May 2014



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March 25th, 2014

[info]forthem in [info]doorslogs

WHO Dick and Pre Earth-3!Stephanie
WHEN Backdated. Recently for Dick. Not so recently for Steph
WHAT Big bro and little sis chat.
WHERE A divey dive bar.
WARNING not much! this is a bb steph log but i'm too lazy to log into her old account lol
Alright, we’ll give him report cards and progress reports. )

[info]forthem in [info]doorslogs

WHO Stephanie and Eddie (Pt 1 of 2).
WHAT birthday plans gone bust.
WHEN Stephanie's birthday, last Sunday.
WHERE around Gotham. a bar, then another bar.
WARNING mocking douchebags, politically incorrect tiki bars.
“Acrobat drinking...” Eddie raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know what that is, but I can guess.” )

[info]forthem in [info]doorslogs

WHO Stephanie and Eddie (Pt 2 of 2).
WHAT birthday plans gone bust.
WHEN Stephanie's birthday, last Sunday.
WHERE around Gotham. a bar, then another bar.
WARNING sads. seriously. so much fucking sads.
For all the pain she caused him, all the twisting of his heart and destruction of hope, she could go through a thousand lifetimes now and never feel good enough for him anymore. Never feel deserving of his love and adoration and commitment. )

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doorslogs

Who: Selina
What: Narrative: Waking up
Where: Banner's lab
When: Ahora
Warnings/Rating: Ninguno

But it was what it was, and there was nothing to do about it. )

[info]whipoftruth in [info]doorslogs

WHO: The Riddler and Lasso
WHERE: Secret location!
WHEN: Pre-Watchtower saving
WHAT: They get the yellow ring of power woot.
RATING: PG-13 for action.

You’re asking the guy who leads super heroes to his crimes with riddles if Lex putting his name on a building is weird? )