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Posts Tagged: 'peony+min'

Apr. 17th, 2014




It is likely that this battle will continue through the night. If you are tired or injured, please seek rest, food, and healing. No hume can fight exhausted, and darkness makes it doubly treacherous. There are others who are not yet spent who can keep the beasts at bay in your stead, and you can return to the field fresh and more capable with a few hours' rest.

The Tenements District clinic is serving food and providing healing to those who can get there. There may be other safe havens available. Please use caution when moving about the city. The high levels of Mist may make crystal transport unreliable.

[Guild Councils]

Assistance in arranging shifts would be welcome. I believe we may need to regroup in the morning if we are to quell the threat.

[MG Council]

We must find a better way to contain her.


Thank you. You got him to safety?


Stay where you are, please. [...] For me.


If you see this, please answer.

Apr. 18th, 2014


[ MG ]

The city is being invaded across all districts. These monsters are powerful; please, do not engage unless prepared to face them, and flee if your life is at risk. Trust in yourselves. If we stand together, we can defeat this threat.

[ MG Council ]
[.............] I have been informed that this catastrophe may have been initiated by [........] our own Sage, the Lady Vivian Xi. I am heading to confront her as we speak. [......] She is of our guild. She is our responsibility.

Be safe.

Apr. 17th, 2014



[ FG ]

after this

Everyone up and out. Somehow, monsters have gotten inside the city. Get the civilians to safety, and start taking out the enemies.

Squires -- Get to your nearest guildhall and stay there unless your mentor tells you otherwise.

[ Aspel, Bram ]
Knew it had been too quiet I'm on my out.

[ Peony, Merri, Toku ]
The Palings. Are they down?

[ Mathieu ]
If your guild can help, it would be appreciated.

Apr. 10th, 2014




Citizens of Emillion,

With the new Founders Festival upon us, I expect that many of you are excited for what this new year our fine city's birth. While the Ivalician New Year has come, and gone, let us not forget that without this city we ourselves, would likely not be here as well. The joy with which we celebrate our city's founding, will hopefully be shared for its very creation as well.

I will look forward to seeing many of your smiling faces throughout the course of the festival, if it be for a simple greeting, or assistance with the scavenger hunt to obtain prizes of your own. I also hope that the fireworks display will be amply enjoyed, and openly offer my thanks for those involved with its continued tradition year after year.

Kind Regards,
Vivian Xi

[Mage's Guild.]

Good eve,

As mentioned above the fireworks display will continue on this year. If you are able to assist, and have not signed up for it at this time, please assure that you do so post haste. Additionally, as the White Mage's are likely to be strung rather thin due to the high volume of accidents the idiots our comrades of the Fighter's Guild are likely to incur, along with the excitement of the mass populace causing extra injury, please assure to give them as much support as you can muster over the next week as they assuredly will be in need of it.

[Councilor Matsudaira.]

I hope this night finds you well. At this time I wished to inquire with you regarding your assessment of the Task Force's current abilities and standing. While considering their composition I have become troubled by their lack of supportive and healing abilities now available to them.

[MG Task Force & Councilor Matsudaira.]

Good eve,

Considering your recent activity, and newly established status within the city, and guild, if available, I would encourage you all to take place during the parade to march beside myself and the councilors. Additionally, it may be of benefit to attempt to assemble an exhibition, or demonstration to showcase the skill, and power with which our newest members are capable of.

My sincere apologies for the short notice with which this message comes. Please notify me as quickly as you are capable if you are able to participate or not regarding the above activities.

Apr. 9th, 2014



[ public, backdated to monday sorry!! ]


I'm very much looking forward to the Founders' Festival. While I will be busy at the clinic, it should be lovely. Will there be fireworks this year?

I wish you the best of luck for your exam, Juliette. You will do wonderfully.

Do you perhaps have time this week to sit down with me to discuss something?

[ PEONY. ]
May I come by sometime this week to see you and Quiz? If you are not terribly busy.

[ TLISA. ]
Now that the weather is warmer, shall we resume our kitten dates? I finally purchased a name collar for Dinah.

How are you all? I apologize for having less time these days.

I've narrowed down perspective housekeepers to four, if you would like to meet them, unless you would prefer not to.

Apr. 8th, 2014




Does the guild have any traditions for this Founders' Festival?

do you have plans for the festival? perhaps we can get some time away from the monastery and explore. fresh air, new sights.

and there might be someone i have for you to meet.

this is your first founders festival in a while, yes? is there anything special you want to do?

[...] i have a question for you.



| Public |

What the fuck is the Founders' Festival? It's creating extra work

[ Aspel ]
Signing up for the exhibition?

[ Araceli ]
Are you
Things going okay?

[ Wolfe ]
Remind me that murderous rampages are frowned upon.

[ Pyr ]
Make you a deal.

[ Peony ]
Do you have
How're things?

Mar. 29th, 2014



Well, that was an inauspicious start to the new year. I am quite glad to be out of bed!

The healer gave me your name before I left the clinic. Thank you for rescuing me, Miss Fennes, I am in your debt.

[...] It has also occurred to me that we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Perdita Arkady, I'm a Scholar in the Mage Guild. I do wish we had met under better circumstances.

Oh, Juliette, I am so sorry for missing your sister's engagement party! The healer insisted that I stay in bed after I was released from the clinic. I sent a message about the situation, but I'm not sure if you received it.

The papers haven't piled up too high while I've been resting, have they? I had the strangest dream about a sea of papers on the seventh floor and an origami contest.

Mar. 26th, 2014



[ public ] posted as RaMa

With the new year upon us, it appears all around town are filled with resolutions for self-improvement. No matter their occupation or calling in life, we all seek to attain that perfect version of ourselves. A worthy goal, in my opinion—to carry out one's role to the best of one's ability, to give the best one can give, to inch closer to perfection.

Mar. 23rd, 2014




Morning, and happy new year. Min: Would you be available for another EKP consult soon? Found something that seems up your alley.

Happ Apologies for the abrupt notice. You're in town, aye?

Some traction in the Leradine case. Murdock found a hidden compartment in the captain's cabin, with a memstone and a letter addressed to Magnolia Paget. [...] I'm bringing her in for some questions about the deceased. Could one of you handle the questioning? I don't care which, but I've too much of a personal investment to handle it myself. Obviously.

Mar. 19th, 2014




Is anyone aware of where I might acquire an item that grants the Float effect on a fixed as opposed to temporary basis?

[Pyr & Sky]

Will you be busy on the first day of the new year?

Additionally, I know your birthday is coming up soon. In addition to the cake I promised you, Sky, I would like to offer the following to both of you: a visit to an armor, weapon, or accessory vendor of your choice, and any one item of your choosing - each - in place of something chosen by me. Within reason, of course.


I would like to take you up on your open offer. Have you any Air-elemental spells in your arsenal that you feel I may reasonably be able to master?


Have you considered engaging a housekeeper for Cormac? You may wish to suggest it and see if he can find the budget to spare. I believe it may improve his well-being considerably to have someone helping with household tasks at his residence.

[Cecilia, Siri, Tlisa - separately]

How are your studies progressing?

[Friends and Colleagues - apply as makes sense!]

If I do not find the opportunity to see you over the course of the next two days, I would like to thank you for your continued support as this year draws to a close. I appreciate your presence in my life and the positive effects you have had upon it.

[Aspel] [[added after this]]

It has been some time since I have visited your forge, but I am wondering if you still take commissions.

Mar. 7th, 2014



[ public ]


If you're going to take a piss outside on a cat, don't fucking bring it to me and demand I arrest it for scratching your Faram-damned dick. You're fucking lucky I didn't punch you for good fucking measure.

Use a fucking lavatory.

EDIT after this
Can cats get syphilis?



[Mages' Guild]

I will be unavailable this afternoon; please drop any documents needing review in the slot in my office door and see another member of the council with urgent requests. My apologies for the inconvenience.

[MG Council]

I am afraid that yesterday's cough has worsened and I am quite ill. If I am needed for anything urgent, the network may be best through the weekend.


Please take the day off, unless you prefer to speak with Councilors Matsudaira and Priddy about tasks you might perform.


My apologies, but I must reschedule this afternoon's session. Will you be available next week?


I apologize for the suddenness of the request, but might you be available to come by this afternoon? I am unfortunately feeling rather ill, but I assure I will not keep you long.


[.................................................] If by some chance you had thought to come visit this weekend, please do not. I would not wish my cold upon you.

Feb. 28th, 2014



[ Peony ]

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful gift, Peony! I truly appreciate it, and the lunch was beyond delicious!

[ Toku ]

Thank you for the book! I can't wait to read it; it looks like a wonderful read!




[[The note is tucked into a basket left at the councilor's door which includes a lunchbox as well as a number of small bottles containing Potions and Ethers.]]

Feb. 26th, 2014




I would like to second Peony Councilor Min's outreach. If anyone is in need of support from the Mages Guild or myself though I don't know what I can possibly please let us know, and we will do what we can, and please visit a clinic if you have suffered any injury.

[ Mages Guild ]

If you have family or loved ones in the affected areas who need assistance or if you need time off to attend to them, again, please let myself or Peony or Toku know.

[ MG Council ]

[...] Emillion doesn't get earthquakes often, does it? Do you think it's strange or unusual that we got one last night? As in, it wasn't natural? Or am I being stupid I can see if there are any geological maps or records at St. Iocus, or perhaps ask one of the professors there to see if they know anything. I just have a bad feeling

[.......] Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. [...] Am I just being paranoid?

[ Friends - apply liberally ]

Is everyone okay?




If any assistance is required that can be rendered by the guild at large or myself personally, please do not hesitate to reach out.

My condolences to those who suffered property damage or injury. If you are hurt, please make certain to visit a clinic.


I hope your lives have not been too disrupted by last night's unfortunate circumstance. If I can help in any way, please let me know.


As I understand it, the Docks suffered little in the way of impact. Can you please confirm that you are well?

Feb. 24th, 2014




This city and its monster magnetism never ceases! Do long-time residents find this exciting or irritating?

The "Theories and problems of experimental arithmeticks" textbook is checked out of the tower library and overdue. If the current owner could please return it, I would love to read the book.

"GiGo"? This is Gillian Goodwin with the Black Lions?

wolfe! how was your first week of being forty five?

we need some time to ourselves, yes? for exploring, for reading and talking! the monastery is suffo will not miss our company.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


[Nate's mentor-types - Riyeko, Vivi, Ari, Flynn, Peony, Cian etc]

Something's come up, pretty suddenly. It's a family thing. I'll be leaving Emillion within the week, and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Just wanted to [...] say goodbye, I guess. I'm grateful for the way you've all supported me.



[Friends - apply liberally]

Is everyone okay?

[ MG Council ]

I don't know how to best express it but [...] I have a bad feeling about what happened the other day. I'll be back at the Tower on Monday to discuss it if you want to though if there are. Weynn was able to promise me Monday. I'll be in her clinic until then.