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Posts Tagged: 'peony+min'

Feb. 23rd, 2014


[ Ari ]
I'm going to take a wild guess here and say your conversation this morning didn't go so well.

[ Aspel ]
Leaving the guildhall now, I'll be home in about ten minutes. I hope you haven't been moving around too much I'll make you tea when I get there in case you were thinking about getting up to do that yourself. [...] How are you feeling?

[ Peony, Ash ] separately
Hope your injuries are mending well.

[ Kiernan, Lavitz ]
You two didn't get too roughed up in the fight yesterday, did you?

Feb. 21st, 2014



Moogles, Bangaas, Seeqs, and Vieras. I think trips on the larger air cabs would be much more interesting if history had taken a different course.

Councilor Min, are you still in your office? A letter was just dropped off in the Tower lobby, and it's addressed to you. If you're still in, I can bring it by your office.

Ari actrice, how are you? I'm so very sorry for my silence, I've been studying for what feels like an eon. Hopefully it hasn't actually been an eon, otherwise I'm going to be very disappointed when I step outside of the Tower and discover that Lux & Livre is covered under more than several strata of rock.

Would anyone be interested in forming a study group focusing on spellcasting? Not that I'm suggesting some sort of dueling club--how absurd! Something more along the lines of group target practice where we compare notes afterwards.

Feb. 19th, 2014



| public |

Some days aren't worth the oxygen.

[ Pyr ]
Training update. Go.

[ Peony ]
Your brother. He got interests aside from eating?

[ Cian ]
Got a question for you. You know my partner, Banes?

[ FKT ]
I want
Tell me neither of you are planning a short walk off the pier.



[ public ]

How are you all?

[ PEONY. ]
Dinah has developed a small sneeze. Does this mean she's ill or perhaps allergic to something?

It's mother's birthday tomorrow. Would you like to do something?


From your adventure you'll come back and we should speak. If only to look in your eyes and see what you've become. It has been too long.


Do you not fall under the burden of your office? Tell me a story, tell me a secret, or tell me lies.


Water. I cannot seem to master it with your grace. Why fix me

Feb. 5th, 2014




I feel as though I need to learn more combat-oriented offensive spells... this is something I shall work on going forward.

Feb. 4th, 2014




I wonder if there are any recommendations for [...] Ordalian food in Emillion?


I have been in consideration of late. Perhaps you can offer your insight?

[Merrion & Peony - separately.]

[...] Would you mind if I asked a peculiar question?


I have attempted to follow your previous recommendation. Might we


Have your training classes progressed well of late?

Jan. 31st, 2014




I apologize for disturbing you during your work, but might you have any knowledge on Siana's whereabouts? She was scheduled to meet me for lunch, but appears not to be responding to messages.

Jan. 30th, 2014




There's so much excitement over tomorrow's activities. I hear a lot of great things about it. Will it be like the display at the Founder's Day Festival?

Have either of you signed up for the tournament.

Will you be participating in the tourney tomorrow?

Jan. 26th, 2014



The park looks particularly beautiful this time of year—at least in the early hours. There is something special about peaceful, untouched snow, isn't it? I've yet to tire of the sight!

FILTERED TO: fighters guild.
There's nothing like brothers and sisters in arms sharing a meal at the mess hall there? I would be delighted to provide desserts (for Shieldwyrm, Hellwyrm?) someday; we could try a potluck dinner.

FILTERED TO: fighters guild ladies.
If there is anything I could do to assist you lovely women, do let me know. Now, I don't have a squire myself but don't think that will stop me from playing aunt or sister to the young ladies of our guild. Healthy friendship—or a sense of sorority for us, do you think?—can overcome anything, I'd say!

FILTERED TO: guy lenard.
[...] Quick query, if I may!

FILTERED TO: church ladies. [BACKDATED TO EARLIER THIS WEEK. SO SORRY. this is a repost is the ladies who lunch invite to fit w/ edits to the ooc post here.]
Hello, hello, ladies!

Why, it has been some time since we've had a regular meeting and I quite miss your lovely company. I would be delighted to invite you all to Cafe du Ciel Rose after mass this Sunday. (My treat!) Afterwards, we could even visit the children at [tenements orphanage].

It would be a pleasure to have you!

Jan. 19th, 2014


[ mage taskforce candidates ]

Good day,

I am posting to bring you an update on the arrangements for the second half of the taskforce exam. As you are aware, the interview and magical skills test (which you may have already taken, or be about to) was only one part of the screening process. A practical skills test will take place this upcoming Wednesday, outside city walls. You will be expected to demonstrate your spellwork is reliable outside controlled situations such as the first test, and show that you can work in a team.

We shall leave at 6AM on Wednesday morning from the North Gates. You are encouraged to prepare potions or any other items you would normally bring into battle with you. There will be no more details provided about the nature of the exam until our group arrives at the site. If you have any other questions, however, please do let me know.

[ MG ]
It appears there was some minor trouble in one of the Black Magic casting rooms on the third floor. The matter is being dealt with as of this moment, so the room in question and the two adjacent will be usable again before the evening. Apologies for the inconvenience.

[ Siri, Saffron ] separately
I hope you are settling in well in your new surroundings. If there is anything you need, or you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Council.

[ Cecilia ]
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice the other day. [....] I hope you succeeded in finding a hairbrush to your liking. If you have any other concerns, the Council is always open to questions.

[ Hippolyta ]
I believe I promised I would help you with your meditation. I've some time on Monday evening, if you are free then. [....] There is also a matter I wish to discuss with you, so if it is no trouble, perhaps we shall kill two birds with one stone.

[ Peony ]
Have you gleaned any new information about the man who led the beast into the city? [....] I was also hoping we might speak regarding one of the new mages, Cecilia Fennes. Her transfer letter was [...] quite vague.

Jan. 18th, 2014



[ Peony Min ]

If I fought Heron for you, would you give me a favor and wish me luck?

Jan. 16th, 2014




This is such a big city! Wow. And everything is so pretty. I think I will enjoy living and learning here in Emillion very, very much. Even the apples are more delicious here. City apples! I wonder what other foods are good here? City bread? City bananas?

filter: mages

Hello! My name is Cecilia Fennes and I have just come to your city to study with all of you from Viura in Ordalia. I am currently studying to be a black mage and have previously studied blue magic extensively, so I hope to also help others learn as well.

Is there anything else I need to do now that I've settled in? I bought everyone soap.

Jan. 15th, 2014




Oh dear... I've run into a slight problem. My kitten Hypnos appears to have gotten stuck up a tree and much as I've tried I just can't reach him to get him down.

Sid, if you're not too busy, could you help me please?


For those that might concern, my name is Saffron Irving. I don't expect it to ring many bells, but in case it does, I wanted to say that I'm back.

I didn't know what to expect, but I must admit, it's good to be back. Things have changed a bit, but the sense of familiarity is slowly seeping back in. It's just been a couple of days since I got back though, so there is still a lot left to see. At least the Tower seems to be just as I remembered it, maybe smaller? It has been a while.

I should probably get a job as soon as possible.


As I have returned and intend to resume my training here, I am in need of mentors. The more the better, actually. I can prove myself to be a very demanding and invested person, so perhaps that should be taken into account. If anyone is interested in the prospect of teaching someone like that, please let me know.



How are y
Can we t

How are you?

Jan. 16th, 2014



Wandered for so long in Gallery E (I think I got a little lost) the paintings all blurred and look the same. No disrespect to the artists, of course, just sometimes it is easy to get so lost in everything. The moment goes away.

It was a wonderful morning.

Jan. 13th, 2014



[ friends, mg councilors included. posted earlier! ]


My [.......] sister is allegedly returning to the city, if she has not already arrived.

Are you h


[ juliette ]

So I got assigned a new mentor, since Fel's on leave. Jareth Monaco. A Berserker, just like Finch. [........] So what kind of training should I expect?

[ Peony ]
Is there some sort of magic spell to become invisible?

[ Squires ]
I got a new mentor. Jareth Monaco. Do any of you know him?

Jan. 12th, 2014



| public |

Next person who tosses snow at me is getting tossed in a river.

[ Peony Min ]
[...] I'll be mentoring your brother.

[ Pyr Min ]
[....] I assume Thornton informed you. I'm Monaco. I'll be your [...] mentor.

[ Aspel Cassul & Xiaoli Fa ]
Have either of you ever had a mentee?

[ Divina Marcos ]
You've got a mentee. What the fuck do you do with it?

[ Siana Banes ]
I got assigned a mentee. Did I piss Thornton off?

Jan. 8th, 2014




With the holidays at last behind us and both of us recovered, I would like to speak to you regarding the [...] man you and Merrion fought outside the Tower before Faram's Mass. I am not content to let this occurrence lie; I have too many questions remaining, even with the beast vanquished. Have you the time to meet with me?

[Siana & Jareth]

Have you any insight you may be able to share regarding the troubling occurrences prior to the holiday? I must admit I am still searching for clarity. Would you, perhaps, be available to meet with me so that we may discuss pooling our resources once more?


It is colder here than you are likely accustomed to. Please let me know if you require warmer outerwear and I will gladly accompany you to the Bazaar.

[....] Perhaps hot cocoa after may help with the chill.


I trust your small friend is adjusting well to her new home?