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Posts Tagged: 'character:+sybill+trelawney'

Sep. 21st, 2023




After a couple of weeks, I finally talked Tom into it. Half-priced shots for any nominees of the Merlin Awards until the show. And after the Gala, for any of the losers, come in with your saddest face and you'll get a drink on us. I'm supposed to note that it won't be the "top-shelf shit," but we all know the Leaky doesn't have any "top-shelf shit."

Do you ever get the feeling..

Now for the fun bit, are we taking bets on who we all think will win?

Aug. 26th, 2023




Making a proper breakfast for a proper hangover, entertain me and pick a number between 3-10.

Aug. 23rd, 2023




How about something for fun? If you could be nominated for any award, what would it be? It can be real, fake, or a mix of the two. And if you won, what would you like the prize to be?

I need a little entertainment before the Happy Hour crowd gets here.

Jul. 8th, 2023




It seems a shame to be missing the good weather in the UK considering its appearance is so infrequent, but I figure as far as alternatives go, the French coast isn't too shabby.

It's not quite the social event I imagine this weekend's meet-up will be, but aside from outings with Mamère, I should be afforded plenty of time to catch up on my reading and to test out the new camera I received for my birthday.

[OOC: Close friends (and I'm always down for Audrey having more of those!), will know that Audrey has taken some time off work to visit her grandmother in France as a way to clear her head after breaking things off with Jackson.]

Jun. 25th, 2023




I hope you were all able to find your fortune with the Quidditch Finals. I would have offered some readings, but I fear using my gift for such things like gambling would be horribly unfair. And I do enjoy a little risk.

Come into the Leaky if you need to drown your sorrows. Tom is letting us run a buy one get one half off to keep the party of the weekend going.

Jun. 15th, 2023




We got TWO MORE WEEKS HERE?? Since when??

It's summer I'm 18 quid's done I got through your socalled exams what else you even got for me?!? Howm I meant to get that nostalgia and whatthefuckever if you WON'T LET ME GO

May. 19th, 2023




For anyone taking their tests soon, Just a few warnings from the unknown.

If your favorite color is any shade of blue, purple, or pink, make sure to bring two extra quills and an extra ink well.

For anyone else? You'll be needing three quills, but your inkwell should be fine.

If you wear orange socks, stay away from liquids between your third and fourth tests.

Otherwise, good luck! And don't forget to have a celebratory drink with us once you get off the train after graduation. I can't promise good luck, but something good will happen after.




The Book of Diggle: Chapter 3, Verse 1 )

Apr. 7th, 2023




You know, life comes at you fast. One day you're sitting at the Leaky after a shift, having a wallop and laughs with some mates. The next day, you wake up in a field with a goat chewing on your trousers and a summons in your pocket for attempting to punch a police horse.

In any event: Where are we going this weekend, and when does happy hour begin?