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Posts Tagged: 'cyclone+kapur'

Jun. 22nd, 2013



the weekend simply means more work.

hey bud. think we could work on enfire/enfrost/enthunder some more next week? i've got the bar- spells down, but these ones are kicking up a fuss....

hey -- you mentioned if i needed anything else, i could come to you? well, i came up with something. would you be willing to do any training in the black status spells? take your pick, whichever you like teaching best. i don't really have a grasp on any of them yet

hi, gale -- cy cyclone here. i know we're not particularly close but you're literally the only person in the family who does magic, and i could do with a bit of brushing-up on my haste & i've been trying to learn silence, so... spose this is just my roundabout way of asking if you'd be willing to train with me, na

hiya. last week's events & liyal's post made me realise that i'm rather--lacking in my white magic, and really, what bloody scholar doesn't even know how to cast cure? & i hear you've been nosing around synergy. so i was thinking we could do a trade, like.

hey storm! cyclone here. :) [...] :) how are you?




A note, as I believe this might prove relevant to public interest. The bakery on Rue Lainerie has recently decided to reassess their current overall pricing, as I suspect their previous calculations of daily output and obtainable profits were far less efficient than those today.


May I ask if you enjoy pastries?

Jun. 21st, 2013


Hey Emillion!

I'm looking for people who can do a little cure magic.

You do not:
have to be a mage.
be particularly good at it.

You do:
have to be willing to cast the spell a couple of times in my presence.
have a good day. :)

Volunteers? I can't pay you anything, but I'll show you the best chocobo impression in the city!



[ public ]

I'll be out of town until Sunday morning. Blasted wedding At least I have an excuse to not stay for a week Can everyone stay out of trouble until then? ♥

Also, since I'll be on an airship for a while, I propose a game because I need something to occupy me! Since Quen did firsts a while ago, how about we do lasts now? Ask me what my last whatever was. Ask other people what their last whatever was.

Just make it interesting, okay?

[ Aspel ]
If there's anything that needs my attention, let me know. I'll still have net access. And any excuse to step away will be welcome

[ Ari ]
I won't come back with an injury. Promise. ♥

Jun. 15th, 2013




On behalf of the Mages' Guild, we extend our heartfelt sympathies to those affected by last night's attack. Any concerns or questions may be addressed directly to the Mages' Guild Council, and will be addressed without exception.

A Mages' Guild representative will also be available at the open meeting on Gemini 30th at Bahamut Hall.

If we are able to provide succor or assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to let us know.

[Mages' Guild]

Thank you to all who responded to the call to help in the defense of the city. Your dedication and bravery assisted in saving many lives. If you have any concerns, we of the Council will strive to make ourselves available for you. Please bring any concerns directly to us, and rest assured that we will continue our own investigation into what might have occurred.


I thank you for taking on the brunt of what [.......] should have been our shared duty last night. I was [..............................................] quite distraught.

Jun. 10th, 2013



I have some unexpected free time this afternoon. Anyone want to go out into the city and look for trouble?

Just kidding, Darius! Except not.

By the way, the network's been boring lately, hasn't it? Semi-anonymous getting to know each other time, Round Two! Ready? Today we're doing firsts. Post a comment, and I'll ask you for a first. You can also ask other people for their firsts.

  • First kiss. Mine was awkward! It was in the library (again! I know! But seriously, has any mage ever not used the library for that purpose? So many shelves and dark corners...) and it was my first or second year here at the tower, I think.

  • First drink. My Papa let me taste some of his ale when I was little. I thought it tasted like a skunk. I still don't really like it, actually. I like cocktails that taste like fruit.

  • Jun. 5th, 2013




    A lovely day, no?

    It is days like this, when the Bazaar is alive, that remind me of a story I once heard in my travels. (ooc: Cut to save your friends page/it's a weird story.) )

    I have always found this a beautiful story. It is, by far one of the favorites I have collected in my years. Would anyone else care to share a tale collected in their time?

    He will be on time, correct?

    Perhaps you could assist today with a bit of an adventure I have planned, no?

    I fear there may be some [....] changes soon to come about. However, I would like to maintain our agreement of having you hired. Would you be terribly amiss if it turned, at least part, into running more personal errands for me?

    Shall I expect that our date is still on course?

    I expect I shall still be seeing you tonight, correct?

    Shall I expect our agreement continues as the norm for the sleep tonics?

    Have you heard more regarding the current circumstances? My normal sources have been lacking to a painful degree.

    May. 31st, 2013




    i'm looking for bulk purchases of bomb fragments and marlboro vines. anyone know of a shipment?

    hi, hello, cyclone kapur here. hier's assistant. i have a huge delivery of cryptography, cryptanalysis, and symbology textbooks for you, along w/ a few old scrools scrounged up from the tower. where can i deliver them

    or even better, can you come here because i don't want to carry them a single step further, they nearly broke my back

    May. 24th, 2013




    Attention students: whomever believed it would be amusing to reorder my notes for this week's exam will be troubled to discover that all he or she has done is make the exam suddenly a great deal more difficult. I hope you have your rods ready.

    Remedial coursework in elemental spells will be rescheduled to tomorrow evening, as I must rebuild this grimoire before I can do aught else.

    May. 22nd, 2013



    [ Peony ]

    There has been another [...] incident. Would a visit to the crime scene itself be of any use to your research?

    [ Cyclone & Cormac ]


    Is Cormac available today?

    May. 17th, 2013


    [filtered to women]

    Why are most of the men I know just so full of bullshit? Like they live it and breathe it? They're decent people, don't get me wrong. I'm fond of them. But I just have to wonder if they even buy their own crap. If they even know they're doing it.

    It just makes me shake my head and wonder, you know?

    May. 16th, 2013



    [ public ]

    Is it just me or has it gotten warm lately? I mean, I know I'm hot, but this is ridiculous. Anyone know where I can get something to keep my bedroom cool? I'm not getting enough sleep as it is and falling asleep in the bazaar and now I'm just getting cranky.

    Also, anyone want to go on an ice-cream date? I'll buy.

    And keep in mind that auction~ You can have a date with me and help out charity at the same time~ Not that some people need to purchase me... I mean

    [ FG ]

    Anyone know anything about a missing girl? Worked at a flower shop in the Bazaar. Her brother is looking for her. People don't go missing this frequently in town.

    [ Duhl ]

    Might as well bite the damn bullet. Sir. I wanted to inquire as to how one would go about joining the Council. Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

    [ Aspel ]

    So, how about that drink? ;)

    [ Ari & Chloe ]

    I feel like I haven't seen the two of you in ages, darlings. Anything new?

    [ Church kid AL? I really should have gotten her name... ]

    I just remembered that I have a history book on heretics from the last century. It was pretty dry reading Did you want it?

    [ Cy ]

    If I buy directly from you, is it cheaper than buying from Cormac? Stingy bastard

    May. 15th, 2013




    I can't find my other shoe.