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Posts Tagged: 'siana+banes'

Apr. 16th, 2013




The Dawn Rose was a wonderful read. Thank you for the recommendation.

If you are available in the coming days, I would like to catch up with you, if it is not too much trouble. Please let me know.

Apr. 2nd, 2013




Good day, everyone.

Just an early word about this year's Fighters Guild Exhibition, since we're only a week away. Rest assured it's all voluntary, same as every year, but of course the Guild recommends you all to make an appearance at the Festival.

Now, the first day's knight melee--I've been getting plenty of questions from people and I want to make it clear that we don't expect the sort of rowdy bullying between certain members of different [...] faiths and personal creeds as last year. I know the crowds will be waiting for it, but I think I can count on everyone to be mature and handle themselves well in public.

The second day, for the berserkers, sentinels, dragoons and samurai, we're more prepared this year for any accidental damages that will might occur, and I'm still working on getting those extra healers on the sidelines. I know you all want to make a good impression, and I'm sure you'll be successful.

For the third day, you monks and archers are always a crowd-pleaser, and I know you won't disappoint. Just remember to keep competitions friendly. I'll be showing off a bit myself, as is expected of the current Riskbreaker, so there's still a few openings for those wanting to sign up to take a good swing at me!

I hope everyone's morale stays high, and I just wanted to let every member of the Guild know how proud I am beforehand.

-Karras Duhl