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October 29th, 2013

[info]doorsween in [info]doorslogs

Who: The Knight
What: Reveal
Warnings: None

The bravest of all )

[info]neeevans in [info]doorslogs

Who: Marina & Connor
What: A reunion of sorts with lots of business talk.
Where: At a small food joint downtown.
When: Significantly backdated to before the party.
Warnings: Nada.

It would have been so nice to meet her like this. Organically, stumbling across each other by chance, finding each other in the white hot desert heat again. But that wasn't how life worked. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel Webster & Lin Alesi
What: Daniel returns from hiding in his Door, Lin shows him yo-yo tricks, part I of II
Where: der Dom, natürlich
When: BACKDATED to a hella long time ago, pre-Halloween plot
Warnings/Rating: Swears, sobriety, unhealthy relationship models

Uncomfortable, Daniel put one palm flat under his sternum, a vague inexplicable gesture that he held in place until his heart gave a weak burble of life through stiff cotton and flesh. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel Webster & Lin Alesi
What: Daniel asks hard questions, Lin sits on him, part II of II
Where: noch der Dom
When: BACKDATED; after this
Warnings/Rating: Squirms, swears, impending snugs

It just so happened that Daniel had enough gravity to turn Lin away from his own quasi-masturbatory thoughts, from the self-referential infinity that tripped on and on, down the cerebellum and out like lightning, to maybe make the boy shut the fuck up for like, five seconds, even if only out of destructive, Nietzschean curiosity. )

[info]doorsween in [info]doorslogs

Who: See no evil
What: Reveal
Warnings: None

Her hand was shaking when she found nothing but what should have been there, smooth skin, unmarred and lacking in scars, and she stared at her fingers as she tried to calm her pounding heart. )

[info]doorsween in [info]doorslogs

Who: purr and hiss
What: Reveal
Warnings: Talk of (and to) a corpse?

Back to work we go )

[info]grandemauvais in [info]doorslogs

Who: Michael and Connor
What: A diner meetup during the dust storm.
Where: The diner where Michael works.
When: Backdated to the dust bowl event.
Warnings/Rating: None

He felt that the world was built that way, all of it, and it didn’t make him feel big, it made him feel like he was the wrong shape. Sometimes he wanted to cut other people to fit into it too, and sometimes he wanted to fit into it himself. It depended on the day. )