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Posts Tagged: 'damia+ravin'

Nov. 13th, 2013



[ public ]


Protip: If you don't know how to play your instrument of choice, don't busk. No one is going to take pity on you, not even little old ladies.

[ MILES & BELLA, separately. ]
How many throats do I have to slit do keep people from giving my ship my father's ship a worse reputation? This is ridiculous.

[ MILES. ]
If there are to be any repeat performances, you should try not getting blood on my sheets

[ ARI. ]
Thought it would interest you to know Fellina hasn't stopped giving me Looks for the past week. I'm half-tempted to come onto her, but I wouldn't want you to be jealous, love of my life.

Nov. 7th, 2013



[Damia Ravin]

So about that ship you were looking for...

[Loch Lemach]

I think I might need some special knives soon.

[Miles Baines]

Hello there. How are you doing?

[Ofelia Zhou]

I wonder if you could help me find someone. Not a specific person, but a specific kind of person, you might say.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Monthly check-in—your Libras have had more spoils than just Bierfest pickings, I expect? Filter as appropriate, everything's encrypted.

m. baines & red.
How's Scorpio looking for you gentlemen?

e. finch.
Got anything for me, honey?

Your routes have been fantastic, thank you. Made any progress?

Oct. 25th, 2013



[ public ]


Oh, look, another year gone by. I'm terribly insulted no one has thrown me a parade, but I could settle for doves bursting out of a large pie. I'll even feign surprise.

[ MILES. ]
My life is regrettably lonely and empty without you, whatever would I do without your financial support, etc etc. When is that next job you mentioned?

Oct. 16th, 2013



[ public ]


My, what a pheasant afternoon this was. Wren can we do it again?

Oct. 2nd, 2013




[[ooc: a couple hours after this.]]




005: PUBLIC.

as my thirtieth birthday rapidly approaches, i am becoming increasingly worried that my mother is going to resort to drastic measures to marry me off. remember me fondly when i'm shipped off to kerwon to marry a sixty-eight year old woman named beryldine.

as for that favor, i'm
i'd like to collect on that

hello, gorgeous. i need your help with something.

Sep. 30th, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

And with fall now officially upon us as of the harvest festival, I feel compelled to share the news that I'll be in a short run of En attendant Godot, starting Saturday Scorpio 3. Absurdism in autumn: our favourite!

Successfully offloaded the last of the wares through our guild fences – I won't bore you with the details – but long story short, we've now got the full take from the airship job. Stop by my place in the commoners district and you'll receive your share. I hardly trust the Emillion postal service to carry vast amounts of gil.

Are any of your Disciples female?

I'm assuming you've heard no murmuring through the Judges about an airship robbery in the Outlands some three weeks back?

So how many of my crew have you slept with? I ask for the sake of statistics, of course!

Sep. 16th, 2013



The city's quietened down lately, hasn't it? How thoughtful of the monsters to take a couple of months off from attacking our borders.

[Reinholdt and TG Council]
I have something that might be of interest to the guild.

Hey, Kitten. How are you feeling? Do you need anything before the big day?

Thank you for the potions. I [...] may need to acquire more in the future.

How's your face?

Sep. 14th, 2013



[ MILES, so very crossed out and unsent. ]

So how was Did you [......] Fuck you, Baines

If you have plans tonight, cancel them.

[ MILES' MERRY WOMEN, minus miles because he's not a merry woman. ]
In the future, I recommend checking all crates and compartments for unsuspecting thief apprentices looking for a thrill. And by all means, make them fly.

[ CIAN. ]
[.....] On a scale of one to ten, how averse are you to hitting women? Ten being "fuck no".

Sep. 13th, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Game Virgo 28th, basement of the Opal House, starting 10pm.


Isn't your knockout match coming up soon?


Last of the rats are dealt with. Shouldn't be any more trouble from our end.


Sorry for moving the meeting time out on you, I've been dealing with some [..........] issues. Tomorrow or Saturday work for you? I need those papers.


Any luck fixing your projector?


I've been thinking about you. Come out with me again.


[............................................................................] Thanks. The soup was good. Why the hell did you even

Aug. 31st, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

Ah, for the lifestyles of the rich and the famous! All the latest chinwag is about some fancy soirée I seem to have missed. We without land trusts, titles, nor noble dates are nothing but shivering wretches, pressing ourselves against the window trying to gain a glimpse of greatness. Do tell me it wasn't too riveting or life-changing.

Some of you have heard my murmuring and grumbling over the last few weeks, but it's true: we're mobilising for another hit. I've just received word on when our quarry's passing through Emillion skies: Virgo 15th-17th. So clear your schedules and pack your grappling hooks, ladies – it's looking to be a mid-air intercept from Bella's Rising Sun, then rapid cargo offload and cabin ransacking. Stealth required, and in the case we hit dire straits, some diversions as well.

It'll be a riot. So do tell me you're all available and not off washing your hair. The payout will be grand.

Aug. 28th, 2013



[ TG. ]


[.........] Allow me to make this clear: there was were no chocobo feathers, buckets of sticky substances, flying pies, or ropes suspending me from the ceiling involved in the ball. The grape vine has grown so long, I could make enough wine to last me through to the end of the year. If you have something stupid to say, keep it to yourself.

Yours truly,




Here's a friendly hint to all you aspiring corsairs out there: don't approach someone looking for work if you don't understand basic nautical terms. I certainly don't expect everyone to know what a lazaret is, but port and starboard? Come now! You're wasting both my time and your own.

This same young up and coming master of the skies then proceeded to call me old. I think it's time for me to look into early retirement, clearly.

Old! Perhaps I'm being a bit too vain, but I've never actually thought of myself as old until this recent birthday. Am I being crazy? My parents were married by the time they were my age.

[ MILES. ]
I need to know when you need me, darling.

[ CIAN. ]
How often can I find you at the Blue Bear, dear? I hate going down there if I don't have something to look forward to.

Aug. 24th, 2013


Trade routes are reopening and prices are once again dropping. I fear it is time to determine where we go from here. Of course, having such a streamlined process for getting goods into the city without the scrutiny of the law is such a convenience that dismantling it now might be a disservice to our city. Perhaps we can find another way for it to be of use.


How is your apprentice doing? I might have work for him.

Fabulous affair last night, don't you agree?

Aug. 22nd, 2013




It's strange to hear all these rumors about Cerf. He just wants to help.

Aug. 16th, 2013





Excellent, I love breaking into Spymasters' mansions. It gives me such a thrill to be baited by a man who speaks like he was born centuries ago and uses far too many exclamation points to be right in the head. I imagine the bloodshed and bruises are to be kept to a minimum.

Suppose I will need something revealing and easy to move in. Fucking Faram. I literally know two nobles, and I'm not

[ MILES. ]
Forgot to clarify. Sunday at the usual?

Aug. 12th, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

Looks like I returned to the city just in time to enjoy their beachside holiday! Where does a prodigal son petition the guilds to do this more often?

I've your blasted shipment for you. Come and get it.

Also got some things for you two. Merry early Faram's Mass!

Still in town?

Aug. 11th, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Game next Saturday, Leo 26th, Docks warehouse 707, 11pm.

1,000 gil threshold to be dealt in, no limits. Drinks on the house.

Aug. 5th, 2013



[ public ]


Still waiting for the next monstrosity to plague the city. Will it be flans next? A horde of unruly black chocobos? Jumbo cockatrices raining from the sky? Maybe something that could swallow the Mages' Tower whole? Don't disappoint me, Emillion.

[ SKY. ]
Still picking pockets, Tiny, or has someone offed you yet for trying?

[ BELLA. ]
I owe you a birthday gift, since it seems like I'm late to the party.