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Posts Tagged: 'character:+jules+wakefield'

Sep. 20th, 2023




Right, which one of you muppets voted for my place?

Regardless, pre-game drinks at The Brass Monkey for anyone going to that event. I'll be doing half-price beer in the two hours before the event, because if you're anything like me, you're going to have to be drunk and probably high to want to go to that place.

Sep. 1st, 2023




Sounds like there is a bit of a commotion going on down at the Ministry.

To all you taking the piss out of me yesterday, Karma's a bitch, isn't she?


Any chance you can work tonight? Something tells me we might have a busy night on at the bar tonight, after the chaos.

Aug. 21st, 2023




Is anyone else hoping we might get another weekend or two of glorious weather like before? Or, just me?

[Warded to Gideon]
Feel like a catch-up anytime soon? Can't remember the last time we hung out, just you and me.

Aug. 20th, 2023




I didn't think much would top this month after last weekend, but this weekend I was invited out to visit a colleague of mine. Not only did we get to laze on the beach for a while, but he introduced me to the Demiguise that he's rehabilitating. Didn't get my future told, but I got to sit with her for a while.

Be envious, because she is a marvelous creature.

Aug. 17th, 2023




Private to Marauders )

Private to Damocles )

Suppose I should find a job. If anyone's got any openings I'll take it. Waiting tables, washing dishes, whatever. Thanks.

Jul. 4th, 2023




Bloody hell, it is obscenely hot.

I always thought I was good at cooling charms, but I swear I am sweating from places I didn't think it was possible to sweat from. How on earth are the rest of you lot dealing with this heat?

May. 24th, 2023




2-4-1 drinks between 7 and 9 pm this Saturday, for all Ministry employees at the Brass Monkey.

And no, before any of you ask, I'm not getting a muggle karaoke machine. Most of you sing like you need to be put out of your misery.

May. 23rd, 2023




Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with nightmares? Magical or otherwise, just so long as it's safe. At this point, I'm desperate.

Before anyone recommends alcohol, it's for my five-year-old sister. She hasn't slept through the night for the last few weeks.

May. 21st, 2023




Seven people.

Why did it take reading it in the paper to realise.

May. 19th, 2023




The Book of Diggle: Chapter 3, Verse 1 )

Apr. 11th, 2023




Here's a little tip for all you ickle kiddies getting ready to graduate – if you're looking to intern? Flattery and gifts won't hide your idiocy for long. For my sanity and yours don't even bother if you can't tell your arse from a hole in the ground.

All these fucking kids in here looking for a job and not one of them even close to competent. Christ. Someone take me out?