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Mar. 20th, 2012


Who: Louis and Evan (guest-starring problematic alters)
What: Breakfast at Evan's
Where: Evan's apartment
When: The day after this, and after Loki caused trouble through the door.
Warnings/Rating: Maybe some swearing.

'Don’t try to figure me out. I’m not a rake that’ll make a great husband some day, and I’m not someone you want to save. You wouldn’t like the version of me that you’d get if you managed it.' )
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Mar. 6th, 2012


Who: Louis and Evan and Evan's imaginary Cory girlfriend
What: Random meeting at the bar, illegal substances, and making out. Can't go wrong.
Where: The Griffin bar
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: R for drugs and other questionable nonsense.

He thought, not for the first time, that if someone else died she might not be so lonely. )
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Who: Eames & Arthur
What: An attempted extraction that makes Arthur very cranky.
Where: Inside the Inception Door; Eames' Level 4 Snow Facility, and also in a Parisian Warehouse
When: Say recently?
Warnings/Rating: Confusing world mechanics. PG13.

Arthur was always a bloody menace when he fixed on science like the world was a calculator with buttons he could press like the PASIV. )

Feb. 19th, 2012


Who: Blake and Evan
What: A random encounter of two sluts at a club.
Where: Tao Beach
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Language?

If I was in the market, the brunet would be my choice. He’s lucky the only thing I’m in the market for is another drink. )

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