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Posts Tagged: 'emily+miliona'

Oct. 31st, 2014



For fuck's sake. Can't idiots stay off the fucking street for one fucking night?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


[ public ]

I will be collecting donations for the poor. Are there any would like to assist?

[ private ]
When did I become so impatient?

Jun. 4th, 2014



| public |

The Snuggly Duckling shall re-open for business on Gemini 20. We shall be having a few specials, as well as samplings of new items on the menu. I do hope to see you all there.

[ Special Stock Customers ]
My stock has been replenished. If you are in need of anything, do let me know.

[ Ari ]
Once I've confirmation from the client, I shall forward payment ahead.

[ Emily ]
I have sent a small package via courier. It contains some documents that may be of interest as well as a mem stone. Do review and let me know if it is of use.

[ Aspel ]
I apologize for the lateness of this, but it took some time to obtain the item I wished to give you for your birthday. You should receive it and a bottle of mead this afternoon.

[ Coulombes + Basil ]
The guest house is ready for you at whatever time you wish to return to it.

May. 23rd, 2014


[ genevieve ]

Lady Albrecht, I was wondering if there is, by chance, a time where we could meet to talk for a bit. I have some things on my mind and I am need of speaking to someone who is of sound mind and not Cormac.

May. 21st, 2014


[ public ]

The Mages' Guild in Emillion has received word from a secluded monastery in the Outlands. They are offering to donate a caché of White Magic spell scrolls; however, as the monastery is quite out of the way of regular merchant traffic, the Guild is looking to recruit three to six volunteers to make the trek there and retrieve these scrolls, then bring them back to the city, and the Tower.

A map of the area will be provided. Considering the monastery's location, we anticipate the journey there will take more than one day. Our Guild will cover the volunteers' lodging expenses at an inn along the road, and we shall also provide for other traveling expenses.

Ideally, we seek three to four mages as well as two escorts skilled in combat; we do not anticipate this job will pose particular danger, though we must be prepared all the same. At the successful completion of the task, all volunteers will be paid 900g as well as gifted an accessory known as a Leather Gorget, which raises magic attacks when the wearer's health has reached critical levels.

If you would be interested in volunteering your services, please do contact us.

[OOC: Please also respond here for mod tracking purposes; this is MG Quest #2.]

Apr. 21st, 2014




I am looking to take on 2 new hires for the clinic.

Are those housekeepers still available?

Did your parents survive?

Are your services still available?

Are you alive?

Mar. 28th, 2014


[ cormac ]

Have you spoken to Lady Alys since her wedding announcement?

Mar. 11th, 2014




You've got mail! )

Feb. 27th, 2014



[A few hours after the Earthquake]

You know, I always wanted a hole in my back yard. You can't deny it adds a little something to the view.

Feb. 26th, 2014


[ friends* ]

How is everyone? Are you all safe? Is anyone in need of healing?

[ Cormac ]
Please tell me you're okay.

*OOC: Use as you please. Emily is friendly to everyone! :)

Jan. 25th, 2014


[ Cormac ]
We're leaving the morning of the 15th for a holiday.

[ Ridley ]
Ridley, Cormac will be out of town for a few days, we'll be leaving on the 15th.

Dec. 11th, 2013



[FG Friends & MG Friends] - apply liberally

It has been too long since I've touched my rapier, and I need to get back into it and re-polish what little skills. Would someone like to help me? I don't want to relearn everything incorrectly.

I have also been thinking that maybe I should le quit

[ Vivi ]
I was wondering if you still had an Aeroga scroll or if you've acquired a Firaga scroll recently? I need to get better at I feel so

[ Drake ] - unsent
Could you maybe accompany me out to the Outlands for practice? I feel out of shape and
I need to talk to someone and

Nov. 29th, 2013


[ Cormac ]

Risking my life to go help with this plague.

This is your damned influence you know.

Nov. 27th, 2013



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 9th, 2013



I need you to make a few deliveries for me today. And then come back to the clinic with some coffee and ready to take notes.

Peony's asked me to send her my notes on the outland village plague. I'm sending you a copy of all these things, because this shit is magic based and we all know I'm fucked at that. Apparently, she wants us to prepare for an epidemic right here in the city. Come by the clinic at your convenience. By your convenience I mean as soon as possible.

I hope you don't mind if I invite Darius to join us.

You should stay inside and away from people for a while.

How is your progress on the spell amplifier? We might need it sooner rather than later.

I need to borrow the thing in your lab.

Oct. 20th, 2013




I'm sure there's a lotta people out there that are planning on getting pretty drunk tonight. If you're going out with those plans, make sure to bring at least one sober friend so you don't get in too much trouble, yeah?

Keep in mind the following while drinking to assure fun and not an intimate visit to the porcelain throne:
• If you can, make sure to drink and eat non-alcoholic based items before beginning your alcohol consumption. Drinking on an empty stomach is no fun for anyone.
• Only have one type of drink, don’t mix your drinks. Some people can get away with this, but not everyone.
• Alternate between alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks to help steer clear of hang overs.
• Avoid drinking in ‘rounds’ as it speeds up alcohol intake.
• Don’t let people top up your glass, it’s hard to keep track of how many drinks you’ve had that way.
• One serving of beer is roughly three-fourth's a pint.
• People of different body sizes have different levels of tolerance. The bigger you are, the more you can take before keeling over.
If you end up feeling ill, keep in mind that White Mages are stationed around the commoners district to help if they like it or not in case any instances of alcohol poisoning occurs.

You going out drinking? Cause I was thinking about how I could use a tall glass of you.

How you doin?

If [....] How's Cormac doing?

Everything alright with you?

We need to go drink soon, man. Not sure Bierfest is gonna be quite our deal, but maybe after we're done Poisona-ing and curing the hell outta everyone, yea?

Should I be expect to see you guys hammered before the end of the night?

[Male White Mages.]
How do you deal with the social stigma of being a man in a woman's profession?

Oct. 3rd, 2013



Pack my things for a trip.

Going out of town for that disease investigation. Could you take care of the clinic while I'm gone?

Can you keep an eye on Emily while I'm out of town? I left her in charge of the clinic.

Aug. 30th, 2013


[ public ]

It has been some time since I have used this. I've missed many of you here and I've spent the last few days reading through things. So much has changed, and many people seem to have found great luck and fortune.

For those I have not met before, my name is Lady Emily Miliona. It is a pleasure to meet you for the first time.

We've been doing so many things that I want to do. Let's go and do something you want to do.

Jul. 23rd, 2013



You weren't caught in those riots were you?

Are you okay?
Where are you keeping yourself?

How is your mother?
Let me know if you've got an overflow.