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Posts Tagged: 'colin+cole'

Mar. 11th, 2014



miles summons the merry men.

[Before the invitations arrive.]

Mayday. Your services are required. Lord Norwood is in need of a respectable, recognisable best man -- Lord Finch, would you be available? -- and some genteel best men. Some cousins from abroad or similar nonsense. Rhys, Thomas, get your disguises ready, it'll be a hoot.

Oh, and he's getting married. So there's that.

[COLIN, EVANDER, MATHIEU, RHYS, TOM] handwave that he mentioned this before, just so it's less ~out of the blue~
A followup to my aforementioned proposition. The preparations are now complete: the town of Wildebarrow, Aries 1st and 2nd, we'll ride up and perform the New Years' Day concert and then get the hell out of the podunk mountain town once our hands are full. Are we all in, gentlemen?

Additionally, if anyone knows a discreet carriage rental...? I grew spoiled with having an airship at my beck and call. Alas, those days are no more!

So I hear we're to put you through your paces, Min.

Rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal. I suppose this is the life now.




You've got mail! )

Feb. 27th, 2014



[A few hours after the Earthquake]

You know, I always wanted a hole in my back yard. You can't deny it adds a little something to the view.

Feb. 12th, 2014




So having parted with a fair amount of gold in the form of government-backed Emillion currency, I am pleased to report that my new harp is the shit.

I know it may be a faux pas to brag about impulse buys, but whatever. It's awesome. I'm going to write a new song to celebrate. Haven't decided if it's going to be about the love of a fair lass on the streets of Rabanastre or funny things that rhyme with chocobo poo, but we'll see what happens.




You know, I've all respect for the Bards Guild, but I could do without the fucking minstrels running up to you in the street and warbling on their lutes in the expectation of some gil. More likely to get tripped into the gutter than get a handout.

This might mean you, Colin.

Aspel, assuming you'll be with Chiaro this holiday. Seloria, don't tell me you're spending the day with Redwald Vannes.

Fucking St. Namorados.

New studies going well?


Busy Friday?

Feb. 7th, 2014




It would seem that very honorable guests have arrived to our city. I wonder what the rumor mongers are hearing about now.

At least they won't complain about the chill.

Feb. 5th, 2014




I feel as though I need to learn more combat-oriented offensive spells... this is something I shall work on going forward.

Jan. 19th, 2014




after dispensing some very sage wisdom to my dear brother this weekend, i've decided to try my hand at being an advice columnist. of course, i've no interest in displacing the wonderful dear ellie (do give me a ring, would you?), so 'redwald vannes, advice columnist' will be a twenty-four hour event. relationship troubles? family turmoil? career struggles? redwald vannes has an answer for it all. and if i can't come up with one right away, get back to me in an hour—i'm sure i'll have polished off this bottle of wine by then.

incidentally, the black eye i'm sporting only enhances my good looks.

there's a


how do you feel about a proper dinner date? i'll have my eye cleaned up and everything.

Jan. 15th, 2014




Oh dear... I've run into a slight problem. My kitten Hypnos appears to have gotten stuck up a tree and much as I've tried I just can't reach him to get him down.

Sid, if you're not too busy, could you help me please?