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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+audrey+summers'

Aug. 28th, 2023




Hello, hello.


One of the ghosts was stalking me while I was preparing a tea order (which, for the record, isn't why I was hired into the DMLE even though some of the older gentlemen think that's my sole purpose in life).

As of this moment, I am stuck between floors (they aren't sure which floor numbers, from what I can tell) as I jumped into a dumbwaiter to try and evade that damn ghost.

Your tea will have to wait. Perpetually. Possibly forever.

Good day!

and into the men’s loo. Thank you.

Aug. 27th, 2023




I can't believe August is almost through! And the weekend as well, of course -- it's all a whirl these days, with work throughout the week and then, on to wedding planning. And the plans are coming along, so those of you who RSVPed, don't worry, the date won't be changing and we've a wonderful new location. I'm dying for you to see it once we're done with it! Thankfully the wait won't be too long.

But in the meantime, while I'm not quite as eager to dive back into work as some people, I do have a few designs I'm very excited about.

Cut for size )

If you're interested in seeing any of these pieces in person, or the rest of our selection, feel free to stop by Praelucere.




I failed to realise that this was the final weekend before September 1st and to say that Diagon Alley was busy, would be a terrible understatement.

It was fun seeing how excited most kids were at the expense of their parents, mentally, physically, and financially. I know that someday I will be one of those parents... And I'm looking forward to whenever that day comes.

Private to Audrey Summers )

Aug. 26th, 2023




The festival was lovely (she said two weeks after the fact, when no one is thinking of it anymore) but strange to think of how it used to be. The last time I went, I realized my music was gone out of fashion. It's not come back since, and perhaps never will. Which is fine -- I didn't listen for the fashion. But one can't help but feel a bit left behind by the march of time and change of tastes. Luckily I'm not the first to feel that way, and my dad is always willing to commiserate.

I've been thinking of villanelles all month, since my last entry. They've an interesting, complicated rhyme scheme, with repeated lines much like a short chorus. Maybe that's why they seem so well-made to express (and wrestle with) strong emotions. Very songlike.

I'm going to share three today, because I couldn't decide between them. I don't expect many people will want to read them all, but I hope that everyone who does finds something they like in at least one.

Cut for length )

Jul. 8th, 2023




It seems a shame to be missing the good weather in the UK considering its appearance is so infrequent, but I figure as far as alternatives go, the French coast isn't too shabby.

It's not quite the social event I imagine this weekend's meet-up will be, but aside from outings with Mamère, I should be afforded plenty of time to catch up on my reading and to test out the new camera I received for my birthday.

[OOC: Close friends (and I'm always down for Audrey having more of those!), will know that Audrey has taken some time off work to visit her grandmother in France as a way to clear her head after breaking things off with Jackson.]

Jun. 13th, 2023




Since we're due for a round of interns here, a word (or more) of advice for our new additions next week:

- Bring your own snacks. We have a Snack Niffler in our midst.
- If you run into the grumpy leprechaun, just stay calm and carry on.
- If you find someone is consistently using you for coffee runs and/or playing the Good Auror/Bad Auror bit on you–just let me know and I'll come put that to rights. Personally.

Also, try to savor that last bit of Hogwarts, yeah? Eager as you may be now, Merlin knows when nostalgia will hit you about the small things. I can't tell you how much I miss the castle kitchens when I enter my own stark and chockful-of-nothing one. Or the Ravenclaw Common Room; best bit about being prefect was kicking the rumps of all the No-Claws trying to get past our literal foolproof passwords (you know who you are). Some of my favorites (and if you can answer these, you are a True 'Claw):

Riddle me this. )

Jun. 12th, 2023




Beat back those bludgers, boys, and chuck that quaffle here!

That song will never get old and I look forward to singing along with every Puddlemere fan this weekend during the finals.

Warded Private to Audrey Summers )

Jun. 1st, 2023




It was a privilege and honor to be asked to cover the press briefing this afternoon for the Spokeswizard. And quite the learning experience in the process. Although, I could not have pulled it off without the help of those involved from every department. It was certainly an effort by all but one that was handled and taken care of with professionalism, hard work, and some humour as well.

I am looking forward to it again. Except, not at the expense of the current Spokeswizard.

Warded Private to Albert Jorkins )

May. 21st, 2023




Seven people.

Why did it take reading it in the paper to realise.

May. 15th, 2023





Read more... )

May. 7th, 2023




Dorcas, this isn't helpful

Unmoved by what the wind does,
The windows
Are not rattled, nor do the various
Of the house make their usual racket–
Creak at
The joints, trusses, and studs.
They are still.
And the maples,
At times to raise havoc,
Not a sound from their branches
It’s my night to be rattled,
With spooks. Even the half-moon
Half dark), on the horizon,
Lies on
Its side casting a fishy light
Which alights
On my Floor, lavishly lording
Its morbid
Look over me. Oh I feel dead,
Away in my blankets for good, and
My room is clammy and cold,
And weird. The shivers
Wash over
Me, shaking my bones, my loose ends
And I lie sleeping with one eye open,
That nothing, nothing will happen.

May. 2nd, 2023





Left on Audrey's desk Wednesday morning )

Apr. 13th, 2023




[Editor's note: Memo sent Friday morning, 14th of April]

Read more... )

Apr. 9th, 2023




I haven't picked this thing up in so long, but I really couldn't think of a better place to express my thanks to everybody that made my first week in the Department of International Magical Cooperation pass by so quickly and painlessly! I had big shoes to fill and a little prior insight from my time interning, so knew it was never going to be easy, but instead of simply treading water I actually really enjoyed my week getting to know the department and all of the people that make it what it is.

Warded to Stamford Jorkins )