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Posts Tagged: 'character:+regulus+black'

Nov. 21st, 2023




As much as I am not looking forward to the first snowfall, I quite enjoy the encroaching chill. Quidditch practice and brisk walkabouts are much more enjoyable with a bit of a nip in the air. One can always layer up, but there is little one can do to escape the heat.

I'm also looking forward to the holiday season. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade do it up very well, provided you avoid the tree sap and the crowds. Bit difficult to do in Hogsmeade, but the school is manageable. It’s difficult to believe this will be my final holiday season here. I suppose everyone feels similarly. After seven years, it becomes rather routine in a way.

As long as Gryffindor keeps the ragers parties tame, I might survive to see the new year.


Nov. 8th, 2023




To fans of the Time Turners Tales, you'll have noticed by now that things have gone back to normal with the return of Mr Parkinson. To all those who were hoping for that long-awaited episode where Mr George, Granny Drusilla and Leopold's mother have their own adventure while the rest of the cast are elsewhere, please know I was advocating for it. Maybe next time someone gets the marital bug.

And if anyone has a work colleague getting married soon, beware. It gets them out of the way yes but at what cost? A distracted coworker for months leading up to the event, then a few weeks of calm while they're gallivanting in foreign places, then they finally return to work and are still distracted. And on top of that they're all... lovey. If this is what marriage does to a man? It's terrifying. All the best wishes for the happy couple though.




What kinda person has a whole damn birthday and don't even have a party for it? What else's the point? You gotta do shit and celebrate shit or you might's well just live in a cave and growl.

I ever say don't bother celebrating owt it ain't me really and you can toss me in the sea. I ever say I want less then a bloody birthday parade you can smash my broom and give me a Cleansweep, I don't care how old I get. You ain't using your births, give it away to someone who will. SPECIALLY this time a year.

Nov. 5th, 2023




It’s getting colder. I hope the snow holds off. The grounds are an absolute nightmare once it starts. Why does Hogwarts even have a groundskeeper if he clearly doesn’t maintain the grounds? Can he even use magic or is he one of those?






Read more... )

Nov. 3rd, 2023





Nov. 2nd, 2023




How is it November? How has most of the year disappeared? I have had a few jobs. Fuck Guess we are nearing that time I should be making some resolutions or something. Maybe pick a career path?

WARDED TO CUSTOMERS [If you think your character would have hired her to acquire some goods for them hope on in.]
With things settled in my life post celebrations I am more available for any tasks should you need my services.

Oct. 31st, 2023




Happy Hallows, ghouls and gals. How old is too old to go guising? You get all dressed up, ward off some evil ghosties, then people give you free treats? Sounds like an ace evening to me. Who doesn't like free treats?

Pumpkin juice or hot cider?




Wishing everyone a wonderfully cordial Halloween filled with sweet treats and maybe some wicked treats.

The office will be closing early today to allow for enjoyment of the holiday and reopen tomorrow.

Warded to Bellatrix )




Today marks the final Halloween Feast of my Hogwarts career. I’m looking forward to being able to choose how I spend it in the future. As much as I enjoy the decorations, the feast itself leaves much to be desired. Unlimited pumpkin juice is not really the draw they seem to think it is.

Allow me to live vicariously through all of you for a moment.

What plans have you for the holiday or did you already celebrate this past weekend? Do tell.

Did you survive your birthday celebrations? Hopefully with some margin for fun.

Oct. 27th, 2023




I would like to take a moment to remind the general public to please endeavour not to wear loose objects when using the Floo Network. It's highly unlikely you will not get your much-cherished scarf back once it's lost.

Oct. 26th, 2023




Can't really believe it's my birthday tomorrow. I had to check the calendar to see what day it is today, and when my own birthday was scheduled. Maybe I can reschedule it. I'll be in the Danger Wing with creature bites tomorrow. It'll be a proper warm-up for Halloween, this weekend. Can't wait to see what mischief hits triage. At least there's people designated to deal with magical injuries inflicted on Muggles now. I've heard horror stories of the Before Times.

I sound like an old man. Is this life after school? Or was I just born old? I didn't feel old back in Hufflepuff. When I'm 80, I'll be truly ancient, dottering around to yell at wee bairns and shake a stick at them. Or send sticks after them with a charm, if I'm truly decrepit.




Careful. Those cobbles are slippery.

Private: Evan Rosier )

Private: Regulus Black )

Private: Fanny Parkinson )

Private: Self )

Oct. 17th, 2023




The appointment of Mr. Clarence Carrow to the Wizengamot is wonderful news. After the upheaval of recent weeks, it is gratifying to know the Ministry is looking after our best interests by appointing someone with such an outstanding record. Undoubtedly, not everyone will see it as such, but I urge these individuals to look into his past achievements.

Congratulations are also due to the new Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson. It was both an honor and a pleasure to have been part of their celebrations this past weekend.


Oct. 13th, 2023




It is deeply upsetting that the death of Tiberius Fallon has been turned into a talking point on the behalf of progressives. His belief in traditional wizarding values are being weaponized posthumously against him as a strike against the Ministry by individuals who will not even sign their names. Why should the Wizengamot be forced into an upheaval of balance by electing a member who would be at odds with the late Mr. Fallon? Should we not honor his memory by honoring his beliefs?

Additionally, upholding the values and culture that has seen us through years of both strife and achievement is hardly the negative stance some seem to think it is.


Oct. 10th, 2023




"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”
People have been trying and failing longer than you have to remove world's aberrations. Thing is—those divergences? Those mistakes? They have a tendency to crop up whether you want them to or not.

So trust me. You'll bow to nature before long.

I know. I know.




[Warded heavily to himself]
what kind of comfortable middle-class feel good nonsense
letter campaigns
replacing one pureblood arse in a seat with another one, but 'oh, he sometimes says better words about the cause du jour'
lists of people that no one will read
a fucking manifesto

We aim to realise a world where Muggleborns are embraced as full members of society. By drawing unwelcome, disruptive attention to them. Where Muggles are respected as peers, friends who happen to share our planet. By sharing books that portray them as violent, blindly rule following beasts and their main cultural output as being childlike and silly. We cannot achieve equality while continuing to oppress others on the basis of blood purity. Because surely all those bastards doing the oppressing are so terribly bothered by the notion of equality and how to achieve it. We must lean into our responsibility to advocate for those within our community who are marginalised and shut out by systems and institutions because of their parentage, giving them a community platform to safely advocate for themselves. Lean in? What does this even MEAN? Lean in. No one's asking if I want to be leaned on. Is this what advocating and giving people a 'safe community platform' means? Juvenile stunts that surely won't provoke backlash against anyone but those responsible?

Speak up. Speak out. Shut up.

I, for one, would like to profusely thank the brave defenders of liberty who saw fit to cause this morning's noble disturbance. There's nothing I look forward to more each day than being repeatedly smacked in the face by an enchanted photo of Minchum while trying to walk to work. Injustice has clearly been dealt such a blow. That'll show 'em.




Might I remind my fellow peers there is much schoolwork to be done outside of setting your hair on fire with setting spray and exploding snap and it would certainly be more productive. Additionally, listening to terrible records of what sounds like wailing is not set to improve the mind in any way. If you insist and persist, please be mindful of the volume.

You have my gratitude.


(added a little while later)

Oct. 9th, 2023




Ooo, a skull and a snake. How bloody fucking clever. Shite. F'it was me, I'd at least do something a little more original. We already know what house you came out of.

Heavily Warded to Friends )
Heavily Warded to Weasleys & Prewitts )
Private to Gemma )

Oct. 8th, 2023




I note there's still not much of an official word from the Ministry on what exactly they're doing to catch the person or persons responsible or what they'll be doing to prevent it from happening again in the future. Or not much of an official word on just what exactly did happen that night in the first place. How reassuring.

To have one senior government member murdered, Mr Minchum, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness.

[Private to Jamie]

Are you ready to talk yet?