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Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Silver / Tony
What: Memories Plot
Where: His garage
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Silver pressed his back into the new creeper he got for the garage, staring up at the underside of the truck he was working on and working his elbow into the effort of pulling the skid plate down and away. The classical station was playing something he didn't realize very soft far in the background of the cool shop, barely audible over the hum of the air conditioner. Tony preferred to work in noise, but Silver liked to work in a sea of cool calm chords, it helped when he was trying to concentrate. He didn't require a great deal of thought to work on the truck, which had been badly retrofitted for off-roading and required some serious but not overcomplicated work to get it to where Silver wanted it. He'd taken on the project to keep himself busy when he wasn't working jobs and when he wasn't beyond the door. Tony was asleep or quiet, and Silver was enjoying the time to himself: the crank of the screws, the smell of the oil, the feel of the cool air under his skin as he stretched and rolled to reach what he needed.


Who: Will / Hansel
What: Memories Plot
Where: His and Evie's apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing sexually violent please. Violence is okay, though, as well as good sexy memories if you must.

Never a morning person, Will stayed in bed when Evie got up. He liked when they stayed in bed together, but he knew that she wasn't going to go very far, and that he could call for her to come back to bed at any time. He drifted in and out of sleep for a short while, but began to notice a headache forming behind his closed eyes. The apartment was big, but he could hear Evie moving through the other rooms, and was tempted to ask her to bring him something that would head off the pain of the headache.

Before he could, he heard a crash, the sound of a dish and silverware against a table. Instantly awake because he knew the sort of chaos Evie could create in the kitchen, he pushed the covers back and rose to his feet, about to call out to ask if everything was alright. The floor seemed to list to the side as he stood though, and his knees gave out before he could take more than a single step. "Ev-" His voice gave out with his knees, and buried fingertips in the soft pile of their bedroom rug.


Who: Tiffani / Jane Foster
What: Memories Plot [Reactions are done!]
Where:  Her apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Sundays had started to become a day just for her.  She turned her phone off, locked her door, and ignored the rest of the world for a little while.  Jane had her work, she knew that, but it could wait.  The apartment was straightened out, bed made, and breakfast cooked and eaten.  Sundays were just for her but lately, all she wanted to do was call Archie and have him come over.  The headache brewing made her give that one a second thought.  Maybe later, she thought as she sat down on the comfortable chair in front of her tv.  She turned it on, something stupid just to have in in the background as a wave of dizziness hit her.  Well, there went her quiet, peaceful afternoon.


Who: Neil / The Phantom
What: Memories Plot.
Where: His swanky suite.
Things to avoid: Lol seriously. It's me. No holds barred.

Like any sane person at this hour of the day, Neil was asleep. He had no reason to be up early, and so he often slept in, his mornings lazy and languid, before he dragged himself out of bed and searched for the motivation to do something with the rest of his day. There were still a good few hours before he felt he needed to get up, and Erik had long since ceased to complain about his laziness. His level of sleep meant that the headache began as a dull ache, one easily ignored, until it built, a heavy tempo, and he dragged his eyes open with a groan. Aspirin, he thought hazily, pushing himself up into a sitting position, and then a wave of dizziness struck, nearly knocking him back against the pillows. Fuck. He couldn't be hungover, since he hadn't been drinking the night before, unless he'd been drinking so much that he forgot about it entirely. That didn't sound right, though, and he brought a hand to his forehead as he struggled to keep upright, but he lost the battle a moment later, burying his face into the mass of pillows with a string of muffled curses.


Who: Leon / Rose Red
What: Memories Plot
Where: Office at UNLV
Things to avoid: The sky's the bloody limit

Grading papers wasn't the best use of a weekend, but Leon liked it even still. His students, Freshman for the most part, weren't the most literate creatures to ever attend university, and Leon spent rather a long time laughing over their mistakes as he marked the sheets in front of him. He wondered about education in this country, and he wondered if he was adding to the bloody mess by lecturing about aliens and James Dean. In the end, he decided, as he always did, that being quirky made this place the lovely mess that it was, and he much preferred it to the stuffiness of home. Now what he didn't prefer at all was the blinding headache that was forming behind his eyes, nor the dizzy spell that accompanied it.


Who: Wayne / Jeremy Gilbert
What: Memories Plot [Reaction Posted]
Where: His suite @ The Aria
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Coming to Las Vegas was quickly becoming the most necessary thing in the world.  Andrew was clearly not ready to take over for him and there were literally no other options.  He was too old to wait out raising another heir and he needed an heir.  He wasn't going to live forever and there wasn't anyone else to take over.  Sure, his second was running things in New York while he was gone, but he wasn't a Mumford.  Wayne needed a Mumford to hand things over to.  That was how he wanted this run.  His son hadn't been cut out for it and now Andrew? No.  Wayne would kill whoever he needed to if it meant straightening out Andrew.  Maybe Bianca would be a good choice if things got much worse. 


Who: Jonah Keller / Joker
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment on Freemont Street
Things to avoid: THIS IS THE JOKER, PEOPLE. Bring it all on.

Jonah knows that it is perfectly natural that his head should ache. After all, he has just spent the last quarter of an hour banging the back of his skull against the hardwood floor in his bedroom. The entire apartment still smells thick and red, like lying in the stomach of a carnivore, and he believes that the stench of blood will never be entirely cleaned up and aired out. But it bothers him that his head aches - hurts as if metal wires have been run through each nerve in his face, tugged tight until he cannot help grinning like a skull.

The pain helps, though. At the first whisper from the evil clown that lives in his head, Jonah smashes his head backwards almost on reflex and is delighted to find that it apparently surprises him into silence. It's perfectly logical, really. He doesn't like competing with the pain, or maybe he just enjoys watching Jonah hurt himself, and so he is quiet. Quiet is a valuable thing in Jonah’s world, and it might even save some lives.

Jonah can feel his heart pounding and it's in his wrists and behind his ribs, under his belt and deep in his thighs. He is packed thick with hearts and they are all beating a different rhythm and he is terrified they are forcing their way out to his skin. Maybe he will explode in a shower of blood. Maybe the entire room will be stained red, despite the smell of bleach and disinfectant that still burns his nose. He is so caught up in his own thoughts that he does not notice the extra dizziness – at least, not at first. That changes quickly.


Who: Chase Riley
What: Memories Plot
Where: The gym at the MGM Grand
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Chase supposed the one good thing about working at the MGM was the use of the facilities they let him have as a perk. His apartment was modest, and certainly not so special as to have a gym. But the MGM was where he spent most of his time these days and the very fact that they offered to let him use the fitness facility was helpful. It was about the only time he stopped listening and looking at what was going on around him. Earbuds in his ears, eyes straight forward, his feet a steady rhythm on the treadmill running quickly beneath them, he knew this was a vulnerability for him. But he could never seem to break his way out of the trance it put him in. He liked to think if he needed to spring into action, he would know. He hadn't been tested yet, but he didn't mind carrying that extra bit of self confidence around with him.

He usually pushed himself hard while he worked out, he was no stranger to sweat, but the dizziness was something new. Like everything else he attempted to push his way through it, it was getting worse and before he could hit the STOP button he was on the ground. The last thought he remembered having was "shit I hope this doesn't end up on youtube."


Who: Justine / Pepper Potts
What: Memories Plot [Reactions are done.]
Where:  Passages
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Justine didn't like going to Passages.  It was boring, disappearing for hours on end and most of what Pepper did was what she imagined her dad did.  There was a lot of paperwork, a lot of phone calls, and a lot of meetings and it was just...boring.  She didn't like boring.  Still, she'd promised Pepper that she could have the weekends so long as there wasn't anything else fun to do and it seemed like nothing fun was going to happen.  So, a trip to Passages was in order.  She took a taxi, which the valet at the MGM happily helped her into, and they were nearly there when the dizziness started.  It wasn't too bad to start with, so she just ignored it and offered the driver a smile when he told her what the fare was.  The proper bills were fished out - all American now - and she stepped out of the taxi to another wave of dizziness had her holding onto the door.

"You alright, girlie?" the cabbie asked, concerned for the teenager. 

"Brilliant, thanks," she muttered, stepping away from the bright yellow car and toward Passages.  She made it up to the Marvel door before she had to sit down.  "What the bloody hell is this?" Justine was not a happy camper.


Who: James / Ruby
What: Memories Plot
Where: James's sitting room
Things to avoid: Nothing!

James blinked hard at the charts he was looking at. Even though it was too early to be seeing things, he was certain that he had seen - if only for a split-second - the screen on his tablet flicker colors. He must be imagining it, he decided, for the device seemed to be functioning normally. Reaching for the cup of tea his housekeeper had left for him on the side-table, James took a long sip of the hot liquid on the off chance that it was the lack of his morning caffeine that was affecting his vision. He closed his eyes as he reveled in the perfect taste of the lady grey, and completely unprepared for the wave of dizziness when it suddenly overcame him.

Gone was the smell of the new furniture, the hot tea, and the buttered scone that lay beside it. In its place was something raw and metallic, a smell he associated with an operating theater on the verge of frenzy, a smell he had not truly encountered since the surgery he had performed on Anton. James took a deep breath, placed the cup back on its saucer, calmly flipped the switch on his tablet, and waited for the feeling to pass.


Who: Anton Sparke/Bruce Banner
What: Memories Plot
Where: His office
Things to avoid: Nothing!

He had no idea how he'd managed to get up that morning and get to his office. There had been drinking and cheeseburgers, that much was still clear while he'd brushed his teeth. He wasn't in typical Anton Sparke gear, settling instead on jeans and a plain black tee shirt. He was downing a handful of advil when he started to feel a bit dizzy. He was sure it wasn't from the drink, that he was used to. His hand immediately went to his chest, he couldn't tell if it was nerves that was making his heart pound, but the more it pounded the more he worried. Shit. This was actually it. He was definitely about to die. God dammit that wasn't in the plan.


Who: Evangeline Sablier/Lois Lane
What: Memories Plot
Where: Her kitchen because homegirl likes cereal.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

It was a standard enough weekend morning, full of Cocoa Puffs and Peanut butter toast. Things that didn't require cooking. Will, who was still not a morning person, was not up yet. But she was quite satisfied wandering around in his tee shirt and her slippers. She took her bowl of cereal out to the terrace, but one step outside had her changing her mind immediately. Too hot. So she moved to the living room where she flopped on the couch and started flipping through the channels before settling on the Food Network.

She was about to start eating her breakfast when she started to feel a little dizzy, which wasn't normal for her at all. But things started to get darker, almost like a tunnel. She dropped her cereal bowl with a clank on the table and put her hands over her face trying to make the dizziness and the spins stop. She was about to holler out for Will, knowing that would wake him up and he'd be able to help her out, but she didn't get the chance.


Who: Seven Morgan / Alcide Herveaux
What: Memories Plot
Where: The back seat of a nondescript black SUV.
Things to avoid: Bring it all on.

There was a certain beauty and elegance to counting out his money. Whether it was a thick wad of crisp, new bills, or a pile of crumpled notes hastily pulled from pockets and shoved at him with trembling hands, Seven though it was always beautiful. This time it was a rolled-up stack, secured with a dirty elastic band that stained his fingers brown as he unrolled and began to count, taking his sweet and careful time despite the desperate impatience of the junkie sitting across from him on the back seat. Seven ignored the woman – more of a girl, really – and didn’t wonder where or how she’d gotten her grubby paws on this sort of money. It was serious-fucking-business money, the sort of money that would keep her habit satisfied for nearly a month. A lesser user might have turned this much heroin into a three-month supply, but judging from the scabbed-over holes that danced up and down her arms, Seven doubted very much that this girl had that much restraint or even the sense to ration the dope. It was entirely possible that, in her excitement, she would hit too much, too hard, too fast, too deep, and be nothing but a corpse by morning.

Seven didn’t care, of course. Not as long as his money was all here, and everything seemed to be accounted for. He took a few minutes to count it out again, and only when he was satisfied did he reach into a hidden pocket in his jacket and pull out a sack that he tossed into the girl’s lap. Then he reached across her, careful not to touch her and risk getting any of her grime on his suit, and rapped hard on the window on her side of the car. A few seconds later, a big brute in dark glasses opened the door and stepped aside to let the girl out, exchanging a nod with Seven before removing an enormous hand from the gun that was holstered at his hip.

After the girl had tumbled out of the car with her precious supply clutched to her chest and the door had slammed shut behind her, Seven reached for the handle of the door on his side so that he could summon his driver back to the vehicle and start to make the trip back to headquarters. Before his fingers could close around the latch, the interior of the car began to swim and blur and blend together before his eyes, whirling into dizziness and confusion and chaos that consumed everything. Everything but the memories.


Who: MK Robinson / Mary Jane Watson
What: Memories Plot
Where: Turnberry Towers, Wren's apartment.
Things to avoid: Nada!

MK felt trapped, shackled to the Turnberry penthouse against her will. Her injuries were healing slowly, very slowly, and she knew it would be ages before she felt like herself again. If that was even possible. But that was a long way away either way, as the boots on both ankles constantly reminded her, and while she could hobble around the apartment if she wanted, incredible pain accompanied those attempts. So, she stayed in the bed, and she popped more of the Vicodin and Percocet the doctors prescribed her because it was the only thing she had to numb the pain. The only thing to take care of the panic and nightmares when all she wanted was a drink or five. The only thing to stop her from dwelling on what Alexander inflicted on her or the feart of Adam leaving her for Ainslie. She felt numb, but only for a moment, until the overwhelming wave of dizziness slammed into her. The dizziness continued, intensified in the worst way, and as she curled into a ball to stave the nausea, she wondered if she finally overdid it. Darkness creeped in, and MK didn't panic, just sighed and let it come.


Who: Iris / Alfred Pennyworth
What: Memories Plot
Where: Passages
Things to avoid: Are you kidding, this is Iris. When have I avoided anything with her? (Translation: Nothing.)

Was she stable? By a medical definition, she doubted that she ever was. But her moods had calmed and everything had retreated once again into its cotton swaddling. It was enough that she could at least function, and function meant that she needed to let Alfred back through the door. No matter what Luke had said, she knew in her heart that Bruce needed Alfred, and it was what she could do to deliver.

The dizziness and slight roll of her stomach was ignored, blamed on the once-again rising levels of medication in her system. It would take a while for everything to settle again, and she sighed at a slight wave of nausea. The abrupt turning of the cab she'd called to take her to the hotel did nothing to help, but she ignored it as they pulled up to the front of Passages. Climbing out of the car, the ground seemed to shift again with her vertigo, and she clenched fingers tight around the car's door frame. A moment passed, the driver peering back and asking if she was alright, but she simply waved his questions away and headed for the front door of the building. Her steps wove and she finally began to worry, because that wasn't quite normal, not even as a pharmaceutical side-effect. She hurried, wanting to be inside, and made it as far as a dusty chair in the lobby before she needed to sit down, her legs giving out beneath her.


Who: Zee / Meg Giry
What: Memories Plot
Where: At work (tattoo shop)
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Zee hadn't been feeling well ever since he'd woken up, moving quietly around his apartment to try to avoid bothering Hunter. And wasn't that a surprise and a half. The studio apartment was small, and two men and a small dog filled it up quickly. But it was comfortable in its own way. Zee's things had mixed with Hunter's once upon a time, and it seemed like they still remembered how. He'd left a note on the fridge, letting Hunter know to grab anything to eat that he could find, and that they'd figure out the rest when he got home from work.

Work itself was proving to be a challenge with the way he continued to feel worse and worse. The last thing he wanted to do was mess up someone's ink because he ws too stubborn to admit that he was sick, so he'd finished one appointment and called his others to cancel. It was something he hated to do, but better that than screwing something up. That taken care of, he was about to leave the studio's back room and head back to the apartment when the first memory hit.


Who: Bianca / Ariadne
What: Memories Plot [Reactions Posted]
Where:  Curled up in bed @ Turnberry
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Just getting out of bed was hard most days but today was just never going to happen.  Not with the pounding headache and the dizziness that made her just want to close her eyes and shut out the rest of the world.  Ariadne was in the back of her mind, gently nudging her in the hopes that it would get her out of bed, but Bianca wouldn't have it.  She squeezed her eyes tight and pushed the voice away, hoping against hope that she'd shut up for once and stop about talking to someone.  She didn't need to talk to anyone.  She couldn't.  There was too much at stake for her to go talk to someone.  Still, Ariadne pushed, but the dizziness drowned the voice out.  Bee welcomed it even though it hurt.


Who: Aubrey Rois / Robb Stark
What: Memories Plot
Where: His favourite watering hole
Things to avoid: Bring it all on.

Aubrey had spent last night alone again, only Greyson’s presence at the foot of the bed for comfort. A certain someone hadn’t been answering his texts all day, and so it was that he found himself wandering down the strip until he’d reached his usual haunt, a cozy little bar with plush booths and little nooks in the corner that he could disappear into for hours at a time, swaying to the music and nursing drink after drink until he was properly blasted into oblivion and would stagger home again. Something sad and slow was playing on the jukebox, some man’s voice singing about memories and set to a mournful tune. Aubrey pulled his leather jacket tighter around him as if warding off an imaginary chill, and wrapped both hands around his drink. He’d asked for something sweet, something to warm his bones and fill the aching hole in his chest.

This time, however, it didn’t seem so simple. By the time he had drained his glass, a wave of nausea swept over him like a tidal wave and it was all he could do to stumble out of his secluded corner and make it into the men’s room, where he locked the door behind him. Tripping over his own feet, he crashed into the sink and grabbed hold with both hands in an attempt to steady himself. He felt his heart pounding in his throat and he nearly choked; flashes of colour and sound and something more vivid than any dream crashed together inside his skull, behind his eyes, blinding him until foreign tastes and voices and cries poured out of his nose, his mouth, his ears. He lost his hold on the sink and collapsed to the floor in a heap, drowning, grasping at air and losing hold of reality as the first memory devoured him whole.


Who: Theo / Eddard Stark
What: Memories Plot [Reactions posted]
Where:  The Wynn, his desk
Things to avoid: Nothing!

He knew he'd promised Kitane their vacation but it was hard for him to leave The Wynn even on the best of days.  He hadn't taken a vacation in years, certainly not since he'd taken over as General Manager, but a vacation sounded great.  He'd made all the arrangements for a few days up at Lake Tahoe and promised Kitane he'd be home by noon so that they could get on the road.  Once glance at his clock said that wasn't going to happen as it was currently 11:45am and he wasn't even remotely ready to walk out the door.  "Molly, would you please let Kitane know that I'm going to be late?" he asked his receptionist through the intercom.  He felt bad, pushing the task off on her, but he needed to get his work done and arguing with her, or worse, hearing the disappointment in her tone, wasn't going to get him finished any faster.  He had a headache brewing and then dizziness but he didn't care.  He'd push through it and get to Turnberry hopefully at a descent hour so they could still go on vacation.


Who: Oliver Colden / Ravenna
What: Memories Plot
Where: Las Vegas Medical Examiner's Office
Things to avoid: Nothing! He's a forensic pathologist, he can take it.

Oliver was at work, sitting at his laptop, answering correspondence and eating breakfast. The door to his office was open, and outside, a cadaver lay on the table, ready for autopsy in fifteen minutes. For now, it could wait. He'd been in a bit of a down mood this week, and every scrap of respite he could get was a relief. Honestly, he'd be grateful to have nothing but work to focus on in a few minutes.

When the dizziness began, he thought for a moment the chair had slipped down from under him, and he set his bagel and coffee down on the desk. No, he was still perfectly stationary. Then it flared again, growing in strength, and he began to run through a list of potential causes. Aneurysm? No, he'd be dead already.

He didn't make it past the B's on the alphabetical list of what might be wrong. The memory hit, and then it was the only thing in his world.

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