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Aug. 9th, 2012


Who: Sam and James
What: Consolation and sleep and reunions
Where: James' place
When: The night Sam met Micah
Warnings/Rating: Language, but that's it

The girl had always been reckless, even when he had first met her. Yet there was something about the wild thing that spoke directly to James's otherwise absent protective instincts, and he had insisted on taking her in, begging her to take food, shelter, and whatever else she had needed or wanted. )

Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Sam and Neil
What: Almost-sex? And panicking.
Where: Cathouse
When: Just before the Memories Plot
Warnings/Rating: Drugs, language

Tonight he looked the part, like old money rather than new, but cash was cash all the same and he turned a few greedy heads as he made his entrance. )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Sam / Christine Daae
What: Memories Plot
Where: Construction site
Things to avoid: Seriously? It's Sam. Everything's good.

She'd been back to work for two days, on a site that was far away from the strip, helping to build an add-on to a retirement home. Yeah, whatever, old men weren't scary, and the place employed mostly women, and it was a paying gig, so yeah. She still had no idea where home was these days, but it was starting to matter less and less as time passed. Other things mattered more, like the completely fucked up lives of her siblings. But, bright side, things through the Door had been a complete snooze job, which was a nice contrast to the fact that every single male she seemed to meet lately had a kink for roughing up chicks. Yeah, so, yeah. And she wasn't even going to think about her possible meet-up with Kitchen Guy. She was sitting on an I-Beam when the first hint of something wrong washed over her, and it was only quick thinking that got her back against the support before the shit started in earnest. She fucking loved Las Vegas.

Jul. 16th, 2012


Who: Liam and Sam
What: A private reading of 50 Shades of Gray.
Where: The Ranch
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: Some language, bad literature.

Sam was in the kitchen of the crowded whorehouse. That time of night, the place was filled with men and women waiting on appointments, and it was impossible to mistake the sounds coming from behind closed doors as anything other than what they were. )


Who: Sam and Tess
What: Sister reuniontimes!
Where: Avenue 8
When: Recently. Duh.
Warnings/Rating: Language.

Tess slipped a joint into Sam's palm before sitting on the floor, knees up and back to the wall as she flipped through the journal her sister handed her. )

Jul. 9th, 2012


Who: Daniel and Sam
What: Noms. Sleeping. Snooping.
Where: Daniel's Apartment in Turnberry
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: Language. Otherwise safe.

You take food from possibly ugly chicks? )

Jun. 30th, 2012


Who: Liam and Sam
What: Lunch
Where: Blueberry Hill
When: Saturday Afternoon
Warnings/Rating: None!

It was over a hundred degrees of disgustingly dry Vegas heat, and she walked in wearing a wifebeater and denim shorts, flip flops and a messy pigtail finishing off the decidedly un-designer ensemble. )

Jun. 27th, 2012


Who: Jack and Sam
What: A chance meeting at a junkyard.
Where: A nearby junkyard
When: ~Recently

I don't sit, and I don't wait, and I don't read, and I don't watch. I live, and fuck everything else. )


Who: Erik and Christine
What: Erik shows up to check out Christine's new living arrangements and does not approve.
Where: Montmartre, Paris.
When: Errr recently.
Warnings/Rating: None.

It should not have surprised her to find him there before her, in the shadows and the darkness. He was full of such tricks, and she had always thought them magical. )

Jun. 21st, 2012


Who: Sam and Daniel
What: Part I: Chess - Really, seriously, chess. It isn't even a euphemism.
Where: Mandalay Bay
When: Immediately after leaving Simon's party
Warnings/Rating: Language

By now, he'd figured out that anything she did that would make his mother faint at the dinner table was a defensive gesture, something she did to try to shock him and make herself more comfortable. )

Jun. 10th, 2012


Who: Whoever wishes to attend (Open!)
What: Simon's Party
Where: Mandalay Bay
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: This is a party post. Place locations in subject lines and warn appropriately. Feel free to dibs!

The party was held on the roof of the Mandalay Bay. )

Jun. 4th, 2012


Who: Sam and Isaac
What: First time meetings
Where: Scrapyard
Warnings/Rating: Some talk of old trauma

She wanted to get back to being herself, and so much of that was her art )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Who: Neil and Sam
What: Post-hotel fuzz.
Where: Aria.
When: After the Vegas plot.
Warnings/Rating: Some mentions of injuries.

She crawled back under the blankets, pulled them up over her head, and willed the entire fucking world away. )

May. 27th, 2012


Who: Sam
What: Narrative: Reveal & Going home
Where: Passages → Waterhouse Clinic → Aria
When: Las Vegas Plot
Threads: Affected; Fifth Floor Hall and Affected ; Kitchens

She was like a rag doll, one stitched back together with twine and cotton. )

May. 18th, 2012


Who: OPEN to Phantom peeps and their Las Vegas counterparts
What: Trying to stay alive?
Where: The Venetian
When: Las Vegas Plot
Warnings/Rating: Oh probably. It's the Phantom kids.

She didn't know what was supposed to happen at the hotel, but she was certain this wasn't it )

May. 17th, 2012


Who: Sam + OPEN Hawkeye, Black Widow
What: Dealing with ice, and with whatever else comes along
Where: The Strip
When: Las Vegas Plot
Warnings/Rating: Probably bad things & Language

She hauled herself off the couch as the Public Service Announcement warning began to blare on the television, and she groaned to herself a second later. )

May. 14th, 2012


Who: Christine → Sam
What: Short narrative
Where: Paris → The Ranch
When: Recent
Warnings/Rating: Language

She made her way to Montmartre, to where songbirds could earn a living in a way that was better than the docks. )

May. 11th, 2012


Who: Sam and Neil (kind of) → Christine and Erik (kind of)
What: Discussing the Raoul problem
Where: Aria
When: Nowish (AKA, while Loki is beating Raoul's ass)
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Neil had never realized that he could miss someone who, for all extensive purposes, was standing before him, but that hint of warm, teasing familiarity made him wish none of this had ever happened. )

May. 5th, 2012


Who: Raoul!Liam and Christine!Sam
What: A meeting and a-- well, you'll just have to read.
Where: A high end boutique in Vegas to a secret location
When: Today!
Warnings/Rating: None, really

'You’re in love with Christine, and I’m not Christine,' she added, with more strength. 'Or is it a game?' she asked. 'Between you and Erik, and it doesn’t matter who you’re fighting over?' )

May. 1st, 2012


Who: Sam (And the Phantom door)
What: Narrative: Freaking out → Welding
Where: Passages
When: Todayish
Warnings/Rating: Language. It's Sam.

The Phantom door was, effectively, gone - the only thing left behind was a smooth, sleek, thick slab of metal, one that blocked the door entirely. )

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