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December 17th, 2012

[info]snowscar in [info]doorslogs

Who: Yukiko Kuroda and OPEN
Where: Her dojo 3930 West Sahara Ave.
When: Today, December 17, afternoon
Warnings: Karate? But nothing much else

It was time she took a day for herself.. )

[info]boredpursuit in [info]doorslogs

Who: Peter and Olive
Where: Passages
When: A week or so ago.
What: Old friends catching up
Warnings: None really!

You even make romantic spoons of us. I quite prefer being a rubbish spoon )

[info]like_son in [info]doorslogs

Who: Elise & Billy
What: A random run-in where Elise is meeting psych release and Billy is scheduled for physical therapy.
Where: Local hospital.
When: Backdated to when Elise was released, and also before Spidey got his ass kidnapped.
Warnings: Words cannot be taken back.

Billy was temporarily robbed of words. He watched her walk off, and he had no idea what the expression on his face was, but he felt like the air and thought had been swept right out of him in one cold gust of wintered air, and he was left trying to fill himself back up again. )

[info]parademons in [info]doorslogs

Who: Max and Silver
What: Arguments, guns and first aid kits
Where: A shooting range
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Does crankiness require a warning?

“That's part of working with me, Main. I don't negotiate. I don't ransom. I'd be sad if something happened to the people I care for, but I am not Luke Brandon.” )

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doorslogs

Who: Dick and Selina
Where: Dick's room at the Manor
When: Recently
What: Dick has a mad and Selina listens
Warnings: Awesomeness

Your little birds like the darkside, Dickie. )

[info]hospitaller in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gemma & Miles
What: Gemma tries to watch Kingdom of Heaven.
Where: Malcolm's apartment.
When: After Gemma & Justine talk, while Malcolm is out.
Warnings/Rating: Oblique references to televised violence.

Not a fun film for the whole family. )