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Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Bailey / Harley Quinn
What: Memories Plot [Reactions posted]
Where:  Nikolai's villa at The Wynn
Things to avoid: Nothing!

She liked lazy days, loved them even.  It wasn't often that she could sleep in after staying up most of the night.  She'd been fairly boring lately, working, going through the door when she promised, and slinking back into Nikolai's arms afterward.  All in all, her life really wasn't all that bad.  Going through the door sucked but it was something she was adjusting to.  Harley was scowling in the back of Bailey's mind, wanting nothing more than for the blonde to get out of bed so that she could have control again.  "Five more minutes," she mumbled, snuggling in against the covers. 


Who: Shailee / Natasha
What: Memories Plot
Where: Shailee's Desk
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Shailee was up and working, reams of paper sprawled across her desk. She had finally found a paper trail to follow in one of the few unrelated-to-Westerberg cases she was still assigned to, and was determined to trace the trail to the entity that had been eluding the CIA for the better part of the last four months.

She wasn't sure what brought on the heaache. It could be the fact that she'd been averaging around 3 hours of sleep for the past week. Or that she was already on her fourth cup of coffee and most of the city hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. Shailee tried to work through whatever it was right until the point where her vision started to swim, making the columns of names and numbers do a little cha-cha in front of her eyes. Dropping her head into her hands, Shailee rubbed at her eyes with the base of her palms, intent on forcing the migraine away out of sheer will.


Who: Nell / Arya Stark
What: Memories Plot
Where: Nell's bed
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Nell's head was pounding. She had worked herself a little too hard at the gym last night, desperate to regain whatever muscle definition the last few idle months had cost her. She would need every ounce of strength she could muster if she was going to keep going out as Archer at night, and help put away the laundry list of people Adam hinted at having for her. Of course, the desire to help people had been well and good when it came to getting her to the gym, but the knock to the head that had come due to a sloppy grip now had her laid out in bed, wondering if she were concussed.

She was idly wondering whether to call MK and face the Sebastian-related-music when the dizziness blindsided her. The phone call would have to wait.


Who: Gideon Ayers / Mr. Freeze
What: Memories Plot
Where: Gideon's suite at the Venetian.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

The words on the screen started to run together. This wasn't uncommon, but a stretch and a drink didn't fix it, which was. He had work to do, and meetings to arrange, and investors to assuage - and enemies to manipulate. Oddly enough, there was no pain to go with the haze, which ruled out a headache, so he figured he just needed to take a break. Six straight hours of work, and he was probably due for one.

Gideon never made it to the kitchen. His bodyguard caught him as he staggered, nearly falling, a moment's weakness that almost made him lash out in embarrassment. Everything was wavering - poison? Disease? For one horrific moment he wondered if he was having a heart attack, a stroke, something debilitating.

He sank into a chair and pressed his hand to his forehead and willed the unease away. Ice. He needed - a cold drink. That would do the trick.


Who: Tess / Snow White
What: Memories Plot
Where: Her apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Tess groaned as sunlight streamed through her windows and rolled away from it. The novelty of waking up and having nothing to do hadn't worn off yet. Sure it was boring in the daytime with nothing to occupy her hours. But in the morning, when sleep still weighed heavily and the bed seemed impossibly soft, getting up was the last thing she wanted to do.

She called out a half heartedly for Sam but heard nothing back. Must be at work. Good. Even less of a reason to do something. Her stomach rumbled at that thought but she paid it no heed. There would always be time for that later. Instead she pulled one of her pillows down to hug and tugged the blanket up over her head, determined to enjoy more of her lazy day.


Who: Kellan Ziegmann / Dean Winchester
What: Memories Plot
Where: Kellan's motel room.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Shirt off and eyes fixed on the faucet, Kellan washed the ash and the stink of gasoline off his hands. He was tired, worn out, and knew that if he tried to get some sleep he'd just lie in the bed and try to figure everything out. It had been an absolute shit couple of weeks, ever since one of Maren's siblings had told him she was gone. Why hadn't she told him herself? What the hell had happened, he wondered, that would make her bolt like he used to? Nothing left behind except a note that gave away their relationship, but nothing else about him.

As he turned off the water, everything started to tilt. He rubbed his face and tried to resettle himself. Another drag on the half-smoked cigarette and things were still going wrong, still leaving him feeling like he was on the edge of withdrawal - so he sat down on the edge of the bathtub and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. What a fucking day.


Who: Aiden Shepard / Nadir Khan
What: Memories Plot
Where: Aiden's apartment above the store.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Headaches, nausea, and the like were hardly unfamiliar sensations for Aiden, a man plagued by stress and insomnia on a constant basis. He took a few painkillers and didn't bother going upstairs until things started to swim, at which point he realized the lack of pain wasn't helping things any. He shuddered when he stood up and almost collapsed again; a quick flip of the sign on the door against the hours and a snap of the lock later, and he was staggering up the stairs, hoping he wouldn't slip and bash his skull open on the damn things.

Once upstairs, he collapsed on his bed and pulled the pillow over his head. This wasn't pleasant. It was so far from pleasant it could see the curvature of the universe and was calculating the speed at which it could launch itself into a parallel dimension. And for once, Nadir said nothing, apparently equally blindsided by the sensations. Usually there was some commentary about hangovers and stress limits. Now, nothing. Nothing except the question of whether or not he was going to throw up in the next few minutes or so.


Who: Kitane Zmaj / Daenerys Targaryen
What: Memories Plot
Where: Theo's penthouse, Turnberry
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Sunday was a no dancing day. In truth, that only meant that instead of going to dance barefoot with Ainslie, Kitane put her iPod on the docking station hooked up to the stereo and danced around Theo's penthouse instead. She made sure to keep the volume low so she wouldn't disturb the neighbors, as he'd taught her to do, and she paused to scratch Viserion on the head before starting her practice.

An hour later she finally paused to get something to drink. She was in the kitchen when the first wave of dizziness hit and by the time she got back to the main room and the couch, it had developed into a full blown, pounding headache.


Who: Wren / Selina Kyle
What: Memories Plot
Where: The penthouse
Things to avoid: No holds barred

Sleep was a thing that required layers of pills these days. A little blue pill for anxiety, to deal with the fear that even thinking about sleep brought with it. A little white pill before her head hit the pillow, to knock her out to the point where she couldn't think about anything at all. And even, still, she always awoke to sheets pulled free from the corners of the bed, to pillows on the floor, and to the moon still high in the sky. That morning had been no different, and she had only started dozing again when the sun rose, a fitfully light sleep that made her wish she was somewhere else. Usually, she slept until noon that way, especially these days when she had no appointments, and her only regular outing revolved around hiding in Luke's apartment while he worked. But that was still hours away, and she didn't understand what had roused her at all. She listened for noises, for MK and Adam, for Brielle's arrival, for anything ominous, but there was nothing, and she stood and wandered over to the bar to pour herself a drink. But her step faltered halfway across the room, and she caught herself in time to sit heavily on the bed, thinking what now?


Who: Trystan Chenille // The Caterpillar
What: Memories Plot
Where: Cheap motel sheets
Things to avoid: Nothing~

There was a heavy heat lying next to him in sheets that were bleached and starched to a papercrisp discomfort. In the light of streetlamps lining the off-road that had led the guilty pair to their destination, Trystan had lit a cigarette after offering one in vain -- the embers illuminating his ghastly face to an orange the colour of sin.

It felt, at first, like too much tobacco did -- back in the old days when he inhaled too fast and didn't know any better. But that was impossible, and after a cigarette more and vertigo's refusal to subside, he rolled over, pressing skeletal fingers into the man's fleshy, gluttonous side.

A hitch in his voice allowed it more severity than usual.

"Get out."

It was met with confusion, a superseding argument, and money (twenty too little) thrown onto that dirty bed. His head crashed to the pillow just as soon as the door slammed shut, and in the spinning and displacement of this sudden onset of dysphoria he breathed

only breathed.


Who: Micah Callaghan / Hayden McClaine
What: Memories Plot
Where: The jazz club he plays at
Things to avoid: Nothing.

It was one of the rare moments of peace that Micah still experienced there at the club. Here, nothing could touch him, nothing could hurt him. It was just him and his music, the sounds of the piano filling the air as he leaned in to the ivories, playing for an audience of just himself. He didn't need applause to validate him in these moments, wouldn't want an audience to spoil the magic. Instead, he simply played, attempted to forget, and tried to heal, if only for a few moments.

At first, he ignored the headache that spiked behind his eyes, pain something he was used to ignoring, but when the nausea hit and his vision blurred, fingers finally fumbled and he drew his hands away from the piano keys. The sound of heaving breathing filled the air where the piano had once occupied, and he had to brace his hands against the top of the piano as he leaned forward, willing this to pass.


Who: Basilio Agnoli / Dom Cobb
What: Memories Plot
Where: Basilio's house
Things to avoid: Nothing! Give it to me bbs!

One of the good things about the life he lived was his ability to sleep in late. There were very few perks to his job, but the fact that most of it happened under the cover of night was a pretty big one and it meant that he could sleep in as late as he wanted, even on a Sunday morning. It might not have been the same back in New York, when he was frequently asked to drive around one wife or another to Sunday Mass. Sometimes they went in groups and honestly, he was happy to take them. Even now, he knew it for the sign of trust that it was, that the bosses would allow him to protect their wives, sometimes their daughters as well.

But that had been there and now he was here. Stretching in his bed, he waited another couple of moments, enjoying the fact that he didn't have to get up before his bladder reminded him that he needed to get up. Clearing his throat, he got up slowly, rolling the sleep out of his shoulders before standing. The carpet under his feet was soft and slightly warm, unlike the tile in his bathroom. It woke him up a bit more as he relieved himself and washed his hands. He was just returning to his bedroom when the first wave of dizziness hit. Reaching out to his bed, he waited for it to pass -- and when he didn't, he bounced heavily on the mattress as he sat down.


Who: Meredith Janssen / Sam Winchester
What: Memories Plot
Where: Ian's apartment
Things to avoid: Zip. Nada. Nothing.

The last day had been spent buried in bed, sleeping the hours away though even that provided little relief from the events that had transpired. She dreamed about it, heard his voice, felt his fingers grab hold of her hair, she woke up drenched in sweat, staring at a ceiling that was still unfamiliar. "Get hold of yourself," she told herself time and time again. Making her way to the kitchen with the intention of a glass of water and a slice of toast, Meredith grabbed for her cell phone laying on the counter, calling up Loren's number to at least check on him, when the vertigo hit. The phone tumbled from her fingers back to the counter, and it was all she could do to slide to the floor instead of falling, knees drawn to her chest as he tried to calm a racing heart, to let the dizziness to pass.


Who: Billy / Peter Parker
What: Memories Plot
Where: Turnberry Towers
Things to avoid: Rape, physical paralysis, torture. *wraps Billy in fuzz.*

Bob Dylan's plaintive voice occupied the entire apartment, echoing slightly because of the lack of furniture and occupants. For now the buzz of saws and conversation was absent, since the people hired to make the apartment's floor Billy-friendly took Sunday off. So far they'd managed to rip out all the carpet, but only the kitchen had its tile in. They still needed to replace some stairs with ramps and put in the hardwood floors in the living room, so the place smelled like carpet glue and dust. Billy still liked it. It was his, private, and he liked being present for the construction. His parents had wanted to fit it out to their specifications before he moved in, but Billy knew it would be years before it was done to their standards and even longer before they talked themselves around to letting him actually live there on his own. He was willing to accept some of the difficulties that came with his independence--his mom dropping by a lot, his dad texting, the nurse that came by twice a day, not to mention the money for construction. He counted himself lucky that he had the bank to take care of himself in this state; it wasn't cheap for the surgeries, the drugs, the care, the equipment. The dizzy spell was just part of the package, and he wasn't surprised. He just made sure he was sitting, closed his eyes, and waited for it to pass.


Who: Ainslie / Gwen Stacy
What: Memories Plot
Where: The dance studio
Things to avoid: Anything. The orishas will protect her.

Ainslie liked to arrive at the studio early on the weekends. There were no classes then, and it was completamente quiet. The wood floors gleamed, and the mirrors reflected the red patchwork of her skirt as a dash of color that moved too quickly to be focused on as the merengue played through the sound system. Her velas were lit, wax of red and yellow dripping on the altar in the backroom, and the enclosed space smelled of myrrh and honey and limon and home. She did not know what she had expected to find in this desierto, but she already knew that it was not what was truly here. But she had fe, faith, in el destino. This is where she was meant to be, even if this was not the easiest path. Still, it did not mean that she did not yearn for the green of el monte, and the bustle of the village she knew to be her true home. It did not matter how long she stayed away, and it did not matter that she had not been born there, that place was in her blood and in her huesos. She twirled faster, letting the music carry her, and when the room began to spin she believed it to be only the dance, nada mas.


Who: Luke + Bruce
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment.
Things to avoid: Bring it on. Let's see who can break the Bat first.

Though it was early morning, Luke had already been awake for hours. Even on good days he didn't get much sleep, and lately the days hadn't been so good, which meant his sleep schedule suffered. When he wasn't at work, he was with Gus, and every other spare moment had been claimed by Bruce. While he would never admit it, he was beginning to worry about the other man. He didn't know what he was thinking anymore, never mind feeling, and Bruce had been quieter than usual as of late. On top of everything else, the situation with Brielle and his constant concern for Wren, it was something he could have done without. With the prospect of sleep now all but diminished, Luke rolled out of bed with a sigh, careful not to disturb the slumbering little boy curled up against Finch on the other side. He padded into the bathroom and, fortunately, had just closed the door when the dizziness hit. The suddenness of it caused him to sway, one hand reaching out for the wall, where he braced himself and waited for the feeling to pass.


Who: Benjamin Sorenson / Thor
What: Memories Plot
Where: Lizzy's penthouse
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Normally an early riser, today was no exception for Ben. It used to be that he had breakfast with Lizzy in the mornings -- fruit, juice, toast, sometimes eggs and sometimes waffles, it all depended -- but now he only had breakfast alone. She was off somewhere and he knew that he should text her, but it could wait until later. He should check on Justine too, see how she was adjusting to life in Vegas, but that too could wait for a decent hour of the morning.

Washing off his dishes, he considered going for a run. There was no use in staying cooped up in the penthouse and Thor could wait a little while before returning to his door to find Loki. It seemed like a good plan until he got the first, sharp burst of pain right between his eyes. For a moment, his vision whited out entirely and that roused the other man in his head. Ben was not prone to headaches and as soon as the first wave passed, a second was there, sharp and brilliant, and he made his way unsteadily to one of the softer chairs in the living room.


Who: Ethan / The huntsman
What: Memories Plot
Where: Ethan's bed
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Ethan was still in bed when the rush came on, different from any of the more pleasurable rushes in his life. Different from drugs or the warmth of strange hands. He was exhausted from the late night drunken phone antics of his sister, and while buried beneath pillows in his massive bed, all Ethan wanted to do was climb deeper when the dizziness began. The pounding of a headache that blurred into a fuzzy ache like he was stuck in one of those spinners that turned sugar into cotton candy. Opening his eyes seemed like a bad idea, but he did so anyway. Black began to eat away the corners of his vision and despite the sturdy mattress just beneath his chest and stomach, it felt like falling. Like slipping down past the cotton of sheets and the blur of springs.


Who: Cory / Arthur
What: Memories Plot
Where: Inception Door, Paris.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Arthur sat back into the sofa of his Parisian apartment and watched the pinot noir slosh up against the smooth edges of the glass he held in his right hand. There was a substantial film left behind by the red waves in the bowl which meant it was a little sweeter than Arthur expected; nice instead of disappointing. Arthur had a little bit of a sweet tooth that he didn't advertise. His journal was pushed away across the coffee table, a new one in a different shape placed just so to hide the new parquet floor that he had replaced when Eames had bled all over the last one. In his left hand he held his die, a red six-sided die that always landed in just the right way. When he tossed it, the die told him he was awake, but he didn't always have the die on his person, so he couldn't be sure of its authenticity.

When he was in the back of Cory's mind, Arthur didn't have hands, much less the die. He was much stronger than Cory, to the point where he could take over whenever he chose, but there was very little point. They were the same age but Cory was years behind Arthur in almost every respect. The kid's depression was so deep that Arthur didn't even like being awake when he was with him, preferring to withdraw as far as possible into the depths of nothing. All Cory thought about was how useless he was, how he failed everyone, how he missed Becky and how easy it might be to see her again--or maybe not see anyone again, either way. Arthur couldn't understand Cory's lack of impetus to actually fix any of these feelings, and the constant black despair wore on him in a very short time.

Arthur took a drink, and was surprised at the sudden dizziness that hit him without warning. The room spun, and he quickly leaned forward to set the glass down. What was in that...? Had someone drugged him? He thought he should make sure the door was locked, but once he got to it, it was all he could do to fall through to the other side, and Cory was the one trying to get up, and failing.


Who: Sam / Christine Daae
What: Memories Plot
Where: Construction site
Things to avoid: Seriously? It's Sam. Everything's good.

She'd been back to work for two days, on a site that was far away from the strip, helping to build an add-on to a retirement home. Yeah, whatever, old men weren't scary, and the place employed mostly women, and it was a paying gig, so yeah. She still had no idea where home was these days, but it was starting to matter less and less as time passed. Other things mattered more, like the completely fucked up lives of her siblings. But, bright side, things through the Door had been a complete snooze job, which was a nice contrast to the fact that every single male she seemed to meet lately had a kink for roughing up chicks. Yeah, so, yeah. And she wasn't even going to think about her possible meet-up with Kitchen Guy. She was sitting on an I-Beam when the first hint of something wrong washed over her, and it was only quick thinking that got her back against the support before the shit started in earnest. She fucking loved Las Vegas.

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