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June 30th, 2013


Limp and lifeless, eyes half shut.


I was reading a book, once, about a person who got really hurt. Big, bleeding hole on their shoulder, on the side with the hand they use to write with. They used, like, five potions on it, and never went to get it fixed up at a white mage because they were too stubborn.

[…] I never got to the end of the book. I dropped it in the river, and can't remember the name of it. Does anyone know how that book would have ended? I mean, if the person never went to get treated.




I knew I recognized you from somewhere You were amazing last night! I remember seeing you perform when I first moved to Emillion, and I thought you were incredible then and I think you're incredible now! I'm really sorry, I should have recognized you earlier!


Both of your duets were beautiful! Well, I don't know if beautiful is the right word for the cat piece but it was still The Cat Duet was really [...] cute! I enjoyed it a lot! And the Flower Duet was gorgeous! You're amazing, as always! And I'm really sorry I didn't catch you after

[Aisling Wilde]

I don't know if you remember me, but we fought together at the docks and then at the beach last week. I just wanted to say thank you for all your help, and I thought you were incredible last night at the gala! My name is Merrion Priddy, by the way! All my friends call me Merri though!


I didn't know you play the piano! You were really good last night! I really enjoyed your performance a lot!


Peony was wondering if Do you want to go to dinner with Thank you for coming with me last night to the gala! I hope you enjoyed it! I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me and some friends tonight? It'll be me, you, Peony, her brothers, Riyeko, and her assistant I think? It'll be fun!


Do you know of a cure for allergies to animals? I mean, I have medication to help, but I was wondering if there was anything more [...] permanent? I'd ask the white mages but their workload is probably only just beginning to die down, and you're the smartest person I know, so I figure if anyone knows how to cure allergies, it'd be you!




Does anyone have a recommendation for an apartment in the lower end of the Commoner's District? Say, 500g or cheaper a month, preferably cheaper just so it's enough to get me through the winter months, at least, and just in case my old man's medical bills suddenly get more expensive. I'm in no rush to move in until Libra or Scorpio, so it doesn't have to be available now, either. I can resist spending my reward gil until then, I hope

[...] Also, something that's furnished with at least a bed would be preferred.


Beautifully done last night, my dear! ♥


Mee-yow indeed. ;)




Although I am quite pleased with my Slowja spell's progress, I could use more help on Banish. Practicing on stationary objects can only go so far, but according to what I have learned from the spell theory, I would not feel comfortable practicing on another hume. Transporting one to another dimension is not [...] That being said, if anyone is in need of a mage's assistance for future excursions, I would like to volunteer my time in order to gain more real-world application for my spellwork. Books can only go so far, it seems.

[FILTER: Divina Marcos]
I am assuming you have something to say to me.
[FILTER: Genevieve Albrecht]
Might I ask for [...] some advice [.......] your opinion on a certain matter?
[FILTER: Redwald Vannes]
Have you healed up well enough now?
[FILTER: Altair Laurent]
I [Ultimately not posted.]




I wish to thank everyone for the lovely performance at the gala the other day. I am certain a show of such nature and grander will not be seen again for quite some time.

I fear in all of the excitement, I have misgauged the current holidays upon our doorstep. Thursday is the Festival of Lions, and there will be a great many attractions that may hold your interest. Would you be interested in an exchange of days for this week of our training session?

Were you planning on attending the Festival of Lions? [....] Also, might you have any suggestions on how to [.....] assist with elevating Ari's mood?

I am certain you are sick of being lavished with compliments, but your performance was quite stunning last night. Also, could I happen to bother you a moment regarding something a bit more personal?

I know
Do you need
Is there
I believe I am okay with making exceptions for you [....] I think
Blast all. Why can I not simply tell you my thoughts on such matters? Why must I remain feeling like some foolish child? Why am I bothering to write a message to you that I will never send?

I may have ruined
I am not sure I am cut out for

Have you ever felt like perhaps some things in life were better left behind you? [...] Even if you were unsure if you desired to do so?

Would you both like to have lunch sometime soon? I fear I would not be able to properly cook, but I do know of several fine dining establishments, and would be more than happy to pick up the bill if you were able to find time to humor me in such manner.

I recall that you had inquired regarding the name of the dancer who fought with us. I was able to obtain that her name is Ash, and wished to share such with you as I said I would.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe hearing that you are familiar with a breadth of magic. If this assumption is correct, would you happen to be familiar with how to go about enchanting specific accessories with spells?



[ public ]

I'll be around the various halls this week and wanted to let people know I'm available for sparring. If you want to get your butt handed to you go a round or two, let me know.

So. I [....] might have neglected to tell Ari something and so [.....] she might be upset. At you. And me. I'm so sorry.

I hear congratulations are in order. Congratulations on your official engagement.

Any news on the murder in the Red Light District?

The sparring offer goes out to you guys, as well. You did good yesterday.




Thanks to everyone who attended the gala. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed putting it on.


Tomorrow starts Hell Week. Aside from festival day - which they tried not to give us off - I'll be scarce.

Damn this headach
This is why I don't drink when I'm work



| Li. |

Met your girlfriend earlier.


What the fuck was that about?



[ carolina vane ]

are you the girlfriend that met jare today?




Congratulations to you and your family, Storm.