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Posts Tagged: 'cid+istrad'

Nov. 30th, 2013


I've spent a fascinating amount of time on the current plague running through town and likely outwards, and with Cormac's own findings, the experiments I've done have been rather curious and fascinating. Now, yes yes yes, death and fear for loved ones and all of that. I understand of course, and we will definitely find a cure.

That being said, one who has any love for science cannot help but be absolutely astounded by the complexity of the plague's adaptability. Magic, virus, both, it doesn't matter, on any level it is truly remarkable, and yet another simple reminder from nature that not even we are impervious to her strength and might. And that the only true master is time, where it's patient power will always seem to win out in the end. Such a tiny thing, able to enact so much panic and destruction. Fascinating indeed, yet something that must be stopped. Which, of course, is my fullest intention.

Nov. 27th, 2013



[Public] ~posted very early Wednesday morning~

All citizens of Emillion must be aware by now of the illness making its way through our city. We of the Mages' Guild have been working in concert with our colleagues in the Cathedral to keep sickness at bay, but as those who are ill also know, the current medications and spells are proving insufficient.

Based on information obtained recently, a cure may already be in existence; it will, however, be difficult and possibly dangerous to obtain.

On behalf of all the guilds and the Church, we are issuing a call for volunteers to travel to the mountains posthaste to seek out the herb which we believe may cure this illness. The journey may be perilous and the volunteers must be prepared to do battle with a guardian creature most powerful.

Please, do not volunteer yourself lightly, for those who go will surely risk their lives. But for the sake of the lives of those who are ill, this mission must be attempted. The volunteers should leave as quickly as supplies and logistics for the journey can be arranged.

A reward will be offered to those who succeed in returning with the herb. Please reply for further details. Councilors Matsudaira and Min of the Mages' Guild will coordinate the effort.

Nov. 26th, 2013




This sickness is keeping the bars pretty empty. How's an honest man supposed to make a living?




[ later today, after getting checked up ]

i'm really sick this time

in case i don't make it i just want to let all of you know how much i really do love you all

Nov. 9th, 2013



I need you to make a few deliveries for me today. And then come back to the clinic with some coffee and ready to take notes.

Peony's asked me to send her my notes on the outland village plague. I'm sending you a copy of all these things, because this shit is magic based and we all know I'm fucked at that. Apparently, she wants us to prepare for an epidemic right here in the city. Come by the clinic at your convenience. By your convenience I mean as soon as possible.

I hope you don't mind if I invite Darius to join us.

You should stay inside and away from people for a while.

How is your progress on the spell amplifier? We might need it sooner rather than later.

I need to borrow the thing in your lab.

Oct. 31st, 2013


Hello everyone!

So I've decided today that I think I will be taking up music. Who can help me with this? I'm rather brilliant and will be a fantastic student. I'll trade you knowledge on Time Magic!

Aug. 31st, 2013



PENELOPE! GET YOUR COAT! Also, we're going to need to start getting the equipment together; do we still have that tent? Yes! I do, it's in the storage closet at the back of the lab. I may not have cleaned it since I used it to carry fish home, but I'm sure it'll wash off in the rain we're sure to have.

Anyway! I'm going to need my electrical prod, the cables, the storm tank, and a large enough tank to carry at least three of the flan in. Also, we may need to invest in a folding table, I think I may have used the last one in a fire, not sure, but I'm sure we can find one somewhere.

Oh forget the equipment, we'll just need paper, pens, that new device I've been working on for scanning. Also! My rod, as I'm sure a fight might occur; oh, wouldn't that be brilliant? We'll definitely need the tent though, and some packs of things like my magnifying glass, my heartbeat sensor. Not sure if it works, didn't the last four times, but I'm certain it'll work this time!

But we're still bringing the flan.

Oh it's going to be fantastic...

OH! BRING MY BINOCULARS! Also the soil sampler and reader, and oh I'm sure I'm forgetting something, work on a list! I'll be there shortly.




Whomever thought it would be simply hilarious to book a healing appointment for one 'Hugh Jabosoms', thank you for that sterling waste of my time.

I don't suppose anyone needs a draught for curing the measles? I've already mixed it.

[Mages Guild]

By request, I will be holding a remedial class on Poisona, Vox, and other starting-level medical spells. Scholars and younger mages, please let me know if you are interested and what days would fit most easily into your schedules. This is for spells that cure specific afflictions, not generalized Cure spells.

Aug. 28th, 2013




I think some of your flan have escaped.

I slipped on one that decided to make a nest in the bathtub and then proceeded to throw up for the next ten minutes, then proceeded to dry heave for the next 30. If you could find and remove them from the house proper, I would appreciate it and return home. For now, I have taken up residence at the Mages Tower until further notice.

Aug. 5th, 2013




It is normal to hold a celebration on or around the day of your birthday, yes?

Jul. 19th, 2013


[Mages & Machinists]

So what exactly is the theory behind infusing magicite with a spell? Do you just cast the spell into the magicite, or is there some other way that that happens? If I were making ice magicite, would I cast Blizzard into the magicite, or how would I do that?

I'm also wondering about how exactly the magicite holds the spells. Do the spells fade? Could I use magicite to hold a focus spell like Slow? How far away could I detect the magical signature? Would I have to be touching it?

These are just some questions I've been having lately. I would be really grateful if someone knows the answers and wants to tell me, or if someone has a book they can recommend, or if anyone wants to help me do experiments with these things.


Jun. 30th, 2013




I knew I recognized you from somewhere You were amazing last night! I remember seeing you perform when I first moved to Emillion, and I thought you were incredible then and I think you're incredible now! I'm really sorry, I should have recognized you earlier!


Both of your duets were beautiful! Well, I don't know if beautiful is the right word for the cat piece but it was still The Cat Duet was really [...] cute! I enjoyed it a lot! And the Flower Duet was gorgeous! You're amazing, as always! And I'm really sorry I didn't catch you after

[Aisling Wilde]

I don't know if you remember me, but we fought together at the docks and then at the beach last week. I just wanted to say thank you for all your help, and I thought you were incredible last night at the gala! My name is Merrion Priddy, by the way! All my friends call me Merri though!


I didn't know you play the piano! You were really good last night! I really enjoyed your performance a lot!


Peony was wondering if Do you want to go to dinner with Thank you for coming with me last night to the gala! I hope you enjoyed it! I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me and some friends tonight? It'll be me, you, Peony, her brothers, Riyeko, and her assistant I think? It'll be fun!


Do you know of a cure for allergies to animals? I mean, I have medication to help, but I was wondering if there was anything more [...] permanent? I'd ask the white mages but their workload is probably only just beginning to die down, and you're the smartest person I know, so I figure if anyone knows how to cure allergies, it'd be you!

Jun. 24th, 2013



This bloody woman will not let me even leave the bed! Really, I'm more than fine, and I'll live. Plus there are things to be done and stuff to be had. And now there's a bloody thing attacking the bloody city again (something maybe I should investigate). Yet I am here, attached to a bed, and somehow incapable of even stepping out of it lest that woman come and disrupt me. A sixth sense, one I really should study in order to find a way to get around it.

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Men and women need convictions. Perhaps it's that that separates us from the animal kingdom; although, it would seem the laws of nature act of its own prescribed notion of conviction, but regardless it's a palpable and real measurement to the societal, mental, and emotional health of the human being, of any sentient being that can be able to grasp that sense of conviction.

Yet it is on some days those convictions are put to the test, and you begin to question each motive you've ever done. You begin to ask yourself, are the ways in which we battle everyday to make our lives better, more complex, even remotely worth it if there are people around who are killing, murdering, and simply depriving innocents of their livelihoods?

I realize, of course, that the opinion I'm spewing forth today is hardly timely, and comes on the heels of brilliant investigative work. That, really, I'm delayed in my response, but really it took time for me to come to terms with my very own convictions.

My convictions are my own, and anyone who knows me well will know them. That being said, it's at these darkest of times we begin to understand that our convictions must be altered, not changed but altered in such a way, that they change perhaps even the very fabric of the person you are. I have sat too long staring at my experiments, when I realize my brilliance could be used in far more notorious and useful of ways.

So, that being said, the person or thing responsible for these grotesque murders will be stopped. By me. I will, of course, require help, but I will not sit quietly in my study letting the world pass by when there are those being killed under my watch. My conviction is that no one should be allowed to die until it is simply their time, and it is with that strongest of convictions that I will make certain that such things do not occur so long as I have the power and ability to stop it.

So... without further ado, anyone with any... substantial information should come forward. I realize there are 'privacy' issues, so if you wish to discuss this in private do so, but know that I'm your best option in catching these killers.

[Private to Penny]

Have you baked any of those cakes you're so brilliant at? I've been craving them... OH! Nevermind, no time for that. Would you like to hear what I'm working on now?

[Private to Kiernan]

That brew is finally ready should you feel you want to try some!

May. 26th, 2013




Cid Istrad is not throwing a party at the Sackheim Inn or anywhere.

May. 10th, 2013



I know why what I did was wrong now.


In preparation of the potential for more monster attacks, I have begun the necessary work on what I call spell towers. They'll basically create barriers that, while obviously not impenetrable, will keep such monsters at bay from now on. I intend to make them work under water, in order to create a better underwater barrier for Emillion.

So far they seem to be working fine, minus the fact that they give off an exceeding amount of heat and have been known to drain all moisture from the air, which would likely mean they'd boil the waters they're in.

... What's more, I can actually only currently build two, which is fine of course, but I may require more provisions in order to construct more.

Oh and the light they give off is rather bright; so while working on it, anyone with their windows facing mine, do make sure to keep your blinds shut. Thank you.

Penny, dear, don't look directly at the light it'll burn your retinas--oh shoot. It's typing what I speak--wonderful it works! Now... how do I ... turn it ... off--

HA! THERE--oh, well... maybe this...

May. 8th, 2013



I have begun the process of hunting down an elusive creature! It has long been believed that Flan reproduce asexually; however, there have been rumors of flan-like tiny creatures that lurk in the bottom of lakes and rivers, but are hard to find because of their impeccable camouflage.

In fact, it is believed they are capable of going so completely transparent that they are impossible to see. It is my belief that these creatures do exist, and finding one and making an experiment will improve our understanding of Flan. For if it is a type of Flan, then reproduction is a real possibility. Yet, if they are not then we can rule out the biggest threat to the belief they are asexual.

Also, I have begun the process of brewing my very own first ale! This is brilliant. I'll see you later! My first batch caught on fire, not sure it was supposed to do that.

May. 2nd, 2013



I'm okay, everyone. I hope you are, too.

I'm very sorry for the worry I caused.

Apr. 29th, 2013



The problem with animals is that we act as if they are completely non-sentient beings. We act as if, just because they may be incoherent in speech, and that they have not built cities and gone on to rule the world as, perhaps, humans or other sentient creatures have, they are simply animals and nothing more.

Sure, we may love our occasional dog, or cat, or chocobo, or whatever it may be. Whatever you may 'own', but in all reality, and with any sensible logic, one can almost certainly subscribe that the 'intelligence' of the animal is on par with more than enough sentient beings to make it sentient in and of itself. The greatest strength ends up coming from the ability to 'grab', to grasp things. Not on an intellectual level, as we have seen an ability to 'train' these animals.

Fact is, however, the training is nothing more than the same schooling we might provide to our children. As for the ability to grasp, that ability allows tools to be held. I do not simply mean by an opposable thumb, but by any nature of how this grip can occur, mentally (telekinetically), or with some sort of wrapping appendage. The way you grasp isn't necessary, but the necessary part is that you can. It allows tools and the world to be manipulated, and from that point on learning, teaching, and building are allowed to help a citizenship to progress.

Yet, adaptable as the animals are, they have countered this by turning those of us with gripping ability into potential servants. The greatest of these creatures are our pets. The ones we care for, the ones we feed, clean up after, bathe, shave, trim, and provide shelter and protection to.


... Wait, oh... shoot. I am typing all of this into the wrong area. Oh.. oh, and I've been submitting. Well, no matter! Just allow me to move this over to a proper location.

Anyway, yes right, well since I am currently writing here I should probably suggest that I absolutely love these little pastries. Hmm, huh, I hope they were meant for anyone to take...