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June 26th, 2013




[..........................] I [...] thank you for your assistance on Sunday. If not for you



in which domina checks the numbers.


I'm assuming you're all alive.

Hello, darling.

Beautifully done out there, dearest. Azalea Cerelia, yes?



I wish I had a metal heart, I could cross the line, I wish that I was half as good as you think I am

Private messages to: Drake, Vivi, Ari, ‘Squires’ (Conan, Storm, Juliette, Pyr?), Stone, Peony, Merri, Zach, Lille, Eden, Kiernan, Rictor & Seloria. )



in which kurtz is, once again, in pieces.

Hair's closed for a few days.

Need your help, if you two aren't laid up in bed.

Got a job for you lot.



[Mages Guild]

Thank you, once again, to those who fought on Sunday, as well as those who worked behind the scenes to maintain the city's protections. That the palings held is a blessing for the city and a credit to the guild.


The beast [...] came out of the water already gravely injured and, it seems, quite frightened. Factors seem to indicate that it may have been running from something.

[...] I am uncertain as to how many people know this. Your thoughts?


I believe you, too, were in the air on Sunday. Thank you for your assistance; it was most helpful in pulling the beast away from the city.

[Captain Wilcar]

I thank you for putting your trust in me. If repairs are required, please let me know and I shall cover the cost.

[Pyr and Sky]

Are you recovering wel


That thing was HUUUUUUUUUUGE!

Messages to Aspel, Merri, Zacheus, Kiernan, Kurtz, Drake, Cy, Vivi, Lille, and Quen )



[Mages Guild]

I just wanted to reiterate what Peony said. We cannot thank you enough for your efforts on the docks and at the beach to keep the citizens and fighters of Emillion and the palings safe.

The palings still sustained some damage, and we are working with the Fighters and Bards Guilds to better fortify them in the future, but the city would be in a much graver condition if you all had not answered the call. In the days to come, expect to see more announcements from either Peony or myself or the other guilds' councilors as more information comes to light.

Thank you, again, truly.

[Merri's Friends (apply liberally)]

I hope everyone is okay! Please let me know if you are, or if you know of someone who isn't, or if you're not okay, or if you need help with anything at all!


I'm really sorry I got you sick!!

I was also wondering, well... if you're going to be in town on Saturday night, the Bard's Guild is having a gala to help raise funds for the Commoners District and I was wondering if you would like to maybe go with me? I haven't heard if it was canceled or not considering the attack on the docks but if it's not, do you want to? I'll pay! If it is canceled, or if you don't want to, maybe we could [...] do something else? I don't know what but And if you're feeling better by then, of course! At least it's not pneumonia!


I heard a couple of people in your guild helped see Quen to safety on Sunday. Could you thank them for me? Or... something. I don't know. Their names are Divina and Juliette. Also Vivi Let me know if there's anything I can do for them!


Aspel brought up an idea to have cross-guild training sessions so that everyone will know how to work together: mages and fighters and bards all together. I think it's a great idea, and we'll probably talk about it more at the meeting, but what do you think?

My prayers to those affected by this latest attack. The cooperation of all the citizens of our city will be a lesson for generations to come.

[Private to Jareth, Siana]
My apologies to you both for my unexpected departure. The moment did not seem to allow for much delay for the opportunity to assist presented. I would like to iterate my sincere respect for my companions and the weight my decisions would have within our unit and the city at large.

Maria Refresion

[Private to Theo]
I have not seen you since the attack. It has been chaotic, although I have previously inquired into your state. Are you well? My wish is to assess your state with my own vision.

-Maria R.

[Private to Drake, Aspel]
While you are both extremely belabored I feel it pertinent to inform you that I did engage in combat with the beast upon an unregistered vessel with a citizen of the populace. This was without consent from my companions I will outline the reasons for my decision in my full report, which I endeavor to complete before the week is out.

Maria Refresion

[Filtered to Thieves' Guild]

Can't say I like the way the city's been going mad recently, but I can spot a pattern. Probably should've done this a few years ago, but I'm looking for a machinist or machinists who can give me tips on combat training. I can pay in trade or work. Faram knows I've had enough of being squishable as a baby mage.

[Private to Sky]

Are you recovering from your injuries? I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to protect you confined to my bed here in Lindwyrm Hall. It's so boring. If your injuries heal before mine, you have to come see me. It feels weird living across the city from each other.

[Cy, Alecta]

Thanks for having my back on Sunday. Sorry I couldn't be more help fighting those things. I'll make sure to learn some useful skills before the next invasion. Are attacks by giant monsters a weekly event around here?

[Other FG squires]

How did the rest of you do in the fight?


I know I just arrived and my wounds aren't healed yet, but when they are, can I train with you? I need to improve my endurance so I don't go down so easily next time.