal dinner. If I had one more thing to do I would burn the manor down, and then where would we live?

I can't wait for this all to be over with.




I do not know who was kind enough to nominate me for Outstanding Bravery but thank you. I am truly honored, humbled, and surprised by the recognition and it means a great deal to me. I appreciate the thoughtful gesture. I can't say enough.

Warded Private to Friends )

Warded Private to Albert )

Sep. 12th, 2023



Love me a good first. Last night, a bloke took me back to his and his mum fucking loved me. Bet she would've eaten that beef wellington straight from the palm of my hand. Course the bloke's already marrying my sister. I'm only fucking gettin with men whose mums are Falcons fans from now on.

Sep. 8th, 2023




Does anyone have any idea what in Merlin this could possibly be? I was walking in London heading to Diagon and some teenager pushed it in my hands before laughing and running off?

I...am perplexed?

[Goyle Family]

My parents would like me to extend an invitation for all of you to dine at the manor this Monday for dinner. I do hope it isn't too short of notice, and that beef wellington would suit.


Do you think your parents would mind very much if my mother took completely over the rehearsal dinner. She insists its tradition for the grooms family to do, but I confess I've never paid attention to such things. She wants to hold it at the vineyard.




After getting three kids through infancy, I feel I am a good authority on this matter.

But these twins are up to things and communicate in their own way. Even as infants I swear they attempting to pull fast ones on me. I got my hands full with these two once they start crawling, let alone when they walk and talk. I get the hint they will skip walking and head straight to running.

Anyway, who else is eager for the fall? I sure am. The flavours are some of my favourites. I will miss out on the fresh vegetables from the garden as we head into more root vegetables I will be harvesting and storing. I have knitting to complete too, the shifting weather is a reminder of that.

Aug. 30th, 2023




Bloody hell, I knew Diagon Alley was going to be busy, but that was something else.

I've seen illustrations of gladiator battles that looked less chaotic and bloody than that.

Good thing that I have a pub because I'm not sure I could afford the amount of beer I need to get over that trip otherwise.

Aug. 28th, 2023




A friendly, helpful piece of advice:

Please lock up Skelegro. Because there are wee children who, despite the taste, will drink an entire bottle.

Have you seen a hand with two extra sets of bones in it? Do you know how many bones are in the human hand? More than you think, ye innocents unburdened by such horrors.

I had nightmares about hand emergencies my first week, convinced myself I was just anxious, and now, here's the hand horrors I thought confined only to the depths of my wretched subconscious. It looked like the Buddha's hand fruit in the tropical glass house back at Arkaig. Ye gods and little fishes.

Aug. 27th, 2023




I can't believe August is almost through! And the weekend as well, of course -- it's all a whirl these days, with work throughout the week and then, on to wedding planning. And the plans are coming along, so those of you who RSVPed, don't worry, the date won't be changing and we've a wonderful new location. I'm dying for you to see it once we're done with it! Thankfully the wait won't be too long.

But in the meantime, while I'm not quite as eager to dive back into work as some people, I do have a few designs I'm very excited about.

Cut for size )

If you're interested in seeing any of these pieces in person, or the rest of our selection, feel free to stop by Praelucere.

Aug. 21st, 2023





Read more... )

Aug. 20th, 2023




For any fans of Time Turner's Tales, tomorrow will be a rare Monday episode that is not all re-hashing. I can't spoil the plot, but I will say that fans of Reginald and Wilhemina as an article might want to tune in!

Darling, Mother and Father have suggested the use of a close family member's estate if we wish for the nuptials. I can't say I have a flair for...such things, but while it's a cousin's place it's very spacious and lovely, and quite a bit of land so it's far away from any muggle riff-raff. What do you think? If you think it could be acceptable, I can owl cousin Jeffery and secure it.