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April 25th, 2013

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel Webster & Lin Alesi
What: Lin is hungover, Daniel is sober, & there is a kitten. [Part I of III, apparently.]
Where: Daniel's Dom
When: ~~Recently
Warnings/Rating: This is very long. There are swears. Daniel is scary sober.

Heartless though he liked to appear, apparently not even Snow Miser Daniel Webster could withstand the cuteness of a wee needy kitty cat. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel Webster & Lin Alesi
What: Lin practices Morse code, Daniel drinks, QP is deaf. [Part II of III.]
Where: Daniel’s Dom's kitchen
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: Still long, still swears, a bit of kissing.

Daniel was left with the truly disturbing idea that Lin might be here to stay longer than twenty minutes at a time, and that was a scary thought. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel Webster & Lin Alesi
What: A subtle alter change, Lin sleeps, Daniel is haunted by his past, maybe there are some very drunken snuggles. [Part III of III.]
Where: Daniel’s Dom's crypt
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: Long, swears, light graphic imagery.

The blue eyes were nearly unrecognizable under the assault of blood red lines, dominated by large pupils under old light. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Alice & the Cat
What: A reunion
Where: Wonderland
When:After this.
Warnings/Rating: Creeptastic & nonsensical as balls.

She never felt quite so pale as she was in the asylum walls, never shone as radiant as she did when she was under Wonderland skies. )